
Tuesday 19 November 2019

My First Freebie Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and those of you that have been poorly are starting to improve, this is the worst time of the year to be unwell as our calendars start to fill with different events, commitments, shopping trips and family visits etc, none of us want to visit anyone for fear of making them ill, also feeling like I did last week there is no way I could have dragged myself out anywhere.  So I am sending warm healing hugs to all of you xxx

Today's card was made using that gorgeous Stamp set that I have shared a photo of above, it came with my Creative Stamping Magazine (issue 76).  I usually look at the stamp sets and pop them in a magazine rack, a lot of them I haven't really opened but they are handy to have on hand as some have really unusual themes.
There were so many really useful stamps in this set and they were made by PinkFresh so you know that they are good quality.  I have to say every stamp that I used stamped like a dream.
I sat and made FOUR cards with this set and for me that is virtually unheard of, it usually takes me all day to decide on theme, decide what to use and then design ONE card!!
I will be featuring them all of this week.
This first card I took a piece of Very Vanilla card, dusted it with Anti-Static bag and then stamped the largest Poinsetta spray stamp on the left of my card, I then turned my card and stamped the same stamp in a different direction using Versamark Ink, I then added some Gold Embossing Powder and heat set my design, next it was time to colour, I used my Stampin' Write Markers for this project, the colours I used are Cherry Cobbler (my favourite red) and Old Olive both pens have Light and Dark colours, I added in Granny Apple Green to use as a different green for the different foliage.
After I had finished colouring I popped the piece into my Stamp Tool to add the sentiment.  I will let you in with a little secret...I already got to this stage once and the stamp (that had a little ink on it) fell of the stamp platform onto my finished piece and put an ugly mark along the top, I could have cried after spending an hour colouring it!!! But I didn't, I took a deep breath and started again.
To finish the card I mounted the front onto a narrow Matt Gold Mirror card mat and then added that onto a Cherry Cobbler base card.
I love how this card turned out, I hope you like too!! xxx

I hope that you have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-WOW!!! Your card is absolutely gorgeous!!!i love everything about it.

    I sat & finished dome cards last night then sat and read until bedtime.

    Quick visit as the card is completely covered in frost/ice so I’ll need to spend a while clearing it before setting off for work.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a surprise I had when I opened this morning.I thought I recognised your card well the stamping subject and sure enough when I scrolled down to the stamp sheet I knew why.I started my CC yesterday and yes I have used the same 'freebies'. I have yet to colour them. I always go into the shop to look at MICHELE's reviewed mag and very rarely buy but I really liked this set of stamps and bought the mag.

    It's K&N today and my turn to 'take and make'.You would think that after 13years of going (I started the year I retired)that I wouldn't panic but I always do.I must check everything umpteen times and then still worry that my offerings aren't liked. This times I have a Tonic Cracker-this year's die set and their triangular box or 'Toblerone'box. Oh well we'll see.

    The cAFE is OPEN waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what lovely cards, well done at not crying at spoilt card it always happens on a finished
    Sending hugs to all who feel under the weather love

  4. Hi Sandra and all ladies and men who are in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous cards Sandra, love the gold embossed.
    Oh so many times I got a smudge or oil even from the cutting machine that have destroyed a card and nothing I could even cover it up ,so it ended up in the bin. Just have to think it is a piece of card but if you spent a day or so on it then it's not funny :>(
    Janet- have a fun day with K&N , I'm sure what you bring will be amazing.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and hope that you have a good day whatever you are doing.
    I went out to town this morning and can now feel it so will take it easy this afternoon. I know I've been eating too much during this 2 weeks ,nothing really taste so had a whoop moment at ww with have lost 7lbs :>) Not that will last but happy for that. Son very smug and said I should stay poorly all the time but NO thank you, I only need this cough to go now and get the strength back .
    Love and hugs to you all. Take care xxx

  5. Lovely card The number of times I’ve ruined a card with either and inky splodge or going around the edge with ink and a blending tool OR ultimately I mess up the matting and layering
    Thank you SUE for the info I did find it a bit odd that she was trying to sell me shoes labelled waterproof and then telling me to spray them after a couple of months I will definitely looking into getting some socks too
    I am so tired so I’m going for a snooze now
    Take care all xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    There'd time lucky keep loosing my comments
    SANDRA your cards are lovely.
    My tooth is playing up last night but I have dentist tomorrow so hopefully will get sorted. I made the dentist appointment week so I've had A's at the time I didn't want a emergency appointment asthey charge extra..
    Today I'm in craft room I'm going to do my CC hopefully.then I can start a project..
    Terry has gone for a walk with tha dogs on the I'm off.To craft room
    Sending love & HUGS for everyone Their extrce.if anyone that needs them.
    Love Lynda xx


  7. Hi all, another wet day, and so cold, seem to feel the cold much more these days.

    Sandra two delightful cards, love them both, well done with carrying on after smudge, I’m always doing that.

    Not been feeling great today, so hugs to all, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two really lovely cards Sandra and the colours with the gold is absolutely stunning. I just love everything about both of your cards.

    The day started off with quite a heavy frost, so the garden looked a little sad
    I think winter is really with us once Jack Frost arrives.

    LYNDA hope the dentist is able to relieve your toothache tomorrow. xx

    JANET hope your K&N ladies enjoyed making there crackers. xx

    MARIA well done on the weight loss. Hope the cough gets better soon.

    LILLIAN Sorry you are not feeling to good today, hope you get a good nights sleep and will feel better tomorrow. xx

    Sleep well everyone, Love Brenda xxx
