
Thursday 15 August 2019

Throwback Thursday Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Why is it that when you need the sun to shine and wind to blow to get washing dry so that you can pack those last few things it does nothing but rain?!!

I managed to get some more packing done and had made a card before 10am yesterday, then the girls surfaced and wanted me to go into town with then for those last minute things (that we went for last week) we didn't get them anything this week either, I didn't honestly think that we would but I needed to get a few bits for Matt and Paul's birthdays plus we needed toiletries, the girls are very fussy with products that they put on their face, so we got those and their own particular shampoo's etc, we did have fun, I love seeing them laugh so much they are in tears, trying on hats caused great hilarity, I really need one but seem to look daft in whatever I put on my head, to be honest I only ever sit under the umbrella on the beach anyway.  I could always knot a hanky!!

Today's card is from this day 2 years ago, but works for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge using Categories:  Favourite Colour/ Feminine/Die cuts

To make this card :
I just used a white base card, I then created my background piece by first inking through a mask onto the card, I then spritzed it with water and ran it though my Platinum with the Hardwood embossing folder, which is an extra thick one.  Then I inked up my brayer and lightly swiped it over the raised embossed areas to pick out the details of the Embossing, all with 'Lemon Lime twist' ink of course. I added this to my base card and then stamped my sentiment on white card and die cut it with a 'Lots of Labels' die, adding a Mat of the same colour.  
I stamped three of the 'Flower Shop' Pansy stamps and punched them out, adding small diamantĂ© to the centres of each flower and then cut another to dress my ribbon bow with, this had a small faceted sparkler to the centre. A few leaves  in same colour way finish my floral element. I arranged them around the sentiment, with the matching ribbon bow in the opposite corner.  I wasn't sure about having everything in the same colour at first but it really grew on me. 

Lilian, I was so relieved to read your news yesterday, thank you so very much for letting us know.  I know exactly how you feel regarding leaving the house for such a major journey and long stay,  it's feels like a horrendous task, it's such a hard thing to describe to somebody that doesn't suffer with that kind of anxiety.  It's frustrating when people say 'it will be fine, what could possibly happen'' because our minds don't process the thoughts in the same way. I used to say '' I know its irrational to think that way but there is nothing I can do about it''.  I hope that the pleasure of being with your family will help you with your anxiety my lovely XXX

Val, Poor you and little Gracie getting soaked through, now I know you said that you craft in your undies, but stripping those off and going into the craft room would spell disaster for me, I'd end up with inky bits, its bad enough trying to scrub it off my hands!  You have to literally drag our son's dog Harley out of the house if it's raining and when he comes back he is proper sulky.  I hope that your sunshine returns today XXX

Margaret, Sorry to hear that you have a swollen foot my lovely, I bet you can't wait to go and see the Consultant and Team at the hospital, not long now my lovely, take it easy, hugs on their way XXX

Love and hugs on route to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, so nice to revisit older cards again.

    Lilian-great news from the Consultant. Hope you are able to enjoy your trip to see your granddaughters.

    Val-we’ve has nothing but rain here. This morning we also have strong winds which is typical as it’s the first day of The Southport Flower Show!! I’m off work until Monday & going into the Flower Show with my crazy friend today.


    1. Oh Michele, I'm really jealous. Always went to the Southport show rain or not. Enjoy.x

    2. Hi Michele, hope the rain stays away while you at the flower show. Have a nice day and enjoy the days off x

  2. Hi ladies.
    Pretty card Sandra in your favourite green.

    LILIAN so pleased your news was good reason biopsy. Enjoy your time away.x

    SANDRA Sounds like A fun day with your girls yesterday.
    You make it sound as if I live in a brothel always either in underclothes or in the nude ha ha. I do occasionally have clothes on honest!!!
    Off to slimming club this morning then out to lunch later. May sit out in the shade later now the humidity has gone. So much more pleasant.

    Love to all with special hugs for those in pain or not feeling so good.
    Love Valx

    1. I thought you’d remember the Southport Flower Show Val.


  3. First of all Fantastic news LILIAN am I totally agree with SANDRA re the anxiety I’m probyselling ice to Eskimo’s here but take some knitting or crochet or colouring to keep your hands occupied - unless you’re driving! It really helps me to focus on something rather than read
    I managed to get a taxi home from work yesterday otherwise I’d have ended like VAL and GRACIE!
    Your card is gorgeous SANDRA I love tone on tone cards - now there’s another challenge for you
    The cc I made last night is going in the bin So I’ll try again later
    Have a great day Big hugs to all of you and “let’s be careful out there”

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have some sunshine today but rain is forecast for this afternoon Sandra your card is lovely & in your favourite colours the flowers are really pretty.
    I did get in craft room yesterday but still didn't get any cards made
    I just played with my Gelli plate haven't tried using it yet. So didn't quite know what I was doing. I did get a image using a mask but couldn't find my starlight paints. So used some oxide.will try again today & hopefully I might be able to get a cc made.
    LILIAN so pleased your biopsy test results came back clear. Enjoy going to your daughters & seeing your granddaughter's on her birthday.
    Margaret sorry your in pain I sympathise with you take care xx
    Hug's all round Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card & it sounds as if you have fun with the girls. Hope everything is
    Thank you all for your best wishes.
    Lilian so pleased to hear your news, now you can enjoy your
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Afternoon Everyone
    Oh LILIAN what fantastic news.Enjoy your trip and your family time.

    Lovely card SANDRA and in your favourite colour too.
    We had rain and high winds yesterday and it's the same again today. Ihave so much to do and time is just flying past me.

    Take care everyone and stay safe. HUGS will bre a little late today.xxxx

  7. Hi ladies,
    gorgeous card Sandra, such a pretty colour that yellow.
    Lilian- wonderful news. Sending you a big hug and wish you a very nice time up in London. Son have extreme problems with anxiety so know what you mean.
    Val- hope you have some clothes on today when you sitting outside or the neighbours will start talking Lol
    Margaret- take it easy and stay off your leg. Big hug.
    Been to Ikea this morning for breakfast then popped to Wickes for a new shower head and hose. Now I'm off out to a get together with people suffering with Fibromyalgia, it's a group running here in MK, hope it is better then the last one.
    Love to all, Maria xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card again Sandra today. I’m glad you enjoyed your shopping trip with the girls.
    Lilian good to hear your news. And I hope you enjoy your time with the family. I hope the journey wasn’t to stressful for you.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, I love the colour it is so bright and cheerful. Your shopping trip with the girls sounds fun.

    Lillian Really pleased your biopsy came back clear. That’s what I call good news.. xx Enjoy spending time with your family, bet granddaughter will be excited you are visiting. xxx

    Val, Parrish the thought, Have to say - you did give me a laugh !!! xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda xxx
