
Monday 26 August 2019

Michele's second Recycle Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we have been here a full week today, it has absolutely flown by, usually the first week goes slowly then the last two whizz by but it barely seems we have been here a couple of days.

Today's card is another of Michele's 'Recycled' Cards, this gorgeous example was made using a Cheese Triangle box, you know the Dairy Lea ones or Laughing Cow.

Michele has made a round die cut card to fit into a perfectly matching Box that has been decorated to perfectly match the card, what a fantastic idea.  It makes a simple card into more of a gift when it is presented in a beautiful matching box.
Such a great idea for using something that we would normally chuck into the Recycling box.
It gets your mind working thinking about how many other things that we mindlessly toss in the bin.

Although I have to say I have been trying to not be too much of a 'recycle' hoarder, the one thing I do have a 'collection' of is glass jars, any mustard or jam jars that have an interesting shape to them get put in the dishwasher and then put into a cupboard in the utility room.
I also keep padded envelopes (just in case they might be 'just the size' I need) and bubble wrap for making backgrounds.

I am so looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have 'Recycled' to make your cards.  I was trying to think of some different ideas myself...

You could use something as Teabags to create an 'aged' background or coffee grounds.

I have also seen some amazing home décor items made with old book pages and Playing cards too, as always Pinterest is a great source of inspiration.

Right I must go as everyone has finished getting ready to go out for dinner so I had better get a wiggle on, it's a bit of a slow wiggle though as my back is still sore from being burnt.  I have stayed completely covered since I got burnt though, lesson learnt!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Another inspirational card MICHELE. Thank you.
    SANDRA- I too save glass jars etc just in case I want to upcyle them. I also save all ribbon and all shop bought cards I receive so they can be deconstructed for their bits and bobs. The only problem is the storage space lol.

    It looks like another roasting day so indoors for me and perhaps making a start on my CC for this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN. Tables and chairs and sun shades are all ready and waiting for you to pop in for a chat and ices.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    I save far too many things that I have Grand ideas about recycling and I really need to have a huge clearance in my craft room! Maybe by looking through my stash, I’ll find some inspiration to actually make something??!

    Another sunny day here which will be great for my washing but too warm to do much. Might have a stroll down to the beach , depending on how warm it gets later.


  3. Lovely idea MICHELE I too had tins,boxes,glass jars that I think one day I will up cycle them! But after 2-3 years they were still there so I binned them Doesn’t mean I don’t hoard though!
    Wasn’t it hot yesterday I felt like I was melting and my blood sugars kept dropping very low So I was guzzling glucose Today will probably be too high now as I’ve have dropped my insulin
    I didn’t get sewing machine out and probably won’t today! I’ve cleared the table ready
    I think having a lazy day is the order of the day ladies So take care drink lots (water) and I’ll pop back later xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Lovely cards yesterday. What a lovely idea to upcycle a cheese box Michele. You do think of lovely ideas.
    Fancy you getting burnt Sandra. Mind you it’s warm enough here over the last few days to get burnt. Craig was amazed while on holiday in the Brecon Beacons that they hardly met anyone while out walking on the hills. As the scenery really was breathtaking.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele great card using old cheese box.
    Sandra hope your sore back improves soon, I also save jam jars & jiffy
    Sending hugs to all, hope you all manage to keep cool, love

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA I hope u had a good day yesterday & didn't get burnt again.
    Are you going to beach now or what you upto.
    MICHELE love your recyclable card & box it lovely
    KAREN hope your diabetes gets back on track & you get your blood's sorted
    HUG'S for MARGARET LILIAN MARIA KAREN I hope you all have a good day.
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Loved all of your cards yesterday, I really wanted to join in this one but last week was mega busy.
    Michele your recycled box is lovely. What a very clever idea.
    OUCH Sandra your back sounds sore, hope the family are applying plenty of aftersun to your back. Please be careful xx
    Hope everyone is copying with this warm spell and you have all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend, take care. xx.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx
