
Thursday 7 November 2019

Sparkle & Shine Christmas Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are having a good week, it's certainly a chilly one, I had heating on all day yesterday but it was still chilly in the house, it's super warm in the kitchen but as soon as you go into another room it feels chilly, roll on summer eh?!!

Sue came over yesterday and we had a lovely afternoon, we where both crafting like crazy, I actually, for the first time ever made 4 cards in one afternoon!  I could hardly believe it.  Sue had bought some new dies from The Works, 2 Different Christmas Trees and the 'Merry Christmas Bauble die that I have used on the cards above.
They are lovely quality dies that cut like a dream, I was amazed at how well the cut and how easily the card came out of the die.
I think we talked constantly for 5 hours, we had some catching up to do, with 7 children between us there are lots of things going on! It barely seemed 10 mins from the time we sat down to the time Paul rang the front door bell, it just flew!!  Thank you so much for a lovely afternoon Sue XXX

Today's cards are both made with Sue's Die which was from the Works (I couldn't find it last night to link it).  
I die cut it with Silver and Blue Foil card, the top card I used a Sue Wilson New York die (outer part) to create the layer below the die cut in a pretty blue glitter card, I then card 2 more mats and layered them up on a White Card Base,
The Silver die cut was mounted onto Matt Blue Foil card, layered up once again onto Blue and silver Mirror card.
So quick and easy and I really love the effect, thank you so much Sue for allowing me to use your dies XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day
Love and hugs to all of you


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Cards. I have that Die & used it a few weeks ago, I made 6 cards just like yours. It’s a brilliant Die for batch making.

    We have very heavy rain this morning. Hope it stops by the time I finish work as I have a couple of errands to do then I’m off out (with hubby) to take some books to a friend & we’ll probably stay for a drink.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very very wet Sheffield.
    The rain started here yesterday afternoon and it's still pouring down. Thank goodness we're at the top of a hill.

    It was our evening out last night in Doncaster. The journey there was horrible. It was raining all the way and as it entails driving M1/M18 and then main dual carriage way into Doncaster (this is the quickest way for us)and of course it was still tail end of rush hour needless to say we were both pleased when we parked up. The show was fantastic. It's 'Ronnie Scott on the road' celebrating 60 years of Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club. The theatre was full and everyone had a really good night. It was a late night for us so I'm hoping for a quiet day though I have some crafting to do.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.Brolly Bin bythe door. Date and Walnut cake in the tin so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your cards are lovely, I will have to get Sue to some for
    Janet pleased you enjoyed the
    Maria hope you & OH are feeling better, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Both cards using The Works dies are lovely. I agree with you about just how easily they cut and release the die cut. The only downside is that they don’t have identification names/numbers on the packaging if you want to find them but are a bargain at £6 each. I will try and get my card finished, and actually send you the photo this week for a change!
    Mum, I will cut some out for you as they make a quick but effective card don’t they xx
    If anyone else wants some cut just let me know.
    Maria, I had to look back at my comment about the “weather” I said you should drink lots of. “Water” is a lot easier to drink I think 😀 Hope you are both starting to feel a bit better today x
    Lynda, sorry you are in so much pain. This cold and damp weather doesn’t help dies it x
    I must get on so hope you all have a day that is as good as possible. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi Sandra &ladies
    SANDRA your cards are gorgeous are lovely so it will be easy tomorrow .Glad you had a good day yesterday with Sue & Pat on Tuesday & have got some Christmas of cards made.yes I must try & some made.
    I've got quite a few to make yet it's a shame I've got to try & make flat cards the postage was really expensive it was around the £40 £50 mark its ridiculous.
    So I'm just going to do special ones that I don't have to post.
    MARIA your quite right I don't like the cold so I'm sure my pain is worse. Hope you &Rick are feeling better & your fibromyalgia is it that worse when cold.
    SUE yes the same as Maria said I do ache worse when cold the weather has a lot to answer for💦☔️🌨☃️💥🌨 Sending Hug's love Lynda xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two beautiful cards today, that die is great for batch making cards with brilliant results.
    Sounds like you have had a couple of busy and productive days with Pat and Sue visiting, it certainly helps the week pass and tomorrow............. is Friday !!!
    We have had a busy day, went to hairdresser friend this morning from there we went on to Asda, then on the way home I popped into The Range. I could have spent hours in there but as John was waiting outside in the car park so I put ‘blinkers’ on and only looked at the one department I had intended to !!!!

    Time to get ready for bed, sweet dreams everyone, Love Brenda xxx
