
Monday 5 August 2019

I couldn't wait till next Saturday to share this with you!

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend, the rain held off here until early evening  which was better than we thought it was going to be, it was really humid though.  I was just thankful that we didn't have rain.

Now I was going to save today's subject until Saturday as it is technically 'Mixed Crafts', but the proud Mumma in me just couldn't wait any longer to share Sophie's lastest Masterpiece with all of you.
Sophie has a friend at work who's beloved Pet has recently passed away, she knew that Sophie did portraits so she asked if Sophie could do a Portrait of Jed and include a collar with a tag with his name on.
I think that it has taken Sophie a week (just evenings as she has been working during the day), she came down with the finished piece on Friday evening and asked us if it was 'OK'!!!
She asked me to make a box for her to present it in (it's A4 in size), so I quickly rustled one up.

She nervously took it into work on Saturday morning and handed it over, the lady was absolutely blown away when she opened the box, Soph said that she was showing it everyone around who were equally impressed.
I think it's the attention to detail that makes the difference, the eyes are always amazing on Sophie's portraits and you can virtually see each hair, particularly the white ones around the dogs nose, mouth and in his eyebrows, his ears look so realistic too.
The other thing that Soph was worrying was setting the price, she told the lady and she wanted to pay her over and above which really boosted her confidence.

She will be keen to read what you, my lovely friends think too.

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the drawing Sophie has created is absolutely stunning, so real & lifelike. No wonder the lady was thrilled. Hopefully more people will ask Sophie for pictures now they have seen the quality of her work.

    Did some gardening yesterday morning (rain was forecast for the afternoon ). Did my homework after lunch then a friend phoned and was chatting for about an hour. By the time we’d eaten it was time to phone my Dad and that was my weekend over!


  2. Hi Ladies

    Oh Sandra what an amazing drawing. It looks like a photograph. I'm not surprised the lady was delighted, well who wouldn't be? Hope it leads to lots of orders.x

    Sorry I wasn't in over the weekend. Google has really been playing up and stopping me from commenting most of the time. It seems to have righted itself today, fingers crossed.

    Lovely cards yesterday ladies, all so inventive. I must I couldn't get my head round that one and the card promptly went in the bin after I'd sent it to Sandra.
    MARIA it wasn't a stamp, it was just a picture I cut out of a

    Ironing this morning then I have some sewing to do on the machine before I go out for lunch.

    Have a lovely Monday everyone.
    Love Valx

  3. Oh MICHELE The drawing is perfect. No wonder the woman wanted to pay over and above Sophie’s asking price o wonder you’re a proud mumma
    We had a lovely quiet day yesterday and went out for lunch
    I managed to complete the 3 leaving cards I needed Two of which I think I can call mixed media So that’s a bonus
    Take care all Special hugs to LILIAN LYNDA MARGARET and MARIA But there’s plenty in the basket by the door xx

    1. Whoops I meant SANDRA (not MICHELE) brain certainly not in gear

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what a fantastic portrait of JED. He just looks as though he's ready to jump off the paper to play. Labs are one of my favourite breeds. I'm sure that orders will come thick and fast. Superb penmanship.

    MARIA- I think you wanted to know about my EFs I used this last week. They are both TONIC and came with their magazines. They really do give superb results.

    Well my trip to the Range yesterday went well. I got all the things I wanted. By the time we pulled up outside home it had started to rain and thinking of how we were the other Saturday this time we sat it out and waited for it to stop. We also had a thunderstorm last evening and it's just rained now. This is not good for Whaley Bridge residents who are waiting for good news re the dam which is threatening to burst.

    I'm home alone today as Jim is on duty so I'm hoping to have a play with my CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for lots of chatting etc. Cream Scones are the order of the day. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  5. Morning ladies,

    WOW! Sophie that is one stunning portrait. Do not doubt yourself, you are an amazing artist.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    No wonder the lady was over the moon with her picture. Sophie’s work is stunning. Hopefully she’s put it on eBay and Facebook and she gets loads of orders.

  7. Margaret Palmer5 August 2019 at 11:52

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra well done Sophie it is so life like, no wonder the lady was pleased.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday I tried but my fingers would not do what I wanted!! All the cards were amazing, Thank you for comments on my
    Sending hugs to all who need them

  8. Hi Ladies.
    No wonder you are a proud mamma Sandra, Sophie you are an amazing artist ! It look so lifelike, I can see you getting loads more orders after people seeing this. Well done !
    Thank you Janet and val for answer my queries, all lovely. Hope your day is drier Janet and have a good crafting day.
    Val- hope you got your Mojo back and manage to stock up in the shop.
    Margaret- so hope you soon feeling stronger and you can get back to your normal self. Many hugs are sent for you.
    Lynda- hope you getting around better and the new chair will make it easier for you to get out with CU and 4 paws x 2
    Planted some pots quickly yesterday before the rain came and took a chance on hanging some of the washing out but was still a bit damp in the evening so hanged it up around the door frames upstairs. Looked a bit like a launderette. Nearby farmers have sprinkled chicken shit on their field and the smell is so bad but because of the humid weather we just have to have the windows open.:o(
    Had breakfast and a little shop in Ikea this morning. I was just thinking Sandra that if you need some more shopping for the holiday, then MK have some very good shops, the girls would love it Lol
    Have a nice day and hugs are sent to you all, Maria xx

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday I had Darren & Sam & Harry turn up it was a lovely surprise. Sam cooked the dinner. So Terry had a rest from cooking. Luckily he got a chicken out the freezer. Sam is very good but she struggled with our kitchen as it's quite small compared to her one. I had Lots of cuddles with Harry.
    Wow ladies some gorgeous challenge cards on show yesterday all lovely.
    Little late again we had another lady came round this morning with another thick form to fill out. It's too see if there's a chance of getting on the council housing list for a one level property.
    SANDRA WOW no wonder your a proud mamma Sophie your picture is amazing your art work is stunning I'm so pleased the lady gave you more money for your work. I don't think you know how good you are Sophie I hope you get Lot's of order's.
    My hands are very painful today so I will leave you with a big basket full of Hug's & Love Lynda xx

  10. Hi All, rain this morning but very warm and heavy weather.

    Sandra, what can I say! Sophie is one very talented young lady, amazing life life representation of Jed, no wonder the customer was blown away.

    Thinking about this weeks challenge not really my thing but I will certainly have a go.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies

    What an amazing talent Sophie has, her drawing is so lifelike, it’s no wonder her friend was so pleased. AND Yes you are allowed to be a very proud mum.

    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, your cards were all lovely.

    Take care,sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
