
Wednesday 15 January 2020

A bright and vibrant Groovi Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you haven't blown away in the clutches of Storm Brendan!!! My goodness it has been rough here this past 2 days, wheelie bins all over the road (why do gales always arrive on Bin Day??)
The rain was coming down so hard it sounded like it was going to break the windows, the other horrendous mess is where the rain comes down the chimney, bringing with it the soot, it has splashed all over the fireplace and beyond, I have no doubt that the fields will be lakes once again, I think we noticed it more this time as we are surrounded by huge, mature trees and I was shocked at how much they move about in the strong winds. Apart from another pane of glass in the roof of the round potting shed we have been unaffected, thank heavens.  I hope that you all stayed safe too xx

Today's card is a quick version of the card that we made at Groovi Club last Thursday, I haven't finished my Original one that we started in class yet as I am really struggling to see the tiny holes in the Piercing Grid that we need to create the pretty border that the very talented 'Ronk Langton' designed for us, I am hoping that with a brighter day and a bit more light I might get it finished.  That version is a little more delicate in colour than this version that I made yesterday, I wanted to have a practice colouring the flowers so decided to make another card, I have had a really frustrating time getting my Derwent Coloursoft Pencils to a sharp enough point to create the tiny flicks needed for the centres of the flowers, as I sharpened my pencils the colour core just kept breaking off, then I would finally get a fine enough point and after one 'flick' the it would break off again, I think that this has been the most frustrated I have ever been over any craft tool.!
I guess that is where the difference comes in between the them and the Faber Castell Polychromos, they have bonded the core so that it doesn't break up, maybe one day!!!
I will share my original version of this card as soon as it is finished.
This version is coloured darker, the Happy Birthday in the centre stands out much more in your hand, trying to get the light right was quite tricky.
Ronk's amazing designs make you look a your plates completely differently, seeing them as a collection of elements rather than one large design, which means you get so much more from each plate.

Pat is coming over today, so more Groovi fun to be had, looking forward to some company xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, it’s lovely.
    I’ve not had chance to check if there’s been any damage from Storm Brendan as it’s dark when I leave & she I get home.
    I popped in to see my Dad last night as I had something to deliver for him. He was very chatty & Casper (the dog) was really happy to see me.
    I actually made a card last night-only something simple. It was nice to just play in my craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad to hear your Dad was in fine form yesterday.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely bright card SANDRA so cheering.

    I had a lovely afternoon K&N with lots of chat and crafting.
    Things are now definitely back to normal rountines thank goodness.
    Have to unpack my craft bag this morning and then take a look at this week's Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPeN and looking inviting so pop in when you can.There's a lemon drizzle cake in the tin.

    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Sounds like you had a lovely time at K & N yesterday. Yum Yum Lemon Drizzle is my favourite.

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely card today. I’m assuming you can’t see the embossing holes through the parchment. I can’t remember if you have a light box or not, but your light should help. As you know I can’t do close work like this with my glasses on because of the stigma in my eye. Mine was finished and put on groovi worldwide yesterday. We’ll look at it when I come over. I now need to finish my Dec card.
    Let’s hope the weather calms down soon.
    I hope those that aren’t well are feeling better soon.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card. I’m happy to see you mastered the butterflies as we both had a bit of a problem with them last week didn’t we. Your colouring is great just sorry that some of your pencils are broken. I’m hoping my polychromos really are as good as they say regarding the core bonding. Have a good Groovi day with Pat x
    We are just finishing breakfast then off to Widecombe on the Moor for lunch with some of Chris’s family. We have blue sky and should be the same for the day hopefully.
    Hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. It’s a beautiful card SANDRA
    Sorry to read that you’re having problems with the Derwent pencils I treated myself to some of their Inktense ones I hope they’re are better than you’re describing
    Just off to get nails done So will be back in a mo
    Take care all xx

  6. Hi All, just lost a long post, so I am keeping this short.
    Lovely card, sorry you are having trouble with your Derwent pencils, do you use a sharpener, if you do you need a good one with a very sharp blade, hold the pencil in your left hand and turn the sharpener. I must admit I always use a scalpel to sharpen mine, not so much waste.( which is what we were told to use at art school, but it was MANY years ago. Hope this helpful.

    Moving craft stuff today ready for the painter tomorrow, only the hall, stairs and landing to do now. He’s finished the lounge, sitting room, and bathroom in a week, lovely to watch a true craftsman at work,

    Hugs to all, excuse the ramble Lilian

  7. Hello all again
    Thank you again ladies for your lovely comments about my “wobble” card
    I bet you can’t wait LILIAN to have the house back in order But how lovely it’ll be to have a fresh “new” house
    Enjoy your stay SUE with family You can’t beat being with family can you
    Take care all Off to finish a cc now

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra, so bright and cheerful. Hope you had a lovely Groovi day with Pat.
    Lillian it will be lovely to get your house back after all the painting is finished. What a great spring clean.
    Had a busy day today should’ve been going out for a late Christmas lunch with friends but hotel phoned to say they’re power has been off since last night, so it was cancelled. I used the time instead to do a big bake, I made several quiches, one for lunch today, the rest are in the freezer so stocked up for a while.

    Hope you are all fine whatever you have been doing.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
