
Thursday 19 September 2019

A Beautiful Groovi card

Good Morning Ladies,

I am hoping that I hadn't already shared this beautiful Groovi card of Pat's,  it was getting late as I was writing this post and Pat sent me a lovely collection of cards to share with you while I was away, I wasn't able to check older posts at the time.  Anyway it's so gorgeous it's worthy of a second look!

The reason for the last minute blog post was that we ended up doing  last minute trip to Colchester, as Paul ended up finishing work at 10am due to power failure in his office.  So he suggested that we went today, I didn't say anything to mum, I thought we would surprise her. We dashed about (well Paul did) getting stuff together for the journey and we were on our way before I had time to think about it.
Mum was pleased to see us, she looked so much better than I thought she would,  she made me laugh though as she said 'I didn't bother going with that bloody physio woman today, she is too bossy, She said "I had to remind her that it's me that broke my leg, not her" !  She has agreed to go tomorrow, her Consultant actually told her to do only what the physiotherapist say though, as ahe had been overdoing it a bit.  Mum's other issue is that she is deaf, so speaks quite loud, which had Paul and I cringing while she was giving us a description of all her room mates!!
The other funny quote was "Sandra you have no idea how painful this surgery is"! I just told her that it will get easier! The Irony!!

We stayed for about 3 hours  then started the journey home,  Mum did ask if we were going again at the weekend!  I politely explained that one 320mile round trip a week is all my body can cope with!

Now Pat's card, it's so pretty,  those darling little birds are from a Groovi plate by the hugely talented Linda Williams,  I had the privilege of seeing her demonstrate this plate at the Groovi open day, as  she was colouring the bird she actually re-sharpened her pencil every other 'flick' to give the fluffy feather look.
Pat's version is just stunning, zoom in and check out the incredible 'snipping' that Pat has done, I love every element of your card Pat,  thank you so much for sharing it with us XXX

Right I'm to put my achy legs up,

Have a lovely day my dear friends,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a stunning card, really lovely.

    Sandra-nice to be able to surprise your Mum. Her quote to the physio is priceless!!! I’m sure she’ll adapt to staying in a rehab centre and will like the attention she’ll get. Good fit you for explaining what a long & tiring journey you have.

    My day today starts with a HR meeting regarding a new member of staff-can’t say I’m looking forward to that!


  2. Beautiful card PAT
    How lovely that you could surprise your mum Her comments did make me giggle
    I have craft club tonight I might take my little Aldi machine and die cut some Merry Christmas sentiments or I’ll take crochet!
    Have a good day everyone Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    OHHH PAT what a gorgeous groovy card. You definitely excel at being Groovy. I only wish my attempts would turn out something like yours.I wish we had someone close who would teach.

    SANDRA-so pleased you managed to get to visit your Mum yesterday and that you found her reasonably well.She really needs to do as her consultant says though.

    Well it's that time of year again (where has this year gone!)and we're off for our flu jabs this morning.That is a sign that Winter approaches.
    We didn't get any of the sun and warm weather yesterday at all. I was frozen all day I even thought of taking my hot water bottle to bed last night!

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day; take care and stay safe.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Pat your card is really lovely you must have patience of a saint.
    Sandra how lovely you were able to surprise your Mum & you could put your mind at
    Sending hugs to all love

  5. Hi Sandra and all
    A Beautiful Groovi card Pat, your snipping is lovely,am I to believe it's not easy to do as you have to turn your hands a lot ?
    Nice Sandra you could surprise mum but do take it slowly today and rest.
    Brenda- what a journey you had too. You are another one who should take it easy ,when you can.
    Janet- Nothing for it , you have to come down South. We have plenty of sunshine until Saturday evening at least. Well that's what the report said this morning but you never know do you.
    Michele- hope work went ok and the meeting was not too bad. Did you ever found out what happened to FIL ?
    Lynda- hope you have abetter day. Not nice to have these pains especially during night. Seem to cope better during day when you can busy your brain on other things. Take care, hugs for you and to anyone in pain today.
    Love and hugs to all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA glad you managed to visit your mum & surprise her with a visit. Pleased you said how far you have to travel.
    Pat your card is gorgeous I love it
    I'm just going in craft room to finish CC hopefully as in quite a lot of pain today
    So Hug's & love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Pat your Groovi card is beautiful, the patience and concentration you have to complete these works of art is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Hope everything is alright with you and you are coping as best you can. Hugs XX

    It’s great you manage to get to see your mum yesterday Sandra. What a hero that man of yours is for suggesting you both visit her yesterday. It must have been a lovely surprise for her to see you both, thank you for sharing the ‘funny’ moments of the visit with us. The bonus of being able to go yesterday is when the weekend does come you will have the time at home - together, and who knows by then mum may have been moved to rehabilitation. xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, another very sunny day, very warm, door open all day.

    Pat , what a beautiful card, so much work, must take ages.

    Sandra great that you could fit in a visit to see your mother yesterday.

    Hospital tomorrow for day surgery, supposed to be finished by 5pm, not looking forward to it much. Hoping to make my c card on Saturday.

    Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi LILIAN
    Hope your day surgery goes well tomorrow. It's the waiting isn't do you know what time you go down.I'm sure you will be fine.
    I Will be thinking of you love Lynda x

    1. Lilian, will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hopefully it will be over soon, take care. hugs x
