
Wednesday 20 November 2019

Another Freebie Challenge card & Welcome Baby Sienna

 Welcome Baby Sienna Rene

Good Morning Ladies,

Please join me in Congratulating our lovely Cheryl on the birth of her newest Great Granddaughter-Sienna Rene. She was born last Thursday.
Cheryl she is so beautiful, I love the expression on her face in that second photo, it looks as though she knows so much already.  Have you been for cuddles yet?  I bet you couldn't wait, it barely seems a year since Milly May was that small.  Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful photos with us xxxxx

I hope that we are all well, we had a lovely sunny day yesterday, it was really chilly, but nice to see the sunshine, oh what I would give to have the washing back out on the line drying rather than on the airer in front the Aga!

Well what a mess we (lucy and I) were greeted with yesterday early morning, she had asked me if I wanted a cup of tea as she was getting herself a coffee, I'm not one to turn down a brew, so off she went, the kitchen door closed and the next thing I heard was 'OH NO, MUUUM'!! So I make my way as fast as my body will allow and see that the Pantry door is open and Harley is in the midst of a pile of destroyed packaging, having a picnic breakfast, he had eaten a whole large Bakewell Tart, a whole box of Luxury Brandy rich mince pies, a pack of Ryvita Fruit Crunch, a whole pack of sweet sugar waffles, there were a couple of packets of dry Mexican Taco seasoning too!  I went to evict him from the pantry but he was having none of it, his head was down and he was growling at me, I had to get the broom to shoo him out and I shut him outside while we cleared up the carnage. I told Matt (as Harley is his dog, well on paper he is), his first reaction was 'oh I hope the almonds in the bakewell tart don't upset him', my reply wasn't very polite, never mind the nuts, he'd eaten his way through a good £10 worth of food, I was so looking forward to that Bakewell Tart too!  Matt hadn't closed the pantry door properly when he put his cereal box away, Harley is an eager opportunist and leaned against the door and Bingo it paid off!!  We have tried all sorts of things to try and resolve the issue, the most frustrating part is Matt's response, it's always our fault, never Harley in the wrong, we can't have any food in the kitchen below 5ft as he will just devour it, our Gemma would never touch food unless she was given it, even if the children had food on the floor while they were playing, so it's not something we are used to.  I think we need a Dog Whisperer!!!

So lets go from Chaos to calm with this Blue Christmas Card that I made with the same stamp set that I used on yesterdays card. This time I just took the leaf sprig and randomly stamp it all over the background, I think you always get a better effect if you make your base card piece slightly bigger than you actually need, once you have finished your stamping and embossing you trim down your piece and it just looks neater (to me anyway).
I love the Navy card with the Silver Embossing so I didn't want to do much more to the card, so I took a piece of Vellum that was about a good Inch smaller than my base card and dusted it with an anti static bag and stamped the sentiment which was from one of my Stampin'Up! stamp sets from a couple of years ago, I like it because it's quite bold and stood out well on the vellum, anything smaller or finer wouldn't have stood out enough against the background.
I attached the Vellum to the background with some silver brads, then added a silver mat and finally popped the whole thing onto a Navy card base.

I hope you like this card, it would be any easy one to replicate with any foliage die.

I had lovely afternoon with Pat yesterday, after lunch and yummy cakes (thanks Pat) we got straight on with some crafting, Pat designed a lovely Groovi card that I can't wait to see finished, I was making a Christmas card with one of my DT dies, I quite liked how it turned out, I will share it with you in a few days.  Thanks Pat for a lovely afternoon xxx

Sadly Sue is still poorly with the same bug she had last week, so no visit today😢,  I am sending gentle hugs your way, I hope that you and Chris start to feel better soon xxxx

Gentle hugs winging their way to any of you that are under the weather xxx

Love and hugs to all of you, have a lovely day,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Congratulations Cheryl-lovely photos of baby Sienna.

    Sandra-your Card is gorgeous. I can’t believe one dog could cause so much devastation!!

    Sue-If your still poorly with a stomach bug I think you might need to make a GP appointment.

    Went out for a meal last night with my crazy friend -she booked it as it’s with her Meerkat 2 for 1 deals. Parked up where the restaurant should have been only to find it was closed & had changed names!!!!!!! We ended up in Pizza Hut which was fine but not somewhere you can sit & chat for a while!

    Off I go to work-let’s see what chaos occurs today.


    1. Wow what a shock Michele. Sounds like the 2 for 1 people need to update.
      Hope work isn’t to chaotic.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Congratulations CHERYL on your new addition to the family.Such beautiful pics of baby Sienna.

    A gorgeous card SANDRA.That plate of stamps are so lovely to use aren't they.

    It's a cold morning here but no frost not like yesterday morning where everything was white over.

    The CAFE is OPEN just waiting for you all to pop in.Coffee and Tea pots all at the ready.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.Take care and stay safe.

    1. I hope everything is settling down water wise up your neck of the woods Janet. While travelling towards Burford on my way to Sandra’s yesterday the river Windrush had spread two fold where it’s burst it’s banks. I dread to think what the new housing estate looks like at the bottom of the valley in Witney. We had a new housing estate built in Witney by a company aptly call Aquarius. All the new houses were flooded when Witney was flooded in 2007. Luckily no one had moved in but I wouldn’t have lived in one of those houses if they’d paid me afterwards.

  3. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Great cards yesterday Sandra. It was lovely to see them in the flesh. I seemed to have missed yesterday’s post. Probably because after dinner I sat down to read a book. A proper book not one on my iPad. It was by Katie Fforde & I’d previously read one by Rebecca Shaw. Easy reading ladies, I don’t do dark stories. I don’t mind a murder mystery though. I’m quite a fast reader and can usually polish one book off in a day.
    I had a lovely day with Sandra yesterday. I started 2 cards, both the same. Plus a few that I’d done previously that I just need to put together. I must have about 50 odd cards done already. Might just have enough to keep back for next year as well.
    Hopefully we’ll manage a meet up before Christmas and I’ll bring my Groovi system and anyone can have a play if they want to. I’m off to Birmingham on Monday with friends Marion & Kathy to meet up with another friend who we worked with. Bridget lives in Runcorn and we meet up about twice a year. Looking forward to that. Train fares are so odd. If we caught a train in Oxford and paid straight through to Birmingham it costs quite a bit. But if we catch the same train, pay to Banbury, then pay from Banbury to Birmingham it costs less than half price than paying straight through. How bizarre is that. Same train same seats.
    Well I can hear that my washing has finished so I’d better go and hang it out before the chiropodist comes.
    Oh Cheryl nearly forgot. Congratulations on the birth of Sienna, she looks gorgeous. I hope you get plenty of cuddles.

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is lovely & that stamp set is very useful. Sorry you will not see Sue today I do not expect her this week, this flu seems to hang
    Cheryl congratulations on the birth of Sienna, she looks
    Maria well done on weight loss, you could have found a better way to do it, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hello All, real gales blowing all night, and still wet now and so cold.

    Sandra love the card with the velum great set of stamps

    Cheryl congratulations on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter, lovely name..

    It’s our wedding anniversary today, 54yrs, I don’t know where the time has gone.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Congratulations on your 54th wedding anniversary Lilian.

  6. Good afternoon ladies,

    Thank you for your messages regarding Sienna, I would love to go over to Essex to see her but it is such a long drive, 4 and half hours if the traffic flowing nicely so I will wait until weather is better. Chloe & Reg are requesting visitors not to kiss her until she is older and had her injections. I believe they are following Tarka's recommendation on that score. I have been following the Tarka foundation on FB for some time now...a very sad story where the founders little baby boy Kit died when someone with a cold sore had kissed him unbeknownst to them. Their advice is 'Do not let anyone kiss your newborn if they have had chicken pox and/or cold sores'. It is the same virus and can wreak havoc on their little immune systems and they die. Simple as that. So devastating for the parents and families.

    I've had a lovely time away in the Midlands visiting my sister BIL and family, my annual pre-Christmas holiday. I got up early one Wednesday morning and decided 'I am going to visit my family' so packed the car, took my tablets then sent message to Beverly saying 'Leaving now'. They thoroughly spoilt me, breakfast and cuppa in bed then told quite firmly 'Stay in bed until you have had your second cup of tea. So I did lol, such a luxury that I don't get at home.
    Catching up with previous posts now.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    CONGRATULATIONS Cheryl on the birth of your newest great - granddaughter. What sensible parents, requesting visitors to stay away until she has had her injections. Love her name. Sounds like you had a great time visiting your sister.xx

    CONGRATULATIONS Lillian and R on your 54th wedding anniversary, it’s amazing how the years fly by xx

    Sandra lovely card again today Navy and Silver are a match made in heaven.
    What a chaotic start you and Lucy had to your day yesterday. Harley deserves to have an upset tummy after stealing so much food. Would it be possible to fit an automatic door closer on the pantry door? Having said that you would probably struggle to open it. I recall my grandmother’s pantry - the lower shelves housed pots and pans, the one above had crockery on and food items were on the shelf above that it must have been almost five foot off the ground. Maybe You could have a shelf on a pulley (like the old fashioned cloths driers) that you could pull up to the ceiling. Then if the door isn’t closed properly it wouldn’t matter...... sorry just a suggestion !!!! 🤨

    Hope everyone has had a good day, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Bit late had dentist appointment at 3.00pm as my filling fell out over a week ago.
    It wasn't hurting. I didn't make a emergency appointment as that would have a lot more money.anyway it was Big back tooth so had injection. I had to pay £25.
    Anyway got in the dentist she said as you only had treatment a couple weeks ago I will get a refund. They called Terry to collect me. I got up then started to fall backwards I felt so stupid but luckily Terry dentist & assistant cought me.I was very happy when we got home I fell a sleep.
    CHERYL awww Sienna is gorgeous she is adorable Hug's .
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
