
Friday 20 December 2019

My lovely Christmas card from Pat

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, are you all prepared for Christmas? We are getting there, still got nothing for Matt who can't think of anything he wants, I think that we all have one of those to shop for!
We are going to my Mum's on Sunday and I thought it would be nice for her if we had an early Christmas lunch, with all of us and my Sisters, we are going to take the Turkey and stuffing loaf and my sisters are doing all of the Vegetables and sides, it will be nice to have everyone together, not sure if mum will agree though, we'll play it by ear, the girls have taken the day off work and so has Matt so for the first time in a very long time we will all be going together.  We hope to persuade Mum to go down to the Carol concert on the Quay as she has loved to go to that on previous years.

Great News...Lynda is going home today!!! that news really made my day yesterday, you will feel so much better being in your own bed my lovely and you will then start to recover fully xxx

Today I am sharing the beautiful Christmas card that Pat made for me, it is such a beautiful shade of pink, so delicate.  The centre has a beautiful Robin that Pat has coloured and Picot cut out which must have taken ages to cut. The frame has pretty snowflakes embossed around it, that match perfectly the snowflakes on the background frame. The Sentiment has been embossed onto little tags and attached with brads.  Such a lovely Christmas card Pat, thank you so much xxx

Sue came over yesterday, I felt terrible as she had to be entertained by lucy for the first hour as I had an impromptu Doctors appointment as I knew I had the start of another water infection!  The Doctor I saw was a different one and he was very thorough and pointed out a few things to follow up on after the New Year, he also said that it wouldn't be wise to start taking Bisoprolol until my UTI has cleared up as it will interfere with blood tests etc. Sue managed to finish a card that she was part way through and I was clearing my desk and putting all my dies away. We also had yummy cakes, which make everything better, thanks for a lovely afternoon Sue xxx

Your Next Challenge

No real challenge this week because of Christmas & New Year, I expect that you will all be busy with your families.
I would however love it if you could send me a photo of your favourite (that you have made) this year, I always do my review but would love to see what your choice would be.
I look forward to seeing your photo's my lovelies.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card from Pat, it’s beautiful. Hope you start to feel better soon especially if you’re traveling to your Mums on Sunday.

    Lynda-what absolutely fantastic news!!!!!!! Nothing better that your own bed. Now you can rest, relax and NOT worry about Christmas.

    Thank goodness it’s Friday is all I can say. Let’s see what happens today at work!


  2. Morning ladies,

    Another very wet start to the day here in Somerset.
    Yesterday's productive but tiring Christmas shopping trip to Taunton was cloudy but dry to start, then as soon as we came out for having breakfast at Hatchers, Taunton's own department store, the heavens opened and stayed open for the rest of the day. Water was bubbling up from every water cover and drain making huge puddles everywhere. I think it is time that all the councils got together and replaced the smaller bore pipes with storm sized ones as is used in the USA.

    Bargains galore were found and we ended up in M&S café to enjoy a hot Chocolate Orange (Fiona) and a 'Luxury' hot chocolate for myself. To say I was disappointed was beyond the extreme. It arrived in a black chunky mug with a meagre amount of cream and 6 measly tiny marshmallows on top. Feedback will be given.

    Present wrapping this morning then a lazy afternoon in my craftroom trying out my new brayers and foam rollers.

    Enjoy your day however you wish to spend it.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful card this morning. So delicate and elegant.Love it.

    LYNDA-FANTASTIC NEWS going home you will feel so much better when you step through your own front door.

    Well here we are again another 'swear' word day.Why do they come around so quickly. I have a mountain of jobs todo one being getting my CC sent off first job I think.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting with mincepies/christmas cake/hot choc etc etc etc.
    HUGE HUGS are on their way toyou all.Please take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Well that was a surprise to see my Christmas card on the blog today.
    I’m pleased for you that Sue managed to get over to yours yesterday. I know how much you look forward to our visits as it breaks up the day for you. I know you live quite a bit further from me now but I still love coming over to yours. Hopefully in the New Year we can add a bit of variety to that as we discussed.
    Lovely news to hear that at long last Lynda is going home. A great relief to all concerned.
    I hope your enjoying your few days away Maria and aren’t feeling to bad at the moment.
    Well it’s been lashing it down with rain over the last few days. Although as I write this the sun seems to have half popped it’s gead out. Still very damp but not so dark now.
    Hugs to everyone today and wrap up warm if your going out.

  5. Afternoon all
    I am so pleased you are going home LYNDA Please take care Entourage cuddles with 8 paws
    Enjoy your break MARIA
    Pleased that SUE came over and hope the infection soon clears Great that you had PAT for company too
    Love the card PAT I would love to have a go at Groovi
    Great idea for challenge SANDRA I will have a trawl if my favourite ones
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I’ll have to bring some of my Groovi stuff when we meet up again so you can have a go.
