
Friday 1 November 2019

Mixed Crafts Saturday Featuring Michele's magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend, a relaxed one for us, Paul and I both need it!
Thursday night started well, but at about 2.30am (around the time that I am almost relaxed enough to try and get to sleep) Bella (who never really comes into our room), was being really fussy down by my side of the bed, I have a pile of craft magazines and could hear her moving them, trying to get under or behind our bed.  I put the torch on my phone on and had a look at what she was doing, Milo was fussing too, so we ended up thinking they were just chasing each other.  That was until just after Paul left at 6.30am, I was just finishing my cup of tea, I reached over to put my cup back on my bedside table when I heard an odd noise, at which point I froze, it was a scratching kind of noise coming from under our bed, the cats were nowhere to be seen either, I started to replay Bella's actions from the early hours and come to the conclusion that she had bought a 'gift' in for Lucy, dropped it at the bottom of the stairs and it had run into our bedroom, that's when the panic set in. I got up, dressed (after shaking everything twice), took my pillow, phone and laptop and headed for the lounge, after making a distress call to Paul, who instructed me to go to the garage and get a trap (humane of course) put peanut butter in it and put it on the floor down by my side of the bed, which I did then came out and closed the door!  The time is currently 10.05pm and the mouse/shrew is still at large!! 
How am I going to sleep tonight?? Paul says 'it will be fine'' as always, I think that tonight is going to be a very long night!!!

Now, as we have just about exhausted our 'Mixed Crafts' I have been wanting to start a new feature on a Saturday but so far nothing has really come to mind, So I will be playing with different ideas over the coming weeks, let me know what you think. 
I would welcome any ideas that you might have too.

This week I thought I would share some of the amazing 'Pop Up Boxes' that some of you have shared over the years.....






Aren't they all amazing, I think I have the names of the individual boxes right, let me know below if I am wrong.
One thing I noticed is that they don't age at all, they are all amazing!

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Cardmaking & Papercraft has a great free gift this month-a bumper Stamp & Diecutting Set.

Here’s a sneak peek inside the magazine.

This feature below shows some ideas using the free gift,

Just look at these amazing cards-don’t they look stunning?!

The next 2 photos show some great ideas using twine.

Great article on Layered Embossed backgrounds

That’s all for this week,
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

WOW! Michele,  a great, in depth review this, I actually have this magazine and there are some amazing projects inside.
Those 'Star' cards look incredible and impossible, the feature inside the magazine breaks the card down into steps making it easy to follow, I am definitely going to have a go.
There is also a fantastic Advent project inside too that I love.
Thank you so much Michele for creating these reviews for us each week. XXX 

Item's For Sale

Michele has the following items for sale...…..

First photo-prices
Delicate daisies £6:00 each or both sets for £10:00
Caribbean island border £4:00
Refined Rectangular Frame £4:00
Cape Daisy £4:00
Spellbinders Grate effect £6:00
Spellbinders Romantic Rose £6:00
Spellbinders Romantic Rectangles £6:00
Die Sire tea party £4:00
Die Sire Victoriana £2:00

Spellbinders holiday snowflake view £6:00
Die Sire beautiful baubles £3:00
Just rite stamps £1:50
Spellbinders snowflakes pendants £2:00
Cottage Cutz Wreath £4:00
Memory Box bauble £1:50

Cuttlebug Embossing Folders £1:50 each
Spellbinders Embossing Folder £2:00
Nellie Snellon scalloped rectangles £2:00
Just rite stamps £6:00 each or both for £10
Marianne poinsettias £2:00
Marianne corner die £1:00
Memory Box die £1:00
Marianne Flower Dies £1:00
Marianne mini flower dies £1:00
Silver flower die £1:00
Purple swirly die £1:00

Leave a message for Michele if you are interested in any of the above x

Feel free to send me anything you would like to sell, I will add it next Saturday. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Love the funny sign! Your evening/night sounds “eventful “ to say the least, hopefully all wilds animals have left your house.

    I’m off into Southport this morning as I have quite a long list of items I need to buy then I’m calling at my Dads as he wants help to sort his shed out. We’re off out for dinner tonight with friends.

    Most of the Dies are still available-2 sets have sold on the first photo.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Wonderful set of boxes. All very glamourous.

    Thank you MICHELE for your Mag Review.I'll be popping into WHSthis morning as we're off on our usual Saturday shopping.
    I'm hoping for a quiet afternoon as we haven't stopped since getting back.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours. Cream scones available this afternoon.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. I love the funny saying Thank you for the magazine review MICHELE
    OH has said we can go to Hobbycraft tomorrow (Yay!) before we try and visit his sister So I will look at the magazines
    Your story about the “friend” is what really puts me off owning a cat SANDRA
    I intend to have a very lazy day today I feel so tired
    Take care all x

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra that is the joy of having cats & living in the country, I hope you had a better night. The CC is lovely this week & your card is
    All the box's are lovely thank you Michele the magazine
    Sending hugs to all & love

  5. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I hope you have a better night and that the trap catches whatever the cars bought into the house. We used to use humane traps but always though mice etc had a homing device in them as they always cake back. So then we used proper traps. Some had markings on them so we always knew it was the same ones.

    Great reviews Michele as always. Some of things in this one are the same that I had from Clarity and Creative Expressions that I no longer use.
    The gift boxes are fantastic. I know that the Christmas one that Michele had inspired me to get the magazine it was in. It was an old one so I was lucky to get it after Michele told me which one it was.
    I must say I’m hoping to do a Groovi one next Saturday at my class. I’m staying all day this time as Hazel bought some lovely things to do. I think I’ve finished all my Christmas cards but just need to put some glitter on.
    Gentle hugs to all who need them today. Especially Lynda and I’m glad to hear your foots improved enough to have a shower Karen.

  6. Afternoon everyone.
    Lovely to see the box cards again. I'm still will try to make some.
    Thanks Michele for the magazine review, some really great crafting in there.
    I hoping Sandra that you managed to catch whatever it was the cats brought in this time. They like to make mischief don't they.
    OH is not well, some virus he thinks so he is staying in bed today so it's given me the freedom with the tv control. The last bake off and ncis here I come Lol
    Have a nice day everyone and I'm sending you all hugs and some extras for you who need some. Take care ,Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies
    WOW some beautiful box cards on the blog today all lovely.
    I managed to make my CCtoday after a mojo thingy start
    It's been raining heavy all day & really windy as well so that was it me stayed put.
    MICHELE thank you for a lovely magazine review so helpful.
    Sending everyone Big Hug's & love
    Extra for MARGARET VAL MARIA & all not 100.%
    Lynda xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies

    What a treat to see all of those lovely box cards, all so different and really inspiring, thank you for showing them to us again. Hope your bedroom visitor has moved on and you can sleep peacefully again. xx

    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review, as always so very helpful.

    I’ve had a day and a half today trying to sort out the iPad, it was not loading any of the apps. Sorted that out, then tried to send CC to Sandra iPad was not sending or receiving any emails. Gave up around 5.30 we had supper then thought about it again. Well I had a light bulb moment and it is now working 🤗 I cannot tell you how pleased I am.

    Hope everyone has had a good day and enjoying the weekend in spite of the weather.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I loved your Groovi Christmas card yesterday Sandra. Adding the tiny ivy corners really draws your eyes in towards the beautiful tree. Mum and I were talking about having to start our Christmas cards very soon so hope to make a start on Friday. I hope your little “gift” from Bella is now back outside and you are able to rest in bed my lovely xx
    Karen, glad to hear you are able to shower. That always helps you feel better doesn’t it x
    Lynda, sorry that you had to pay for a new shower but we would be lost without them wouldn’t we xx
    Michele, thanks for a great magazine review. Wow, you must have a lot of dies to be able to sell all of these. Can you remind me how you store yours? I’m sure you have told us but my memory is blank.....nothing new there!!!!
    Maria, I hope you are feeling a bit better now after your day trip x
    I am off to bed so will say goodnight everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
