
Friday 16 August 2019

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Well today is the day, I think that the card is mostly packed, apart from our Overnight bag, wash bags etc, Oh and I can't go anywhere without my pillow, I think it's a bit of aa OCD thing, I just can't bare putting my head on anything other than my own pillow!

I thought that we would go back to an 'Old Favourite' for this weeks Challenge, I would like you to make a 'Monochrome' card or project.
You don't have to strictly use Black and White, you can use any colour plus white of cream or you could use Black as the neutral colour.

For my card, I used my Woodware Collage 'Afternoon Tea' stamp, I used my Stamp tool for this stamp as I wanted the Black to be really Black, I had to re-ink a couple of times to get a good fully covered image.
I quickly added some Clear Embossing Powder and heat set, as it seems to intensify the colour and gives a lovely finish.
I mounted my stamped image onto a black mat and then added a piece of narrow black ribbon around the bottom of my stamped piece and then used attached to a White card Base.

I think that this stamp is so detailed and has so many elements that you can snip into, which makes it really versatile and would work for so many occasions.

I hope that you like my card, I can't wait to see some of yours x

Sue came over yesterday and she treated me to a lovely lunch out, we went to Dunelm for a browse around, I was telling Sue about a lovely lady that was demonstrating some absolutely stunning cards, when I got home I looked online to try and buy the stamp (which was out of stock) and discovered that the Lady runs a Craft and Scrapbooking shop in Swindon, Sue was as excited aa I was to go over and have a look, she has some stunning stamps (Snazzy Studio), it was relatively easy to find too.
I think we must have been in there for almost a couple of hours, the lady was really friendly and seemed genuinely positive about stamping and scrapbooking, we talked about all the different shows she had been to, a few of them sounded really fun.
She was so kind that she got her Demo box out and re did the Stamping Tutorial for Sue to see, she made a stunning card, very similar to the ones that she made at the Stamperama show. I can't wait to have a go.
By the time we got home it was getting on for 6pm.  I had a really lovely day Sue, thank you so much for taking me out to lunch XXX

I bope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card which has an interesting image. It's one of those that every time you look at something different catches your eye.
    I cannot believe that we're at the endof another week. Everything this week has past me by at a hundred miles an hour or it feels like that.

    So ir's that 'swear' word day for me and I haven't photographed my CCs yet either.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Hi ladies,

    What a pretty card Sandra. The black and white is really striking.
    Glad you had a good day with Sue. The craft lady sounds really kind and helpful.
    No craft club today as the the shop where we do our crafting is closed today. Lynn and I are going clothes shopping

    My crib friend Tony who is in UK, Telford, with his wife Gill, visiting relatives, was mugged yesterday afternoon as he was getting money out of a bank machine. He's 80 years old and quite frail and is really shaken as you can imagine. I'm just about to ring Gill up to see how he is today. So evil.

    Well, have a safe journey Sandra. Hope you can all fit in the car as well as all the things you're taking!!!
    Lots of love Valx

    1. Val I am so sorry to hear about Tony being mugged, what is the matter with people these days. This is such lack of respect, i hope the manage to find the pig that did it, i also hope that Tony can get over the ordeal quickly xxx

    2. Thanks Sandra. I'm so upset. He was crying when I spoke to him. He's so shaken.x

    3. Oh Val what a frightening experience for your friend. I hope the culprit was caught and gets the book thrown at him.
      Unfortunately these days it seems people can commit all manner of crime, the police are working their socks off to catch the villains, then the case goes to court and they might get 18 months possibly halved for good behaviour - where is the justice?

    4. Hi Val
      I’m sorry to hear that your friend had such an awful experience. I hope he manages to get over it. Such awful people about you have to be so careful.

    5. I'm so sorry Val for what happened to your friend, what a horrid experience.Hope he will be ok. You have to be so careful these days.

    6. Thank you ladies for your kind wishes.x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card &- great challenge for us this week. Hope your journey is problem free.

    I enjoyed my day yesterday at Southport Flower Show-it wasn’t nice weather but at least it didn’t rain. Anyone going in today will get very wet as it’s not stopped raining!

    The lady who owns Card-io stamps has a stall in the craft marquee yesterday & I was watching her doing a demo. Their garden centre & Shop is literally 10 minutes away from me and they’re having a Sale at the Bank Holiday weekend so guess where I’m going??!!

    Off out later to help a friend sort out her craft room.


  4. Lovely card and a great challenge
    How lucky that you found that lady friend m Snazzy Studios living so close to you! Shame is I don’t remember seeing her! It really sounded like a fun day
    Safe trip to the “other side”
    We’re are looking after Oscar tonight I cannot wait! Daughter is going to the Bombay Sapphire distillery this afternoon for a tour and obviously a little tipple too!
    Take care ladies xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card & challenge this week. Sounds as if you had a lovely time with Sue yesterday, no doubt I will hear all about it later when she gets here. Have a safe
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today SANDRA & a good challenge for nexed week.
    How lucky you are having a craft shop not far from you.(Me jealous no!!!😩) Sandra have a safe journey on your holiday. It doesn't seem a year since we met you & Paul at the premier Inn for a couple of hour's.
    Sad we couldn't make this time 😭x
    Terry took our car for it's mot this afternoon & Yaaay it past.
    We had Rain all day & it's quite chilly. I'm now going in craft room to make Challenge card.
    Hug's for everyone hope you all have a good weekend
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    I’m glad you and Sue managed to go out for lunch. I’m assuming it was somewhere out towards Swindon as you managed to get to Dunelm. I hope Paul managed to get the shopping done to take with you, as you’d said he hoped to go as soon as he got in from work. Lovely to hear the lady who was demonstrating at Stamperaa has a shop by you.
    It’s been raining all day here and looks fairly miserable out as well.
    Hope it improves as Craig’s said they’re going to Wales tomorrow. Staying somewhere near the Brecon Beacons, a walking holiday apparently. Rather them that me in this weather. Although Romilly is adamant she’s not walking.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love your card, also love the idea for next weeks challenge, I might even get a card made. My sister is coming to stay tomorrow until mid week. She’s asked could I help her make a card with a motorbike on, which could really work in with the challenge. I have a motorbike die on order but think it’s coming from China!! Fingers crossed it will arrive while she is here. 🤞 and pigs might fly !

    So pleased you had a lovely day with Sue. What a fantastic discovery that the lady from the craft show is close by. I’m positive you will be going back to see her again, she was very generous with her time and sounds a very genuine lady she deserves to succeed.

    Have a safe trip and a relaxing holiday, sending love and big hugs to you both. xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi everyone from another very wet part of the Uk. Have just been out for dinner but stopped on the way to get a pudding in for later. Forget healthy eating when it is like this and I feeling so cold. So a tea and blanket over legs I'm now sitting here looking at your lovely card and I already thinking of colours to put together. Your so lucky to have this lady living close by. Have a safe journey now and hopefully the weather should get better the further south you getting.
    Michele -you are another one who are lucky to have the great card-io near , I like their stamps even if I am useless at making them look like they do Lol
    Karen- have a wonderful time with Oscar, lots of cuddles.
    Lynda- good your car passed the MOT. Take care.
    Margaret- hope your foot are better. Take it easy.
    Have a nice evening all and "warm" hugs all around, Maria xx
