
Thursday 22 August 2019

The last two TicTacToe Challenge cards from FB Ladies

Susan Dawson

Susan Lawson 

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all ok, how's the weather over there?.  We had a bit of a cloudy overcast day yesterday, which we really didn't mind as we were all happy to sit and read, play games etc.  We also had to go and do a big food shop, we always go on the first /second day to stock up on bottled water, fruit, crisps and snacks  to take to the beach each day.  We always take meat etc with us in our electric cooler (which plugs in to car etc), that way it costs us less as meat is more expensive out here, it is better quality but it's a lot more expensive and with the poor exchange rate for Euro it makes it even worse. 
Anyway we managed to get all stocked up for the  next week /10 days, which means Paul doesn't have to drive anywhere, so he can totally relax too. 
The camp site shop/ bakery is well stocked and unusally is very reasonably priced, milk, bread, yoghurts etc same price as large supermarkets. 
The other real money saving thing that we do is Buy Icecreams/ lollies etc by the box and fill the freezer, so we pay no more than 3 or 4 Euros for a box of 4 or sometimes 6 icecreams as apposed to paying almost €3 for 1 !!!
We finished our day with a lovely home cooked steak and Chips dinner with Garlic Mushrooms, followed by an evening of games.  Perfect !!

Now onto those STUNNING TicTacToe Cards from the two Susan's!

Susan Dawson's Easel Card 

Using Categories:  Birthday/Vintage/Feminine 

The first card is just perfection, it's absolutely gorgeous,  so much beautiful detail, without being over the top. The flowers and arranged perfectly around the stunning vintage portrait,
I love how Susan has added the 'With Love' label style on the side of the card too.
Such an inspirational card Susan, thank you so vert much for taking part in the Challenge.  XXX

Susan Lawson's Card

Using Categories:  Die cut/Favourite Colour/Feminine 

Susan has used a beautifully intricate die to cut the the main focul point of her card, the base cut in that pretty shade of purple, then the intricate detailed part die cut in white with a pretty floral  paper behind the lacy panel.
This pretty piece was mounted onto a pretty purple card base, with a die cut label for the sentiment centred beneath. 
Susan finished the card with a simple white bow.
Absolutely beautiful Susan. 
Thank you so very much for taking part in the Challenge. XXX

Margaret, i was saddened to read your news, although now that you are under the care of the Parkinson's team, which I believe have an excellent reputation, you can get the treatment to get your life back on track. I know first hand how frustrating and deeply upsetting it is seeing your partner/loved ones tiring themselves doing the things that you used to do and enjoyed doing.  I think that that one think is the hardest for other people to fully understand.  Even if they say they don't mind doing it  you can see that they are struggling.   Then there is the frustration that they don't quite do it to the same standard  as you did!! Hahaha.
I think it's so wrong that you have had to wait so many months to see this team but I am excited to see how they can help you get your strength back.  
Sending you the hugest, squishyest hug and lots of love Margaret xxxxxxxxx

That's all from me today ladies 

Have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two stunning cards on display today, both really lovely.

    Sandra-you sound like you’re extremely organised taking so much with you. One advantage of traveling in hour own car.

    Problematic day at work yesterday-ended up short staffed which meant I wtmt I go the Unit to check some of the treatments being made. Today I have to sit && clear some emails as I keep getting messages telling me I’m about to exceed my storage capacity!!


  2. Hi everyone,

    Two beautiful cards today ladies as was the grooving one made by Sue yesterday.

    Hope now all the shopping etc is organised you can have a lovely relaxed time.x

    Off to slimming club son then out for lunch but must call at our big Chinese shop first to pick up some mirri card and glitter card. Sorted all my Christmas stash yesterday so starting on the cards this weekend.

    Not your day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  3. Two beautiful cards ladies
    Boy! You are organised SANDRA! But now enjoy relaxing and being with the family
    Big hugs MARGARET Let’s hope the team can really help
    I had a lovely evening catching up on television shows and crafting
    This afternoon NICKI is coming to play and later I have craft clubThe swear word and ironing will have to wait - Oh What a shame (NOT)!
    Take care all xxxx

    1. PS the weather here is lovely and sunny with a slight breeze x

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sue a lovely Groovi card from you. Great tic tac toe cards as well. Once again blogger is playing up so I hope this posts today.
    Margaret I was sorry to hear your news. But the meds when received should hopefully sort it out. Pete’s friend up the road has had it for quite awhile now. They originally thought he had a frozen shoulder. But he gets on well with his medication.
    I’m glad that you’ve finished the shopping for awhile Sandra and that Paul doesn’t have to drive for awhile and had a lovely rest.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    The 2 Susan's cards are lovely, thanks for sharing.xx
    Sandra thank you for best wishes, now you can really
    Brenda, Karen & Pat thank you for
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What beautiful cards from your FB Ladies they are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you both Susan’s for allowing Sandra to share them with us today xx
    Sandra sound like you have the shopping organised, great to hear Paul can relax and enjoy your holiday and family life. xx

    Another busy day this morning went into London (again) sister was meeting up with a friend for a lunch. We hung around and all returned home later. Then about 3pm the three local grandchildren dropped in to say hello. Which was lovely they are so at home here, they just fall in whatever you are doing, And It is always great to see them, best tonic you could ask for. xx

    Sending love and hugs to Margaret, Lynda and Lillian and anyone who needs them. xx

    Ladies hope you have had a good day, please
    Sending love and hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Ladies
    Lovely cards from your FB friends Sandra, nice of you ladies letting Sandra show them for us. Hope you join in again.
    I hope your day have been alright ladies and perhaps some crafting was made. Started on a cc but it went in the bin. Had shopping to do and then back home I didn't feel to good so nothing much happened this afternoon. After dinner we watched a film together and soon hopefully Mr sandman have done his job so I can get a nights sleep.
    See you in the morning. Hugs all around, Maria xx
