
Friday 20 September 2019

Next Week's Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, Janet, I have ordered you some 🌞 it should arrive in time for the weekend!

Mum continues to improve, she did think she was going to be home for the weekend, we left it to the Nurses to explain to her, she has agreed to having a bed in the lounge, they are going to organise a high, armed chair to sit in as hers is too low, they are also sending her a commode, which will not go down well, she will need it at night if nothing else.  She is having fish and chips delivered for lunch today, it's her favourite Friday treat, the hospital she is in doesn't offer chips on the menu, she had a bizarre concoction of omelette and mash for lunch on Wednesday, her cottage pie looked nice at tea time, with carrots but no green veg, it was the same when matt was in and me, I wonder why it's so hard to cook some nice iron rich Spring cabbage or Broccoli!!
I think one of the other think they are focusing on with Mum's recovery is encouraging her to eat, she is only 7st stone bless her, she does eat though, it must be frustrating for her.

Poor Sophie had a car accident on her way to her first University Lecture yesterday, bless her she was so upset, worried what her Dad would think, obviously he only cared about her being ok. She was also worried about her insurance cost, we reassured her that it will be ok, thankfully she is home today. 

Your Next Challenge 

You have probably guessed the next challenge already, to be honest I wasn't in the right frame of mind to think clearly about the Challenge.   So I thought we could all have a go at a 'White On White' or 'One Colour' card (your choice of course). 
I think that White on White would make a lovely Christmas card, I can't wait to have a play.
I hope you enjoy the Challenge.

Believe me I will be glad when this week is over!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-glad to hear your Mum is continuing to improve, I think the reason there’s no green veg on the menu is most Hospitals use tinned or frozen veg.
    Glad to hear Sophie is ok after her car accident-cars are replaceable. Hope the car is fixed soon.

    Next weeks challenge is a great one-hopefully I’ll have time to join in. I have a lot to do before we go away (next Friday) and I’m working up to Thursday evening!

    Maria -I still don’t know why my Father in Law went to Hospital. Unfortunately this is quite normal for us not to get told the whole story. It’s like it’s punishment for us not going to visit-doesn’t matter how many times I explain how many hours we work or where hubby has been traveling to/from...!! Heh Ho.


    1. Sorry to hear,families ey. So often I get a dig for not visiting and then they find out we been on holiday somewhere else then seeing them, but as you know is not a holiday to visit family, well not with mine anyway. Hope the days goes quickly for your upcoming holiday x

  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you SANDRA for the sun it arrived yesterday. We had the most glorious day. Sunshine all day and so warm that we went for our flu jabs without any cardy's or long sleeves.I'm hoping for the same today.

    Love love love this week's Challenge. White/white is really my favourite colour scheme (or can you call that a 'colour scheme' anyway thinking cap on.

    Well cannot believe we're at the end of another week and already into the twenties for September too. Swear word today and the washer is already churning.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there's one or two tables outside just in case it's warm enough to sit out.

    SANDRAso pleased to hear Mum is progressing well but one step at a time for her.I hope Sophie is OK this morning.

    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra good to hear Mum is going on alright hope Sophie is fine today. Nice challenge this week may be able to find to find a card. Hope next week is better for
    Sending hugs to all love

  4. Good morning Sandra and ladies
    We have a lovely sunny day. Hope it's like it tomorrow as Darren & Sam are having a engagement party
    We are going but won't be staying late it doesn't start 7.30am .umtil so we will leave about 8pm think Lisa's doing the same.
    SANDRA a good challenge for next week. I'm glad your mum is improving & she might be able to go home with the help from (Council)
    Poor Sophie hope she is ok
    Has the car got much damage
    I'm off for my shower
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  5. Great challenge SANDRA It is one of my favourite styles A lot of the time I end up with a smudge or two and bin it
    I hope SOPHIE feels better this morning
    And that your mum is doing as she’s told! Hee hee
    Am thinking of you all but especially you LILIAN and that surgery goes OK and LYNDA that you’re in less pain Enjoy the party tomorrow
    Take care all xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love next weeks challenge, White on white is one of my favourites. Also love one colour cards, we can all go for our favourite colour really and it would work. Looking forward to seeing everyone’s results.

    Hope Sophie is feeling okay today and her pride not too injured. Can her car to be repaired? If it can I hope it’s not going to be too expensive for her, bless her she needs to get back out on the road and keep her confidence going.

    It’s good the hospital are organising everything for mums return home, i’m sure she’ll have NHS support (I hope she accepts it) anything that can aid her recovery can only be a bonus.

    LILLIAN hope the surgery went well and you’re not into much discomfort. Love and prayers XX

    Lynda and Terry enjoy engagement party tomorrow, sending best wishes to Darren and Sam. XX

    We have had a very busy day, All the windows have been cleaned inside, the bed stripped and sheets washed, it was so lovely and sunny all the washing was dry by lunch time, did a quick vacuum around so it has felt quite a productive day. I have to say I wouldn’t managed it all on my own, helper is brilliant, but he knows that.

    Sending caring hugs to all who are in pain or feeling under the weather,
    Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Gorgeous cards and a fun challenge, a bit out of comfort zone as never really do just white on white.
    Oh I hope Sophie is alright today.
    Lilian- hope everything went well and you soon on the mend. Hugs x
    Lynda- weekend seem to be good so have a grand party and congrats to Darren and Sam.
    Margaret- hugs for you and Pop.
    I hope you all have had a nice day and Janet that you managed to go out in the sunshine some of the day.
    I had a good walk this morning then 3 machines of washing hanged out and now back in dry and folded away. Sat outside reading but now in and window shut for it is a nip in the air.Soon time to do dinner, he have ordered it for 6.30pm tonight, only spag bol so easy but making to put in freezer for another two or three days.
    have a nice evening all, hugs Maria xx
