
Tuesday 6 August 2019

My Mixed Media Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I will be honest I struggled in the humidity yesterday, I'm not sure if I was over tired as I have had a rough couple of nights or whether it's just the humidity but it was one of those days where every thing is an effort. (i'm sure a lot of you know exactly what I mean) x

Sophie has asked me to thank you all for your kind words about her Portrait yesterday, you know I did laugh, Sue will back me up on this one....about 6 months ago I told Sophie that she would do better to include animal portraits alongside the other portraits that she offered, she kept saying No as they were too difficult, she said that fur is far too hard to make it look realistic, she then reluctantly did a portrait of her partners Grandad's Dog, which as you can imagine was very well received, now she doesn't bat an eyelid, but it does show that Sometimes 'Mum does know best'!!😉😜

Now onto my Challenge card for this week, I think that we approach 'Mixed Media' with a little fear and trepidation but this piece was so easy..
I sprinkled 3 colours of Pixie Powders 'Spearmint', Golden Mint  Peacock Green' onto my glass mat, spritzed it with water and dragged my card through it a few times and hear set, I then popped the piece into my Stamp Tool and inked up the leaf stamp in Versamark ink and added gold embossing powder and heat set, I then die cut this piece and set to one side.  I took my card blank and stamped a little script stamp off the edge of the card a few times, I also inked through a stencil and added a few splat stamps too. I also flicked some of the Pixie powder (dry) onto the card and spritzed with water,  I dried the card base all over and then added my topper and to finish I added some Tim Holtz Words, adding a little green ink to them to tie them in to the background.
Quite a simple card, but I like how it turned out, as is always the case you can see soo much more colour movement from the Pixie Powders when you have the card in your hand.

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what s great card, it’s brilliant. Hope the weather improves soon so you aren’t struggling .

    I’m sitting in the kitchen looking out at brilliant sunshine & a heavy rain shower! You can virtually see where the rain starts & stops-most odd!!


  2. Terrific card SANDRA I love playing with PP’s and like you say a photo doesn’t really capture the shimmer
    I made s card for the challenge yesterday afternoon and have a couple more backgrounds “drying”
    This weather really saps my energy too
    I hope you’re feeling better LILIAN and are feeling less breathless now
    How are the new wheels LYNDA and how lovely to have a surprise visit and lots of cuddles with Harry Aren’t they the best
    Take care all xx

  3. Margaret Palmer6 August 2019 at 10:08

    Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra your card is beautiful, you would not know it isn't stamped on just looking at it, well done. Let's hope today is not so humid & you can breath
    Lilian hope the meds soon make a difference to
    Lynda hope you are in less pain
    Maria the bird stamp I used was a new stamp from Stampin Up I will stamp some for you, or get Sue to when she comes down, if you would
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Thank you Margaret, I would love to have a few if it's no problem. Hope you feeling stronger for each day. Hugs for you and Pop xx

  4. Hi ladies.
    Fabulous card Sandra ! Haven't used my PP's for ages.
    I have got stuck, my idea for mine is going round and round and just makes me dizzy Lol
    Sunny morning here but now it's raining, one good thing is that no watering tonight needed but boy it is dark and body do not like this weather at all. Had ww this morning and got away with a lucky escape after a week not controlling what went into my tummy Lol Met up with OH after for breakfast and some fruit shopping from the market. I need to shake this sleeping sand off me and get a wiggle on so as soon this is posted I'm going in the kitchen to do something !
    Have a nice day and hugs to all from me xxx

  5. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sandra your card is a lovely mixed media example love the colour's you have used. I have just finished a pile of ironing I've been stugling with the humidity too Sandra.
    KAREN yes it was a lovely having a surprise visit from Harry & his mum &Dad.
    Also Sam doing the dinner for us.she also made a lovely stew for us she said portion it & freeze it But we had some yesterday it was lovely.& a lot left over so having some more tonight. So won't be freezing any lol.
    MARGARET went out to the shops in new wheels must say Terry said it wasn't as heavy as the Red Cross one. They are not all that comfortably going over all the bumps.? Are your new wheels a electric chair. Couldn't afford one of those.How you getting on with it. Has your ramp all finished now.Hope your feeling better now.
    Hug's for everyone Love from Lynda xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra what a beautiful card using your pixie powders, the colours you chose have turned out so well. Thank you for your inspiration. xx

    Grandsons have returned from their very short stay in East Africa, they would have liked to stay longer but Dominic had to get back for work and Samuel back to go on a family holiday, life is tough being 17 isn’t it - not! They have both said they would love to do the trip again, They started each day going into school to teach (children up to 14 yrs ) Maths, English, Science and anything else requested, finishing every afternoon playing sports with the children, which was right up their street, they are both very sporty boys. Daughter did say had she realised they would be teaching she would have given them some tips on teaching, to be honest I think they did quite well without mums help! Although Sam did say to himself how would Mum approach this on the odd occasion. But from what I gather they were both managed very well. I did have to smile though, Sam was taking a lesson and he told the children to come and stand around the teachers table where he had a large diagram spread out so they could see closer what he was explaining, later the class teacher questioned him, where did he learn this style of teaching? I think the normal way out there is for teachers to stand at the big black board and the children sit at their tables, he’d never observed the hands on approach before. It was so lovely hearing all about the trip and of course lots of photos.
    Sorry hope I haven’t gone on to much, but I cannot help being proud of what they have done. The sisters are now thinking of setting up some sort of scheme whereby students can go out to Tanzania and help within the schools. So Sams request may have opened doors for other students.

    We are about to have tea and birthday cake as it’s 0H birthday today.
    So dear friends take care, love Brenda XXX
