
Thursday 16 January 2020

Pat's Pretty Pink Groovi Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the sunshine today (yes I did say SUNSHINE)!! 
It was a lovely day here yesterday, glorious blue sky and bright sunshine all day, there was quite a lot of flooding around locally, which caused some problems, Pat's car got a good bath on it's way here! 
As I am writing this post I hadn't heard how the girls managed the flooded roads, Paul did text me to warn them and Pat but the message didn't arrive until around 11.30am (although he sent it at 7.30am). Maybe he messaged the girls too, as I am pretty sure they would have let me know if they had had problems.  Over this past month or two they have become quite experienced at driving through flooded roads.

Pat came over and after some lunch and a delicious cream cake we went into the Craft room and Pat worked on our December Groovi Club card (that neither of us finished), while I got on with making a list of all the Groovi Plates and Tools that I have to send to Ronk (the lady that runs our Groovi Club), so that she can design cards around the plates that most of us have, instead of having to borrow them, you don't realise how many you have until you start listing them, mind you I'm sure my list is only a fraction of the size of some of the other Ladies, including Pat as they have all been groovi'ing a long time.  I don't mind buying the plates that she uses for the designs though as you can always change the designs that Ronk has created slightly to make different card styles.

Pat shared this card with me yesterday, it's stunning so I thought I would share it with all of you today, how beautiful and delicate is that lace work?!  
The Groovi Plate that Pat has used to make this card is Linda Williams 'Sweet Pea, Flowers and Lace', Pat hasn't used the 'Sweet Peas' part of the card, just the lovely detailed lace border.  
She has used it to frame the beautiful heart, which is from another Linda Williams Plate called 'Heart Sampler' I bought this at the Clarity Open day last year.
Pat has layered the card onto a pretty shade of pink that highlights the embossing beautifully.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Pat and for coming over yesterday and bringing yummy cakes xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

love and hugs to all,



  1. So very pretty and such a lot of intricate work involved PAT
    I love this idea that Ronk designs stuff for the plates you actually own and not have to borrow plates
    It’s pitch black outside apart from street lamps
    I posted off 2 cc last night Today I need to make a birthday card and yet another 3 colleagues are leaving ... if all of this doesn’t “smack” of how badly the transformation is/was I don’t know what does
    Take care all Taxi’s here xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-stunning Card, it’s gorgeous.

    We had sunshine yesterday not that I saw any of it apart from through a window on the hospital corridor but today we have strong winds again.

    My uncle phoned last nigh and we chatted for over an hour + a half-the time went so quickly though.

    Another busy day ahead but I’m hoping to get some time in my craft room tonight as it really needs a sort out and a tidy up in there.


  3. Morning Everyone
    PAT Ohhhh what a gorgeous card. So dainty and so so delicate.

    We took had lovely sunshine yesterday but it was still so cold and as yet I don't know what today looks like as it's still very dark here.

    I really must look at my CC today.I have made a couple but I am definitely not happy with them.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safexxxx

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Like you you Sandra we had a lovely sunny day yesterday with beautiful blue skies, but hay, hoe today is another story.......... nothing new there!

    Pat you card is stunning, the edges look so delicate, every tiny scallop is another piercing, I have tried to count (but it’s probably more) each corner section has at least 32 piercings. The complete panel is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us xx
    We have been to our hairdresser friend today, she has her eldest son who lives in Edinburgh visiting for a few days, haven’t seen him for a few years. He is such a lovely young man and very sociable, the time flew by.

    Time to get the dinner on, it’s all ready so will not take long, we are having spag. Bol.

    Better make a move, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hello All, can’t believe this weather, yesterday fine and sunny, today back to storm today, rain and high winds.

    Started to put things back, today, China gets heavier with each load, still at these it’s nearly finished.

    Can’t get into my craft room yet, waiting on the carpet cleaner tomorrow, then we hopefully will get straight.

    Pat beautiful card, so delicate and lacy, so much work, and patience.

    Not much other news here, hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty design and colour to cheer us today Pat. It is always good to see how the Groovi plates can be interchanged.
    Sandra, I’m glad you had the week broken up with Pars visit yesterday. Wasn’t the sunshine beautiful. We spent some time up on Dartmoor yesterday and the gorgeous blue skies and sunshine made it even more beautiful. I saw my first daffodils of this year in bloom too while up there which always reminds me that Spring is getting ever closer thank goodness. Let’s hope it brings far less rain though!
    A quite day for me but I hope you all had a good one.
    Sending love and hugs to you all extras for all in need. Take care xx
