
Saturday 28 December 2019

My Christmas Card from Janet

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Everything is slowly returning to normal here, apart from the food mountain, I don't think we will need to shop for a while, other than basics like bread and milk and fruit.
I always crave fresh fruit after the heavy festive feasts, so we stocked on Grapes, Apples banana's blueberries and pineapple (Sophie and lucy's choice).

Paul's parents arrived at around lunch time, I laid out lots of cold meat and cheeses with some fruit and vegetables fresh bread and crackers, it all went down very well

I am really looking forward to going out for a meal at Becca's Restaurant tonight, I think that  she is looking forward to everyone coming too.

Today's lovely card is one that our lovely Janet made for me, Janet you were clearly very organised as yours was the card I received first.
I love the colours of the card Janet, then scene is delightful too. The sentiment is lovely too.
Thank you so much dear friend xxx

`No magazine review this week as Michele hasn't been feeling so good, so a well deserved week off is just what she deserves, take care Michele, I hope that you are feeling better soon xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.,

Love and hugs,



  1. Hello, is it me or have we lost a day( fri 27dec.

    Had a lovely day yesterday, now we are in Derby for one night, then home tomorrow.
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. No my lovely, I published today's blog during an episode of AF and forgot to schedule for Saturday, so you are a super early bird xxx

  2. Lovely card JANET
    I hope you feel better soon MICHELE
    Dancing was good last night It wasn’t too crowded on the dance floor
    Not sure if OH is doing PARKRUN today but whether he does or doesn’t I am just going to relax and rest my aching bone
    Take care all xxx

    1. I hope the meal was good and that the AF didn’t last for too long SANDRA

  3. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful card Janet, very similar background to Maria's yesterday.
    The sky is a bit clearer today so taking a chance with the washing already on and next lot waiting.
    Sorting out the drawers in my writing bureau this morning, so far I have found a set of drawing pens bought when I was taking my Horticultural course and realised that was 1994-95. I think the ink has dried up by now. I also found the tiny letter stencil which was required for when we drew plans up for our exams. That will come in very handy as I cannot find an extra small font in my collection of stamps for miniature tags and labels.

    First cuppa of the day is calling, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Hope you’re feeling better. I guessed something had gone wrong with the scheduling got today’s post.
    Gorgeous card from Janet-really lovely.

    Still struggling here but we need some fresh food items so I’m going to Tesco with hubby so he can help.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your feeling better soon.

    2. Hi Michele sorry to here your not feeling very good
      Take care & have a nice cupper & something nice for lunch.
      Hope your feeling better soom. X

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Seemed to have missed the blog over Christmas. Craig & Jenny helped me transfer all my daya over to Peters ipad for me on Boxing Day. His gas a lot more memory that mine. It did it automatically really just took a long time. But I’m still having to put things right.
    It looks like every one had a lovely Christmas and I hope you enjoyed having Paul’s parents over for a couple of days, and the meal at the pub Becca is running with her boyfriend.
    Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into your blog over the last few weeks. Hard work but I know you enjoy it.
    Happy New Year everyone.

  6. Hello Sandra& ladies
    JANET a gorgeous card you made for Sandra.
    Hope you all have a peaceful day resting after the hype of Christmas
    I can't believe it's all over seemed to go in a flash.We aren't up to much. I must try &I sit in craft room for an hour as I have to finish a swop for secret Santa over on Riley & Rose's. Group.i just have to wrap it up & write on cards. Then get Terry to post it for me.The nurse came about 12oclock she mixed my antibiotics up & put it up. Then she took the last lot of stitches out. It's still very saw& aches quite a bit. She said it will be painful for quit a while as the doctor had to cut a lot of affective skin away. He did come & see me & told me that I would be in considerable pain..
    As it was a nasty bug &said fingers crossed I don't have to have another hip opperation.
    Sending hugs for everyone Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    JANET love the card you made for Sandra. It’s gorgeous.

    I hope you had a lovely meal this evening, it’s lovely having your meal cooked for you and can sit back, relax and enjoy time with the family. xx

    Can’t believe how tired I am since returning home seem to nod off every time I sit down, must be my age !!!

    Catch up with you tomorrow ladies. Sleep well, love Brenda xxx
