
Friday 23 August 2019

Next week's Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

It hardly seems five minutes since I was saying "Here we are at the start of another week" and it's Friday already!  

Michele was kind enough to arrange and make inspiration cards for two Challenges, which really helped me out, both Challenges are great and something we haven't done for a while.

So here is Michele's first Challenge....

Hi Ladies 

This weeks challenge is to recycle something & use it on your card/project.

Here I’ve used a paint colour strip to punch out flowers for the birthday card.

You could use an old card as a topper, ribbon or buttons on a card-the list is endless!

Happy Crafting

Thanks Michele for a great Challenge, I think most of us hoard something that we could use on a card or craft project.
It could be anything from using Die packaging as acetate for a shaker card, or using bubble wrap to create a background, I have used a pretty wrapping paper as Background paper before, you can be as resourceful as you like.

I will try and think of other ideas through the week.  I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

We had a lovely day at the beach, the breeze was welcomed as it was around 30 degrees, sadly tge wind meant that the sea was quite rough,  so I didn't manage to get in. Paul and the girls went in, Lewis isnt keen so he and I sat chatting. 
I managed to buy some cross shaped ferules for the bottom of my crutches, tomake walking on sand easier , I wasn't sure whether they would work or not, i saw a lady with them at Farnborough in February and asked her where she got them, I managed to get mine on Amazon,  there were loads to choose from, different to last year when I could only find 1 sort that were going to be around £100 !!!
These ones cost less than £20 and really do work! It makes such difference too.

Thats all for today my lovelies,

Have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the Cross shapes rubber ferrules sound good, glad they made it easier for you to get across the beach.

    Busy day yesterday at work then I did the shopping at Tesco so I was shattered. Looking forward to a long weekend-3 whole days off!! Yippee


  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you MICHELE for this week's Challenge and your inspirational card.

    I have to get my CC sent off this morning and of course it's that 'swear' word day which seems to come around faster each week. Jim's on duty today so it's just me so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and there's a date and walnut cake ready to eat.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day.Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Hi ladies,
    Thanks Michele for this good challenge and your pretty card.

    SANDRA Glad you got the ferrules. Will look at them for DIL.

    Friday comes around so quickly and it's Craft Club day again yeh. God nothing ready to take yet so just heading upstairs to sort out my bag.

    Bye for now. Valx

  4. A really great challenge My mind if buzzing Thank you MICHELE for the great idea
    The day at the beach sounded like fun and glad the new ferrules are helping
    I had a great afternoon with Nicki making messy backgrounds- caught in crystal- shaving foam
    Craft club was lovely We had a laugh
    So pleased that it’s a long weekend and can’t wait Out dancing tonight and going to a Fete tomorrow
    Take care ladies Big hugs all around xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele thank you for setting this challenge, enjoy your days off.xx
    Sandra your day on the beach sounds lovely just what you
    Sending hugs to all love

  6. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Great tic tac toe Michele.
    I’m glad the things you bought for the bottom of of your crutches work. Quite often you see things that people say work but don’t.
    I wonder if you took the stand up paddle board you bought last year for Paul & the girls with you this year. But I’m glad your both able to relax anyway.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cfae today. Yeah, using Mums laptop to comeent. I look in everyday to see your gorgeous cads Sandra, and everyone else's too.
    I'm so glad that you are in full relaxation mode now my lovely xx
    Thank you for the kind comments about my card on Wednesday. I now need even more spare hours to enjoy this extra craft!!!
    Michele, lovely challenge inspiration card and thanks for a great challenge. I have lots of recycled bits and bobs stashed away so will have to get some out.
    You are all in my thoughts ladies. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Sweet card and good challenge for next week, thank you Michele. Have a great few days off.
    Karen too ,enjoy your longer weekend and have fun.
    Sandra, great you found something to put on the crutches so you can be with the others down on the beach. We have had a lovely day here today but I got a headache so had to lay down. Luckily my step-son is cooking our dinner for us so I can sit out in the garden and relax hihi
    I hope your day have been good and the weekend will be nice wherever you are. Take care all and hugs, Maria xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you Michele for suggesting next weeks challenge, I have a few archived cards that fit this challenge.
    Sandra so pleased your ferrules helped.
    Sue you crept in very quietly there, hope all is well with you, give Mum a big hug from me.
    My sister has returned to Loughborough she requests assistance when she gets to her departure train station. The train manager arranges assistance at the destination stop. It all worked just perfectly, and she is now comfortably back in Loughborough. It’s been lovely having her here, I think she thought she would be able to get about more than she could, but (with help) we did get to do quite a few things on her wish list.
    Sleep well dear friends, Love Brenda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry I haven't been in much. Well I have been looking in to the café but my comments haven't posted so hopefully this will.
    Thank you Michele for setting this week's challenge it's a good one
    Enjoy your long weekend
    MARIA I hope your headache is better today. Good job you're son-in-law is cooking your dinner for you all
    My lovely home help still won't let me do anything he is even doing the dinners & all been lovely. Think I have been made redundant 🤣🤣
    MARGARET your feeling better now have you got a home help like CU.
    We have to pop out soon no whare exciting only Tesco I need a few bits.
    I think I'm going to go & see if this is going to publish
    So big Hug's all round
    Love Lynda xx
