
Thursday 13 February 2020

Another 'Inloveart' die card and link to Video sharing projects

My Inlovearts YouTube Video 

Click play button to watch (I will add link below too)

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a lovely bonus treat day yesterday as Paul's building was deemed unsafe and so he got to spend the day at home, it certainly made my day! 
Not such great news on the Car MOT front though, both card needing expensive repair work, annoyingly both cars had major issues more than likely caused by the disgraceful state of our roads, we have horrendous pot holes on the journey from here to both Lucy and Paul's work, both faults were with the suspension parts of the car, what makes it worse is that we pay Taxes for the upkeep of the condition of the roads!  Soap box away, ready for next time!

It's Groovi Club today, I am really looking forward to going, this month's project is gorgeous, my version won't be as gorgeous as Ronk's but I am looking forward to having a go!  The ladies in the group are so lovely, we have a really lovely day together. Plus I get to spend day with Pat and Sue too.

Today's card is another of the cards that I made to showcase the dies that I received from
I will be honest and say that the background was in fact in the bin on Sunday, I made it a week or so ago and just didn't like it, although both Pat and Sue thought it was fine, I was about to empty my card recycle box when I caught sight of it again and I thought 'Oh let's have another play'
So I trimmed it down, matted and layered it onto matching card and added a 'Buckle' like detail on the front using another set of the dies.
The base was made by sticking three strips of the Large Floral Border onto double sided adhesive sheet and I pulled the sticky sheet back a third at a time and added 3 shades of Blue super smooth glitter, rubbing in to cover all exposed stickiness.
I then arranged the 'Buckle' detail on the front and I added the 'Hello' that was also die cut from double sided adhesive and covered with glitter.
I'm not sure I 'love' it, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is lovely, I really like the colours. What’s shame both cards needed work on them-it’s so expensive.

    Hope you have fun at your Groovi class today with Pat & Sue.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Such a beautiful card this morning Sandra.

    Regarding the suspension I would suggest that once it has remedied that you send a photocopy of the bill to your local council along with photos of the potholes that have caused the suspension to be wrecked. Some councils pay for the repairs as it is cheaper than repairing potholes.
    It may well be a private road in which case you will have recourse against the owner.

    Going to funeral this lunchtime for a friend of the family who was unfortunately knocked over and killed by a HPC bus. So sad.

    The clouds are crying again here in Somerset. Let's hope they go again soon to give us some respite from being drenched. At least the water table will be full again ready for the summer.

    However yo are planning to spend your day, I hope it turns out lovely.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. I love the card SANDRA I will have to watch the video later
    I think you need to do as CHERYL suggests It’s worth a try
    Enjoy your Groovi class later
    I hope you had a great day with your SIL MARIA and that you’ve recovered from your lengthy trip home BRENDA
    WELL - melt pot? Both Kat and I were very disappointed The “treads” are very shallow and so the impression we got was negligible Stamps were not a lot better and flowers worked but very fiddly We did have fun though and Kat enjoyed making laminator backgrounds
    Some of my neighbours are coming for a cuppa later We resolved to meet up regularly at our friend’s/neighbour’s funeral last week
    Hugs to LYNDA and MARGARET and anyone that needs one xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all tn today.
    I think this is a gorgeous card ,so happy you dug it out of the bin and made it into a card. Have a good time at Groovi with Pat and Sue.Sorry about the car's, hope it want be too expensive.
    So let me tell you about my day yesterday. It started off really nice.We have so much fun when we are together. First we went for Brunch at Pret which was nice and then it was time to go to to see the show. We had just sat down when SIL husband realised he didn't have his Wallet on him. Panic ! He went straight back to Pret but no Wallet to be seen. It had been Stolen 😠 so while he was cancelling his bank cards and contacting the police we tried to enjoy the show, a fantastic show so well worth to see Pat. He came back to us for the second act but his and our day was spoiled by someone, not sure what to call them.... This person had also already used the card in 5 places. I'm not keen on this tap and go anytime and even less now. We had a nice Carvery after the show and then went home for coffee but nothing felt right so they went home to St Albans. He also lost his driving licence and to make everything more sour, he have to pay £20 to get a new one. I was fuming all night and couldn't sleep so not a good day today and no card making have been done. Sorry everyone I will now put the soap box away and have a mug of weak tea.
    Sending love and hugs to you all, xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful cards Sandra, the video is brilliant. I’m sure In Love Arts are going to be delighted with your samples. Sorry to read Paul and Lucy have got to have expensive repairs to their cars. We pay our car tax supposedly for the upkeep of the roads but the evidence doesn’t convince me that is where it all goes.
    How was the Groovi class? Sure you all had a great day.

    MARIA what a dreadful experience your SIL’s husband had yesterday, I hope the low life who stole his wallet gets caught and punished.

    CHERYL sorry to read about your family friend, the funeral must have been very difficult for everyone. Thinking of you xx

    Hope you have all had a good day, not a lot happened here today, we went to Asda via the local recycling depot (the tip). Yesterday was spent having ‘A sort out in the loft’ some items went to the charity shop the rest to the tip. We really lead an exciting life!!!

    Have a good night, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
