
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Embossed Christmas Baubles

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was one of those cards that's the result of you having a play and loving the results!

Paul and the Girls always watch 'The Walking Dead' together on a Monday night, they have done for a few years, I can't stand the program as it is way to violent, I'm not really in to Zombie's etc, so I usually go a sit in my craft room or lay on my bed and watch YouTube .  
Anyway this week I sat in my craft room and was just playing with the free embossing folder that came with a Chloe's Creative Crafts Magazine, not expecting any great results, I thought that it might look nice embossed in that colour, so I ran it through as usual but when I opened up the embossing folder I was taken back by how amazing the embossing was,  so I whipped it out of the embossing folder trimmed it down added some mats and layers and popped it onto a card base, added some tiny crystal gems and a stamped sentiment.  
It's probably the quickest card I have ever made, I really like it though!
I may try the same layout with the lovely red velvet card.

Pat came over yesterday, she bought some lovely new Groovi Plates, Traditional Bauble shaped plates with little scenes in them, I used them all, so that's three more Christmas cards (started) the whitework and colouring take time but thats something nice to do in the evening. Pat got a few cards started too. Thanks for a lovely afternoon Pat xxx

I'm hoping to see Sue today which I am really looking forward to, more crafting with friends, it's so nice to have company.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, the detail on the Embossing is great. Nice to hear Pat came over to see you, hopefully you’ll have another crafty day today.

    Still waiting for a few answers at work before we can start our cleaning & testing which is frustrating as we haven’t made much progress in almost a week.


    1. Hi Michele
      How frustrating your having to wait before you can start cleaning & testing. I hope your able to start soon.

  2. That’s a lovely card SANDRA and what a beautiful folder Sometimes a quick card seems to come out and be more effective than ones we’ve spent forever on How lovely to have PAT come over and enjoy your day with SUE
    I started a cc yesterday and as OH is away tonight I hope to finish it later He’s also asked me to knit a baby cardigan for a lady at work - hence the trip to Hobbycraft on Sunday! As I am having to keep weight off my foot I’ve been doing that
    Have a good day all and I hope those colds are going away RICK and MARIA xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Good luck with the baby cardigan. Mind you they’re finished in record time.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is beautiful & the embossing folder is
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Hi all.
    Beautiful card Sandra and so was the one yesterday.
    Glad you managed to trap the mouse. Now you can sleep soundly.
    Well OH and I are more like zombies with no energy and cough that keep us awake at night. Pain in the whole body and my arms feel like lead. I hope your girls feel better soon and don't have this virus Sandra and you not get this bug.
    Sue- where can I get hold of weather, is that a new drink ?
    I wish you all a nice day and sending many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you and Rick feel better soon. I had a bug while I was away in Harwich the other weekend. I picked in up here somewhere.

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely card Sandra. It looked great in the flesh. A really great embossing folder considering it was a freebie. Look forward to seeing it in the red velvet. It should look stunning.
    I’m glad you liked the Groovi baubles and were able to use them while I was over. I must go and finish off the one I was pricking & picot cutting over at yours last week.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra you have certainly shown us some gorgeous cards this week and today’s is no exception, especially as the embossing folder was a freebie – what a bonus! Hope those colds are getting better and everyone is feeling brighter, they are difficult to shake off this time of year. xx

    We both went for our flu jab this morning, the nurse told John he had missed out on the shingles jab (Not sure how he managed that) I had mine in 2014. So he ended up having an injection in each arm!

    VAL hope you are improving xx
    LYNDA remember to rest as often As is possible xx
    Sending caring HUGS to those who need then

    Haircut day tomorrow so we will be making an early start. It’s always lovely to catch up. Love and hugs, Brenda XX.

    1. Hi BRENDA itd not comfortable sitting in the chair in craft room so have been trying to do CC I stand it in their as my feet start swelling up so the I go back in m recliner. It is so frustrating to be honest haven't got any mojo. As always in pain.
      Thank you for caring
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well I hope this stays put as my comment yesterday disappeared any yesterday card s was was gorgeous as is today's card Sandra beautiful
    Last night the filling fell out ofts my back tooth.Its not aching
    At the moment I have made appointment it's next week I didn't make a emergency appointment as it's more expensive. Its really cold today the heating bean on all day. & stii feel cold. I don't know
    Why I had mojo problem
    Hugs for all & LOVE Lynda xx
