
Friday 1 November 2019

My First Groovi Christmas Card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well what a week, I can honestly say that I will be glad when this week is over!  It's been just one of those weeks, you know the ones I mean, where you stop and question your judgement of both people and situations?!  It's for sure been one of those weeks!

I had an unexpectedly lovely day yesterday, Becca stopped by to collect a projector screen for a function at her work, we had a cuppa and she asked if I wanted to go to B&M Bargains with her, never one to turn down a chance to leave these four walls, I jumped at the chance, we had a good browse around B&M, it was a new one to us, it was huge and even had a garden centre, we both bought more that we needed too, mostly cleaning products I have to say (ooh plus a few sweets) not for Trick Or Treaters either, our village has an average age of 70 I think, so children are few and far between, that's no surprise really as the nearest school is about 6 miles away, there used to be one in the village but that it now a house that has been up for sale for over a year, it has a funny lay out and for the size of the house there is very little out door space.
So I/we will be eating all of the sweets, to be honest they were 'cough candy' sweets which really remind me of my childhood and some treacle toffee sweets, both quite strong tastes, I did get a box of Sports Mix too but I daren't  open them as I will eat the lot, I have them on stand by in the pantry for when Paul and I go to the cinema.
I never used to eat sweets at all I was more of a savoury girl up until about 10 months ago, I swear it is a hormonal thing, you know with Menopause and all that.

Anyway enough of all that nonsense, lets get onto our NEXT CHALLENGE and today's card!


Super simple Challenge for this week...……  Show me your Christmas Cards, see, I told you it was simple, lets pull together and get a good portion of that Christmas card list ticked off, I have nowhere near as many made as I have had on previous years so I really need to get my finger out!
If you have made all of your already you can share the ones that you have already made.
They can be any style, made with any products, as long as they are for Christmas.

My card today is my first 'Groovi' Christmas card, the plate I used is one of Pat's that I borrowed, the tree was from that plate and I added the corners from another Christmas plate that I have, I felt that the tree alone left the card too bare, so I added the little holly corners to draw your eye in.
I struggled to make a sentiment work, so the greeting will be on the inside.
I added sparkle to my card by adding some Perga Glitters by WOW, they are super fine and you apply the Pergamano 'Sticky Ink' with a 'Mapping Pen' which looks exactly like an old fashioned fountain pen, the nib is so fine that it would be perfect for adding glue to fine die cuts too.
I embossed my design into a bright green parchment and backed it onto matching card stock and then onto a white card base.
It's a simple design but it really sparkles on the mantelpiece.

I look forward to seeing your Challenge cards my lovelies,

Have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is gorgeous, really lovely. Next weeks challenge is a great one & should kick start some of us into making Christmas cards-especially me! Once again I’ve not spent much time in my craft room but I have lots of ideas.
    Nice that you had an unexpected trip out yesterday-don’t eat the sweets all at once!

    Well I’m certainly glad it’s Friday.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Ohhhhhh SANDRA what a gorgeous Seasonal Card.It's just beautiful.

    Thank you for next week's Challenge.I have to say that I have most of my cards done but having said that I always see something I like better and so more cards go to the Charity shop so I can make others. I'll never learn to say 'that's it STOP'

    BRENDA I'm going to feel lonely on my own today as you had your 'swear' word day yesterday lol. Never mind it has to be done so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the brollie stand is by the door as it's raining. I've put muffins in the tin for today.
    HUGS are on their way to youall. Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. It is wet and miserable here too
    I love your card SANDRA and next week’s challenge is great I have made a start on this year’s but probably not enough Sadly my list gets smaller each passing year
    My foot seems OK and at last I can have a shower I bought a very fetching boot to wear to keep foot dry I hate strip washes In a rush I’ll pop back later
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hello and morning to all in the cafe' today
    Beautiful groovi card for x-mas Sandra, you have really got the hang of it quickly.
    Not doing much today then other to finish the cc's hopefully later and start thinking of next weeks one which is good because I have plenty more to make.
    Am very tired from yesterday's adventure but couldn't sleep much so can see a nap coming on sooner then later :>)
    It's raining anyhow so wouldn't like to go out anyway.
    Michele -hope work is not too bad today, at least it's Friday so wishing you a nice weekend.
    Karen- wishing your foot better and also hoping your weekend will be good and of course it goes for you all ,whatever you are up to.
    Love and hugs to you all, xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely Christmas card. It was lovely to see it in the flesh so to speak on Wed. I seem to have lost Thursday. I haven’t been out to lunch with my friends the last couple of Thursdays as he brother is I. Hospital. They’re waiting for a care package for him before he can come home. So of course he’s bed blocking. He’d been discharged from the Lung function clinic pending authorisation from his consultant as they can do no more for him. He’s in a bad way breathing wise and has to have oxygen. It’s his own fault really he’s so bad as he wouldn’t take the medication the Drs gave him. He’d take one tablet and wouldn’t take any more as it didn’t work instantly. He’d still let my friend pick the meds up but stuffed them in the wardrobe until she found them. Soap box back in the corner.

  6. Hello All, rain again. Sorry forgot to call in yesterday.

    Sandra, love the cards you have posted over last few days.

    Next weeks challenge fills me with dread, I dislike making Christmas cards, only a couple done. Have to admit not done this weeks yet.

    Time to get dinner, so hugs to all . Lilian.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra your Groovi Christmas card is lovely. You inspired me to get out my Groovi stash. Had a good old look at everything - then packed it all away again. I have to add that I wasn’t even dressed at the time. But you got me thinking - so maybe one of these days!!! Your trip out with Becca yesterday sounds lovely, especially as it was unexpected, and just have one to one is always special. xx
    I hope your weekend will be better than this last week has been, and your judgment of situations and life is renewed and reward. xx

    JANET I hope you didn’t feel lonely today when you were swearing, I was with with you. Sounds like a line from Footprints in the Sand. I still had some more to catch up on. ‘ You’ll Never walk alone’ also comes to mind!! xx

    KAREN Pleased your foot is healing nicely and you are able to shower, that always makes you feel better. xx

    Sending caring hugs to those feeling poorly or under the weather, I hope you will feel better soon. xx

    Time to put the dinner on. Love Brenda XXX

  8. Good evening Sandra and ladies
    I don't know where today has gone
    Terry put two loads of washing on
    But it's been heavy rain all day. Then he cleaned the bath out from the mess the plumber left plumbing the new showerin So it was nice to
    Have one but still not the same as standing I have a seat that goes over the bath I don't feel safe anymore since falling out. But yes KAREN it's lot better than a strip wash.
    Glad your foot is OK so you can now have shower.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous you have really got the groovi bug.
    I have been in pain this week so haven't been in craft room at all.
    My leg's have been really painful
    Especially the left knee I struggle to walk. I went to Tesco with Terry
    As fed up with staying indoors
    They have trolleys with seat's on. 🛒
    But I was so pleased to get home. When CU put shopping a way he made a cupper & both fell asleep. 💤💤
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
