
Tuesday 27 August 2019

Another of Pat's Groovi Masterpieces

Good Morning Ladies,

I am writing today's blog post on a Sun lounger at a little after 6pm, we spent today on the beach until 4pm, we were treated to calm sea and only a light breeze that just took the edge off of the heat.  I managed to have several trips into the sea today, the one that filled my heart with the most joy was later in the afternoon when we all decided at the same time to go in to cool off, the girls had taken a squishy ball in with them to play with, which ended up with all of us playing
A variety of games, seeing the girls delight at the fact that I was actually able to join in with a physical ball game was worth any amount of discomfort,  the weightlessness that the sea water offers makes it easier for me to move around. We played for around an hour, non of us wanting to stop the fun.  Reality soon hits home aa soon as I make the perilous journey back onto the beach, we have devised a method that seems to make it less of a drama,  Paul goes before me and I hold onto his hands for support as I climb out (its uphill and with the waves added in its a nightmare). But as i said earlier, so worth it.
We left the beach and went back home to swap to dry towels and grab a welcomed ice cream before heading to lay out on the loungers in the grass area around the pool, there isn't a breath of wind and the sun is still gloriously warm, the girls stayed with us for a couple of hours but have left to go to the shop (for chocolate) I imagine so it's just the two of us, Paul is laying beside me reading a book, in fact it's a book he started here last year but only read a couple of chapters before we left.

Pat very kindly sent me some of her finished Groovi cards to share with you while I am away.
This particular card is so pretty, I love all of the colours you have chosen Pat, the pink of those pretty flowers works perfectly with both the bright green and the blue.
There is so much detail you have to look back at it a few times to truly appreciate how much work has gone into it.  I truly believe that receiving a card that has been made with the Groovi system is a real gift, I think only another crafter would appreciate the amount of time and effort that is required to both design the layout and create it.
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing work with all of us XXX

I hope that you all enjoyed your Bank Holiday  Weekend my lovelies,

Sending love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a stunning card, it’s absolutely gorgeous. I love the colours on it.

    Sandra- your day sounds very relaxing.

    We did manage to walk to the beach, it’s was cloudy all morning so it was cool enough to go walking. It’s was asked on the beach & there were queues of car waiting to get into Pontins!
    Sat out after lunch reading my book-lovely end to the Bank Holiday weekend.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad you liked my card. I find making Groovi cards very relaxing. Mind you I still have loads of stamps & Dies that I don’t use any more.
      Lovely that your able to walk along a beach.

  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT-what a gorgeous card. I love everything about it.

    Yesterday was very uncomfortable with the heat so every window/dorr and fan was going until I had to shut the windows in the front room just after lunch when our new neighbours decided to party on their front lawn and blast everyone with their 'music'at full volume. This lasted until well after tea. Oh how I wish I could have my old neighbours back.

    It's K&N this afternoon so I'm looking forward to that. It's just lovely to catch up on local gossip but most of all craft with friends.

    The CAFE is OPEN and the freezer is full of ices etc.
    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day; take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Hi Janet.
      Thank you for liking my card. Such a shame about your neighbours though. Enjoy K&N today.

    2. Feel for you with noisy neighbours. Ours had the radio on and talked to each-other from separate rooms between 2-5 AM.:(

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    It sounds like your had a lovely day yesterday. It’s lovely that you were able to join in a game of ball in the sea as well. Next door has rung the bell for breakfast at 9.30. Im surprised as you’d never think we had 3 children living next door. Mind you they’re all teenagers now. Jack used to go off one one now and again many years ago but I never see them either, and if you pass them in the street they never speak. When I used to say hullo they just ignore you. Very odd I’ve always thought.
    Thank you ladies for liking my card. I’m making and effort to finish the ones I have on the go..

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Pat your card is beautiful.
    Sandra your day sounds so relaxing, enjoy it while you
    Sending hugs to all love

    1. Big hugs for you and Pop. Hope Sue is alright ? xx

  5. Beautiful card PAT As SANDRA said as Crafters we can really identify the delicate hard work
    I am so pleased you were able to join in with the ball games I hope you’re not feeling too many I’ll effects today
    It was so hot yesterday but we did go to a lovely Village Fete that included things like WI cake competition Tallest sunflower Biggest marrow etc
    Back to work today (yeuck!) Hope to craft later and make a start on cc
    Take care all xx

  6. Hi ladies.
    Love your groovi card Pat, so much work.
    Had a fabulous weekend here but suffering a bit with the heat, +33c, will get cooler by tomorrow. Glad you have managed to go in the sea with the others to have a play and it must be so nice just be floating around. Take care with your sunburn tho and hope you not in too much pain.
    The neighbours I'm looking after the cat for are back tonight and it will be so good for she is usually no problem at all but this time she have been pooing and been sick in all kind of places and of course not on the lino to make it easy to clean up but no ,it is always on the carpet hmmmm wonder what surprise is waiting for me later.
    Had to pop into town this morning but didn't stay long. Karen- I hope you diabetes is getting better, take care being back to work today.
    Sending hugs to you all, take care xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    How lovely Sandra you were able to play in the sea with the family, certainly a day everyone will recall that with a smile on their face......what a happy memory.

    PAT your card is beautiful, you must have put hours into making this masterpiece.

    Hasn’t it been hot today, this afternoon we sat out in the garden under the gazebo where it’s usually so peaceful - but the youngest son of our neighbours (he’ s about 20) had three friends in there garden they were talking so loud. We ended up coming back into the house as the language was very colourful !!!!

    Sleep well everyone, love Brenda xxx
