
Saturday 27 July 2019

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review T

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh have I got some lovely things for you to look at today, touching poems, beautiful garden pics, fantastic bag tutorials and Michele's Mag review to finish, sounds perfect !

To start us off today we have Karen's amazing Birthday Card for Gary, it's his Birthday on Sunday, Alan wrote that incredible poem, he has serious talent Karen, to write a poem is hard enough but to write it as an Acrostic is just another level of genius! 

I will add Karen's description below....

"This is the card I have made for Gary’s Birthday on Sunday
OH wrote the poem I made the front from a Serif kit It’s totally flat so that I can laminate it at work
Gary was head keeper for all primates"

Karen, thank you so very much for sharing something so very special with all of us, you will be in my thoughts all day on Sunday xxx

Brenda's Garden

This area looks quite pretty just now. The Welly’s were given to us several years ago, I have recently painted them - colour isn’t quite right! 

The photo is beside the greenhouse,

Looking towards the ‘shed’ 

 Brenda shared some photo's of her beautiful garden last Friday, sadly I couldn't upload them, so we get to see them this week.
Brenda your garden is just so beautiful, I also think that the Gardener in the background of the last photo is very Handsome and clearly very good at his job! 😜😜😜

"Quite a few of my plants are in pots or raised up because tortoise will eat most at ground level, also our garden has a collection of ‘stuff’ (ornaments, chimneys - you name it, it’s probably in our garden) 
The first picture is a collection of planters,  I’ve just been out to snap these again as the Stargazer Lilly has started to open.  It was a house plant that was given to me about 4 years ago it flowered but still looked healthy so I planned it in the soil and has flowered every year since, it just gets bigger each year."

Thank you so much Brenda for sharing your beautiful garden xxx

Danielle's Bags

Danielle has had a week of bag making Tutorial's over on her YouTube channel, there are some amazing Gift Bags featured so it's worth a look. I have left the link to the first bag below x

Michele's Magazine Review
Hi Sandra 

Diecutting Essentials (issue 54) has s fabulous free gift-a jigsaw die with lots of extra mini Dies.

Here’s a couple of ideas shown of the packaging.

This is the first of two features using the free gift shown below.

Second feature using the free gift-great ideas for men’s cards. 

Interesting article on Layered Diecuts. Easily adapted to Dies you already have in your stash.

This feature makes the list of the Dies you already have by making some very fancy & unusual shaped cards. 

This article show how easy it is to make gift boxes using whatever nesting Dies you have in your collection. 

That’s if for this weeks Review-next issue of Diecutting Essentials is due out in the shops on 15th August-think Christmas!!

Happy Crafting 

Thanks Michele for another fantastic Magazine Review,  some great tips for using your dies, I have a puzzle piece die set so love the inspiration for those too. XXX 

Thanks for all of you that took part into today's Blog post. I hope that you are all relaxed and enjoying the weekend.

Love and huge to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your Card for Gary is just fantastic.

    Brenda-your garden looks beautiful, so tidy and do many gorgeous flowering plants. I love the colour you have painted the welly’s!

    Danielle-the gift bags look beautiful.

    We’ve had rain overnight & it look like it could continue. We’re off to the Summer Fair at my Father in Laws Nursing Home this afternoon so I do hope it stops raining so everyone still turns up and they raise lots of money.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Wow what a glorious way to start the week-end with beautiful pics of a wonderful garden; lovely selection of gift bags and of course our usual very informative mag review.

    We had rain last evening and during the night. The roads etc are still wet but it's humid and still quite warm this morning.

    Off on our usual shopping this morning and then hopefully a quiet afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a sit and a chat. There will be cream teas this afternoon for everyone and don't forget you all can take part as everything is calorie free lol.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. Thank you for showing my card SANDRA
    We all miss him so so much I think of him every day and wonder what he would have achieved It is especially difficult at this time of year and at other family celebrations
    Your gift bags are gorgeous DANNII Thank you
    Wow BRENDA What a beautiful garden you have
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review Not being close to shops that sell craft mags I really appreciate your input
    I still haven’t made the few cards I need So that’s my priority today
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi everyone.
    What a bumper Saturday.
    Danielle lovely gift bags.x
    Michelle Great mag review. I really like this month's gifts.
    Hope the rain stays off for the Summer Fayre.x
    Brenda your garden looks lovely,NSO colourful. It must be a joy to sit in.x
    Karen your card is lovely and what a beautiful verse.x

    Meeting friends for coffee later but it's a bit of cleaning first.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card and Poem for Gerry Karen, hugs
    Brenda- your garden is just beautiful and so many wonderful flowers. Good and safe Journey for your grandson, he will have a great time.
    Nice gift bags Danielle, will have to look you up on you tube one day.
    Thank you Michele for your magazine review. Have a nice day and yes lets hope the rain stays away for you.
    Didn't have a nice night and it's still raining and feels very muggy so not sure yet what we are doing, only know we need some bread and fruit in so maybe Lidl is a poss.
    Have a good day everyone and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sorry about not getting in yesterday my comments just wouldn't publish after trying three times I gave up.
    KAREN your card for Gary is beautiful with lovely poem such a hard day for you both ❤️.
    MICHELE another great magazine review again thank youxx
    DANIELLE great bag's will catch up with your you tube videos.
    BRENDA your garden is beautiful so pretty & colourful
    It's been chucking it down all day with heavy rain. Terry was going to take me out for a spin in my wheelchair but that didn't happen
    So will hopefully go tomorrow if it's dry. I'm going to see if this will publish.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra thank you for persevering to download the pictures of our garden, we like it, it’s a mixture of colour - but it’s our space. What I didn’t show you was next to the house we have a gazebo the garden furniture is under it, lovely to sit out there in the afternoon and relax, even though we are very close to the main road it is relatively quiet..... well except for the odd police, ambulance or fire engine sirens!!! seriously it really is quite peaceful.

    KAREN the card for Gary is lovely. Sunday is not going to be an easy day, be strong and there for each other. I confess to getting quite choked up reading the very thoughtful heartfelt message, your OH certainly has a gift. Thank you for sharing something so very personal. Sending special hugs to you both. xxx

    DANIELLE your bags a lovely. You could make a business making these gorgeous bags.

    MICHELE thank you for the magazine review, I love this particular mag. In fact I have taken out a subscription because I couldn’t always find it.

    We saw grandson(s) off at Heathrow this afternoon, yes I did say grandsons. The 17yr old was quite happy to go on his own, but his 20yr old brother offered to go with him and managed to booked on the same flights. It has put daughter and SIL mind at rest.
    I hope your weekend is going well, Love Brenda xxx
