
Thursday 6 June 2019

Michele's Embossed Background Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card is one of Michele's cards for this weeks Background Challenge, Michele has embossed the background of this lovely card that she has made for her friends 70th Birthday in a few weeks time, the background has been matted and layered onto a lovely purple card, that Michele has die cut with Pierced Square dies.
The sentiment has been die cut into to the same purple card, as with all of Michele's cards the matting and layering and placing of the sentiments is perfect.
Michele your card is lovely and your friend with love it, thanks for allowing me to share it to inspire our friends. xxx

Sadly poor Sue was struck down with a nasty migraine yesterday so was unable to come to craft, I really hope that you are feeling a little better today my lovely xxx

Pat came over, with lovely cream cakes and some lovely Groovi work from the Demonstration Day that she attended at Evesham yesterday, it's lovely to see such inspirational work, I am slowly learning the basics, it's a lot more tricky than you first think, the tendency is to press too hard when your are shading,  I guess this comes with experience, I would like to learn the 'Snippy' cutting out bit next, I think that I will watch some YouTube tutorials for a bit of experience, thanks Pat for popping over and bringing lunch.

Val it was lovely to read that you felt up to going out, even if it's just for a cuppa for a start, it's so easy to slip into the habit of staying home, for me it was the slippery slope into depression.  So keep pushing, I pray that you get something sorted to ease your pain soon my lovely friend.  I bet there was some amazing celebrations going on around you this last weekend, I watched the procession on TV, isn't it lovely when a City comes together to celebrate, it's like for a few hours all differences are set aside, while the celebrations took place, I hope you had your flag out!! Thank you for popping in my lovely, it's so lovely to have you back in amongst us. xxxx

Brenda, sending you huge hugs too, it's terrible to receive such sad news, particularly so soon after saying goodbye to another lovely friend, plus you have the worry of Anne's recovery too. Warm squidgy hugs on their way my lovely xxxx

Margaret, I hope that you are getting on ok my lovely, I hope that you will start feeling up to making cards again soon,  sending hugs to you too xxxx

Well ladies, I don't think that there will be much gardening done this weekend, Storm Miguel is on its way, bringing lots of rain and wind (well for our area anyway).  It has gone back to being chilly here again this past few hours, although it might just be me, I have been feeling a little rough this last couple of days, a bit achy and shivery, I have everything crossed that it just passes quickly and doesn't build into anything major.

It was very humbling watching some of the DDay Commemoration Services and emotional listening to some of the stories of those that were there, I imagine some of their memories are ones that anyone would want to forget, it's incredible to see the racks of medals that they proudly displayed on their jackets.  I do wish the interviewers would just let the Veterans share their memories rather than keep interrupting them!  I just hope that those Veterans that were well enough to make it to the service felt the huge gratitude that they deserved. xx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-this I you for sharing my card. It’s a 7 x7 card which I made in a tent fold as I know my crazy (cluttered house) friend will prefer that. She has 2 strings up in her living room that she used to display cards-mainly because there’s no free surfaces anywhere in the entire house! I used pearlised white & purple card, stitched edged square Dies plus a Script A4 Embossing Folder I’ve had for years. The word dies are Robert Addams, not sure which brand the numbers are.

    Interviewing all day today-10 candidates for 2 temporary 6 month posts. I’m going straight to Tesco after the interviews-think I’ll be shattered tonight!


  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE-a very striking card and I love the colours you have used.

    My tasks for today are photo my CC and then get them sent off and my weekly Tesco shop on line with fingers crossed that nothing else has changed eg re-arranging their counter products

    I'm thinking of all Dear Friends who aren't in a happy place at the moment.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all who want to pop in for a chat and a cuppa.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A very striking card and I’m sure your friend will love it Good luck with the interviews Have you got any part time vacancies I am so disheartened by the politics and massaging of egos at my place I hate it
    Anyway I enjoyed crafting last night and watched the D Day commemorations The Queen brought a tear to my eye as she’s right there probably won’t be any of them left in another 10 years I hope that history lessons will continue to emphasise how horrific these wars were and what their world could have been like
    A shame SUE couldn’t visit I hope you’re feeling better Interesting to read what you said about Groovi I love it but a) I can’t afford it and b) I don’t have enough friends and family that they’d suitable for
    I hope things keep improving VAL
    I was so sorry to read about your friend BRENDA
    I hope your dad is OK MARIA
    Have you tried your new dies LYNDA Mine arrived yesterday but they’re still in the packaging
    Special hugs to those that need one especially if I’ve forgotten to mention you xxx
    Ooh Has HARLEY calmed down?
    Off for a shower and try and plaster a smile on my face for work!

  4. Margaret Palmer6 June 2019 at 14:44

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele lovely card, suitable for male or
    Sandra sorry you didn't get to see Sue yesterday, at least you had Pat & groovi to try, I don't think I would have the patience now. Thank you for the hugs, still waiting for appointment with the neurologist but had occupational therapist come to assess me this morning to see what equipment I
    Sue I hope you feel better today, love
    Maria sorry to hear your news about Mum & Dad, hope you get better news soon hugs on
    Val hope you get some relief soon hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Hi ladies.
    Love the card Michele and in one of my favourite colours , your friend will love it. Hope the interviewing went well and you now can put your feet up and have a nice evening. Take care.
    Janet- you are so good at making the cc's in good time. I get to Thursday and nothing done eeek hopefully tho as it is football on tv for my old man I get some ideas in order to make something. Hope you got the shopping in order. hugs
    Karen- time to retire soon. No good when you not happy at work. Would be a long commute if you got a job with Michele but think how many crocheted animals you made :>) hugs
    Sue- sorry to hear you got migraine again, bless you. Is there nothing they can do to help you ? I want to give you some healing hugs , only wished they actually could help. take care and hope you feeling better soon.
    Val- hope you had a nice time seeing your friends. You are another lady together with Lilian , Margaret and Lynda who I wished the hugs one sending would help for your pain to get better.
    Brenda- take care and hope your sister is on bettering ways.
    Cheryl- hope Saturday will be a good day for you but if Sandra is right reg the weather then is no hope for being outside and I who thought of doing some gardening, shame.
    Mum sent me an message that dad's appointment have been moved, well nothing new there then,it's just the worrying will be longer for what if..
    Yes, to see about the D day landing is both sad and interesting to hear about. OH Uncle was shot in the head and left for dead on one of them. He was found,spent a long time in hospital to learn to speak etc again and some years later became a Dentist in Harley Street for some famous people like Roger Moore,Shirley B and Pete Murray, think he was a radio presenter in the days. Uncle R is this year 99 and living in Israel.
    Today has been a long day but we got quite a lot done so that's on the plus side. Downside is I am not cooking any dinner tonight so hubby will have to fend for himself, probably hot dogs and bread, I can hear him in the kitchen now Lol
    Have a nice evening all and hopefully we all have a better night. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  6. Hi good evening Sandra & ladies
    Not sure where today went.
    MICHELE your card is lovely I'm sure your friend will love it. Hope your interviews went well. Have a restful evening Hug's.xx
    KAREN sorry your not happy in your job. It's not nice when you dread going into work Hug's xx
    VAL glad you had a good day seeing your friends. How are your hands are they any better. Hug's. Xx
    MARGARET I hope you get the right equipment from the occupational therapist tomorrow which will help you.hope you don't wait too long for the Neurologist take care of yourself Hug's. Xx
    SUE sorry you have been suffering again with migraine hope you feel better soon. Hug's xx
    MARIA sorry they have cancelled your dad's operation must be worrying for you. Hope you get your CC made tonight Hug's xx
    Pat hope your OK & nice to visit Sandra. Showing her the groovy take care Hug's. Xx
    CHERYL hope all goes well for your stall this Saturday I'm sure you will have a sell out Hug's. Xx
    BRENDA hope your sister is doing well thinking of you Hug's xx
    SANDRA hope your feeling better today Hug's xx
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Michele, I’m sure your friend is going to love it.
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday Sandra, I did make two attempts but lost the first to cyberspace and the second I forgot to press publishers. grrrrrrr..... !!! Your card yesterday was stunning, you really made that beautiful paper pop.
    Had a busy day today, did manage to call my sister. She had her first physio appointments yesterday. She had a choice of venues and choose Loughborough University as it’s only about 5 minutes from the convent where she lives. If I said she was impressed it would be an understatement. The gym is state of the art. NHS get to use it, at certain times. I’m sure there must be some financial arrangement, needless to say she can’t wait for her next appointment.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
