
Friday 26 July 2019

Next Weeks Challenge

Good Morning My Lovelies,

Phew that was a warm day wasn't it, I do hope that you didn't suffer too much, I physically couldn't do very much, moving from room to room was as much as my heart could cope with, I think it's just because I struggle to walk normally which is an effort, combined with the heat made my AF a lot worse.  I did manage to go out in the garden a couple of times to play with Harley and the Hose Pipe, he loves the hose, he drinks most of it which was a good thing, as you might imagine I ended up fairly wet too.

Next Week's Challenge

For Next weeks Challenge I would like you all to have a go at something New to all of us (I believe),
its called 'Spotlight Stamping', it means basically highlighting one part of your card background as I have done in my card above.
I literally took a piece of Botanical Butterfly Dsp, this particular sheet is completely black and white, therefore to 'Spotlight' a piece of it I just coloured it in with pencils, leaving the rest of the background black and white. So the Butterfly is the spotlight area of my card.

You can do this with stamped images (which I have done for Mondays Blog card, you can use most things that you use to make your every day cards, I will add some photo's below to give you some more inspiration...…

This one could be an image from a CD printed in Black and white, you would die cut a circle, add colour to the petals, add a narrow black mat and replace.

This is a great idea for those of you that have those lovely colouring books, just take a section, draw a pencil circle (using a circle die as a guide) and then colour inside that circle.

Another super easy method to Spotlight/Highlight an area is to die cut any shape out of your paper/ stamped image and either add Glossy Accents or Clear embossing powder and heat set, that way it will be super shiny and stand out perfectly.

There is loads on inspiration on Pinterest, thats where my card idea came from.
I know it's something new and it may be daunting, just have a go, I will be sharing some more inspiration to help too.
I hope you all enjoy having a go at Spotlight Stamping, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

I hope you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is stunning, so classy & elegant. The next challenge will definitely “challenge “ me! I’m glad you mentioned other options as I don’t have any large detailed stamps.
    Hope everyone is coping in this heat. We’re on the coast & even with the sea breeze it’s still extremely hot.

    We had a massive thunderstorm yesterday afternoon which caused 3 power failures at work. Always makes things interesting when the lights go off & everything suddenly goes very quiet!!! Then there was torrential rain but by the time I left work it was very hot, humid & sunny again.
    I’m very glad it’s Friday as it’s been a difficult week at work for various reasons.


  2. Hi ladies,

    Lovely cards Sandra and definitely a new idea for me. Will have a look on Pinterest. What an interesting challenge.x

    I think it was a hottie all over Europe yesterday. On the Algorfa website it showed the reading on the large thermometer over the Farmacia as 50.5. You won't hear me say his very often but too hot for me!!!

    Craft Club day today yeh. Just love having our sessions in a craft shop. I just have to buy something every week. Well it would've rude not to wouldn't it?

    Have a good Friday everyone.
    Love Valx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- what a beautiful card and a fantastic Challenge. I am looking forward to taking part.

    Well yesterday was just unbearable here. I really sucumbed and just didn't do anything other than get our of my chair just to stop me from seizing up. I really have everything crossed that it will be cooler today though it's already more than warm.

    The CAFE is OPEN and there's loads of ice cream and cold drinks for you all so pop in for a chat and a seat out of the sun.
    I hope that you all have a better day and manage to keep cool whatever you all have planned for today.
    HUGS are on their way so please take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. Beautiful card SANDRA and a great challenge I have already had a play using a page from a colouring book - remember that craze ladies I went through a phase of taking one on holiday instead of a puzzle book
    I. will dug out my CD-ROMs and see what ai can use and I will have a goes at stamping (get me!)
    Yesterday was too hot Everything was a huge effort to do I did enjoy just sitting and having a little go at colouring though
    It’s raining here but still so hot and muggy
    Off to have a shower and then work
    Take care all xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer26 July 2019 at 09:53

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Just lost a comment so will keep it short.
    Lovely card Sandra great idea for
    Sending hugs to all who need them, hope you all manage to keep cool love

  6. Morning ladies,

    A rather different challenge to our normal ones. I'm glad you mentioned colouring books. I have 2 bought a couple of years ago that haven't come out of the chest of drawers in my lounge for a long time now. Mainly because Milly-May insists on colouring in with me instead of using her own books so I may make a card using one of her efforts too. Let's see how they work out.

    Yesterday's heat drained me so much I was lethargic all day, so much so I spent a couple of hours sleeping through lunchtime. Then spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with recorded programmes with my feet up on a new tallest stool that certainly with the swelling of my left leg and foot. I tried to clean up some stamps that I had bought on the declutter site using my Staz On cleanser earlier in the day but the heat dried out the cleaner so quickly the stamps look like I have not touched them.

    It's a lot cooler this morning with a grey sky. I think my plant tubs need a good drenching so will do that before I have my shower.

    Keep cool however you can and if out in the sun remember the sunscreen!

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi ladies,
    hopefully you are all nice and much cooler today then yesterday for boy was it hot and sticky as soon you moved.
    Love your card Sandra and what a fun challenge for next week. You are so kind for spurring me on and encouraging me to make cards up for upcoming Birthdays etc. happy to do so as long body let me and mojo is around Lol
    I hope you all have a nicer day and if you are at work, today is a better day.
    A bit of swearword is needed and washing machine is on, wonder tho if I can hang it out ?
    Take care everyone, hugs Maria xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Brilliant idea for next weeks challenge. Unfortunately I haven’t made a card for this weeks challenge. SORRY.
    Tomorrow we are going to Heathrow to wave good bye to one of our grandsons (17 yrs old). He is going to Tanzania to complete a part of his Duke of Edinburgh awards challenge. He doesn’t have to go so far afield .... but though East Africa would be different. He is going to help in a Primary School and will be getting involved with sports activities for the next week. When my sister and I went there we flew Heathrow to Dar a Salam. He is going Heathrow to Qatar, Qatar to Zanzibar, Zanzibar to Tanga, where he will be picked up and taken to the school he will be helping. All the family are praying he will have a safe journey and the time spent there will be rewarding and satisfying.
    Ladies... Please pray or cross your fingers for a safe and rewarding experience for Samual. It’s such a long way to go, for someone so young.
    The heat has not been so oppressive today, we have had rain on and off"... but it has still been warm.
    Hope everyone sleeps well, Love Brenda xxx
