
Friday 27 December 2019

My Lovely Card from Maria

Good Morning Ladies,

It was so lovely to read how some of you spent your Christmas day, I was glad to get into bed on Christmas day night I can tell you.
Yesterday was much quieter and very relaxed, Paul and I spent much of the day lounging on the sofa on our own as most of the family were back to work, Sophie and Lucy earned £16.30 an hour so didn't want to turn down the opportunity, Becca and Adam had the Pub/Hotel/Restaurant to run so it was an early start for them.  Matt's girlfriend Alex had a very rare day off, she is a Manager at B&M store and they have been extremely busy on the run up to Christmas, she worked up until 7pm on Christmas Eve and is back in today, so they went for a long walk with Harley and then decided to brave the sales, I had to chuckle to myself though, Matt popped home after a couple of hours with his 'Bargain of the day'  Asda had reduced their fresh Turkeys, so he bought a 6.2lb Turkey for £6, we haven't touched half of the Turkey that I cooked on Christmas Day yet!  He is so much like Paul in that resect, just can't pass a bargain, needless to say it will go into the Freezer for now, they were also giving away Carrots and Parsnips so he filled a trolley with Carrots for a treat for his sheep and bought a couple of packs of each home with the Turkey too.  So he was buzzing with his bargains.  I couldn't have forced myself to leave the house I'm afraid, I am quite sick of shopping.
We will have to pop out this morning for Milk, bread etc as Paul's Parents are arriving for a couple of days, we have plenty of food, just need the essentials really.  We are going out both nights that they are staying with us, first we are going to the Gold Pheasant (Becca's place) tonight, Adam is going to cook us up a treat, tomorrow we are going to the local Red Lion (at last), this is a treat for Paul's Dad's birthday.  So no cooking for me, YAY!!

Today I am sharing the lovely Christmas card that Maria made for me, it's such a beautiful scene that Maria has painted beautifully, I absolutely love it Maria and will treasure it, thank you so much my lovely xxx

I hope that you all continue to have a relaxed few days,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful card to meet me this morning.

    Well we had a lovely quiet day yesterday but everything is back to normal today so yes it's that 'swear'word day again.
    It seems to have come around far too quickly this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN and back to normal hours so pop in when you can for a chat and a cuppa.We still have mince pies etc etc so help yourselves that is if you can still face them lol.

    HUGS aplenty are on their way to you all.Have a good day.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Your card is so pretty MARIA
    Yesterday was a little hectic that is Oscar We had brilliant fun and after he went to bed we played some games and laughed and laughed
    We’re out dancing tonight Charlotte is teaching So a relaxing day is ahead
    I want to say thank you to you ladies that sent cards I really really appreciate I just wish I had mor enthusiasm and time this year to have made more cards I did commit the ultimate son as a crafter and sent shop bought ones to a few people
    At least now the nights will be getting shorter
    Take care all xx

    1. Sorry about the typos Fingers haven’t woken up yet

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card from Maria. Your Boxing Day sounded nice & relaxing plus you were brought bargains!

    Our visit to see my Father In Law was ok. Mother in Law was there and she just has to start hinting/moaning-first comment was that she’s not had the back up of her daughter visiting daily as the children are off school. Next comment was about wanting a new wheelchair but it’s £6000! We just ignored her!
    The journey plus sitting on fold up wooden chairs didn’t helped my sciatica/nerve pain but I don’t think it’s quite so bad this morning..fingers crossed.

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra a lovely card today from Maria.very pretty.
    We had a lovely day yesterday with all the family Lisa & Sam did us proud with all the food. YUMMY.
    Harry wasn't his normal bubble self he was i think so over welmed with it all & very tired but chrismas day he was a different child doing his danceing. I did get nice cuddles when they left. I can't believe how quick it all went. The TV was appealing all over the Christmas. Abs nothing on wish we had sky. Enjoy your Day have a relaxing day
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Should be appalling not appearing x

  6. Morning ladies,

    Christmas day saw Robin and myself travelling to Bristol to surprize my parents. They were both so amazed and thrilled to see us, back to Fiona's for dinner at 1pm. So much food on the table it's a wonder it didn't collapse lol.
    Yesterday I spent alone for most of the day in my PJ's chilling out and having a home based pedicure. Jamie had bought me a foot spa. It was heaven even though the heater didn't seem to be keeping the water warm. I had a light lunch, put TV on and watched films and dozed on and off until Robin, Tiegan and Tracey, Robin's latest GF, came round for an hour or so. Then off to bed.

    I'm not making any resolutions for next year as I have started already to clear clutter and items that have been in storage for more than a year. Unfortunately the Charity shops are not taking donations just yet due to their need to overhauling their stocktake and getting rid of what is already on display in the shops.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Maria your card to Sandra is lovely. So beautifully painted.
    Sandra, I can just see Matts face on bagging a great bargain price turkey and it is good to hear that Asda were giving away veg rather than dumping it. Enjoy not having to cook , I bet you will enjoy both meals out xx
    I don’t want to face the shops ether at the moment, a quite and lazy day is needed.
    Mum hope you slept a bit better. Love you xx
    Lynda, I hope you and Terry are both improving each day xx
    Michele, lets hope your back continues to feel better x
    Karen, how lovely to get to see little Oscar so much. No doubt he loved all of the festivities bless him 🥰 X
    We realised yesterday that none of us had taken any photos!!! Such an unusual thing especially as we all have decent cameras on our phones. Never mind, we all have the memories.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Terry, Michele and all in need Take care xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Maria what a beautiful painted card as mine
    Sandra sounds as if you had a lovely relaxing yesterday, enjoy the company your 2 meals
    Sounds as if you all had a lovely time, sending hugs to all love

  9. Afternoon ladies.
    Thank you for your kind words reg the card. I like sitting and do some colouring in, still need to practice tho with the water colour pencils and get the real papers for it.
    Our Asda also giving a lot of their vegs away today. Matt did get a bargain on the Turkey Sandra.
    Do you have it again for new year ? We have bought in some top beef so I shall boil it and have horseradish sauce to it and some Aunt B. Yorkshire's. Sorry but can't make them from scratch :/ Did a little shop today at Lidl, nice and empty today.
    Lovely to hear Lynda that you had a nice Christmas, hugs for you all.
    Michele-take care and wishing your back better.
    Many warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, we were all still at our daughter's had, a great family time, both daughter SIL’s and grandchildren = lots of fun and games.

    We came home late this afternoon. Think I need a rest to get over all Christmas goodies and excitement.

    Sandra love your card from MARIA it’s such a lovely Christmas scene. xxx

    Sounds as though you have a perfect plan arranged when Paul’s parents visit, not having to cook will give you both quality time with them to relax and enjoy.

    I am struggling to keep my eyes open, have been trying to type this message for about an hour - I keep nodding off! OH has already given in and gone up to bed, sensible person, thinking I should do the same.

    Love and hugs Brenda xxx
