
Thursday 19 December 2019

A lovely Origami Christmas card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well the parcels are arriving thick and fast in our house, filling the house up even more, the girls are barred from our bedroom just in case they spot a parcel they shouldn't see!! We keep saying we are going to start wrapping and putting them under the tree but that hasn't happened yet, last night I didnt finish, making inserts and sorting envelopes and writing cards until 11.30pm, that was from starting early afternoon. After defrosting the freezer, I actually quite enjoy that job, seeing the built up ice disappearing is therapeutic and it looked so much better afterwards, as Paul was at work I got away with binning some of the older contents, some rather crusty looking Hot Cross Buns were first things out!!

Today's amazing Origami Christmas 🎄 Tree card was made by the lovely  Stacey Sugar, she was my swap partner over on our FB group.
I don't think I have ever seen that Fold before, what a brilliant idea!! Great for batch making cards, you could sit with a tray on your lap and make all the little Origami pieces and then have them ready for a marathon card assembly session.  I love this idea and I think I will definitely have a go at one myself.
Stacey sent me a lovely hand made box too, stuffed with lovely things, I will share that with you on Saturday .
I sent Stacey the Octagonal box I shared with you last Saturday which she loved, thankfully x

I think I will be having a huge tidy up in my craft room today, ready to pack my craft unit up for Christmas, funny to think that this time next week it will all be over!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, I love origami & teabag folds.

    Yesterday was busy then around 4:30 someone came to me with a query about one of the dispensary drugs fridges....what should she do?? This person in New in Post and is a fantastic worker so i don’t mind helping her at all. This turned into a major job but we got things sorted.
    Quick trip to Tesco as I’d offered to bake and take the cake into work today- Belgian cake which is basically Mincemeat cake made using wholemeal SR flour. They love it at work so
    I’ve made 2 lots.
    I then went on the computer for a while, I was planning on making my challenge card but I was too tired by this point so I gave up and read for a while. Treated myself to an early night as hubby was away on his Christmas night out.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from yet again another very wet and cold Sheffield.

    SANDRA-what a lovely card and not one featuring folding we see very often.

    Well I spent all day yesterday finishing off wrapping and then onto trying to complete the knitting part of an 'umpty dumpty' fairy. I knitted a Santa; an Elf and a Fairy years ago for Pippy my Granddaughter who is now 29 so you can guess how long ago it was and she has them out every year. I had a 'disaster' call at the week-end saying that fairy couldn't be found and she was having a 'melt down' what could I do. What do all Nan's do but first dig deep to find the knitting pattern which took me a day as I don't knit anymore.Next search out wool which is stored in a built in cupboard and send my hero off to find me a match for one colour I hadn't got The result Fairy is complete body wise and hair but I have to dress her ready to go off this afternoon. Please have everything crossed for me she gets a new tutu and face this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and mincepies.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Ooh Janet How lovely she has kept them all I can understand her dismay at not finding the fairy Like you say us grandmothers will do anything to put things right
      The pattern sounds interesting Please please send a photo to SANDRA I’d love to see it x

  3. Just lost a long comment!
    So a shorter one instead! I love the origami card Out to lunch later
    Hope you’re getting on OK LYNDA
    Hope the pain is easing BRENDA
    And that you’re feeling brighter MARIA
    Thank you to the ladies that have sent me cards They are beautiful Sorry but I won’t be sending any a) I haven’t made enough and b) I have cut down a lot and wil donate the postage to Gary’s Gift of Hope page at the BHF
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies i have just seen the doctors & he's happy to send me home. But the nurse at home will come & see me at some point hopeful today then the diabetes nurse has to sort that as well.
    So hope definitely be home as soon as possible.
    I have been in hospital for 5weeks
    Now sorry not many cards made so it's a little late now my apologies for not sending any this year.
    Thank you all for the lovely comments Sandra i love your card from Stacey.
    I hope you all have a lovely
    Love Lynda xx and Lot's of Hug's xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in the café,
    Lynda great news, take care of the dogs they will be so excited, hugs on the
    Sandra what a lovely card you had from
    Brenda hope the injection is working, hugs on the
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Today’s card is lovely, what a pretty swap. What a great idea and one I will have to have a go at.
    Lynda, I hope everything gets put in place today so you can go home at last. Five weeks is a loooong time to be away. Your little eight paws will be so excited to see you and you to see them of course. Don’t even think of apologising about Christmas cards. We will all be delighted just to know you are home at last Sending love and hugs to you and CU xx
    Janet, well done on getting the fairy replaced so quickly for your granddaughter. Isn’t it lovely how they treasure things that have been made for them and also traditions that have passed down the family x
    Maria, I hoe you are not feeling so bad so you can enjoy your time away x
    Brenda, I’m hoping the shoulder is improving each day. How lovely that your sister was invited to the AH concert. I’m sure she enjoyed herself, bet she is tired today though x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
