
Wednesday 5 June 2019

Fussy Cut Floral Background Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, in case any of you were wondering Harley is still keeping us entertained with his morning howling, it's getting a little tiresome now but it's not is fault, it's good old Mother Nature, I did consider tying some garlic around his neck yesterday, to mask any smells that might be tempting him, especially at 6.30am yesterday!!  Some one told me yesterday that this can last a couple of weeks! 😧😧😞

On to today's card, this one was a little different for me, quite time consuming and would have been relaxing had it not been for the howling in the background! 
I took a sheet of the gorgeous Springtime Blooms paper from Paper Boutique 8 x 8 paper pad and stuck it to an 8 x 8 card base, I edged it with some pink ink, just to finish the outside edge.  I then took another sheet and sat and 'Fussy Cut' all of the flowers around the edge of the paper, shaped them with a ball tool and added some ink around the edges of each flower.  I then added some different depths of foam pads to the backs and built up the flowers around the paper, which gives lots of depth and interest to the card, I also added some Wink Of Stella glitter to all of the fussy cut flowers.  
I added some of the same pink ink that I used around the edge of the card to a doily and adhered it to the centre of my card base, I took one of the sentiments from the Springtime Blooms Paper Kit, added a die cut decorative circle to mount the sentiment on, added the same ink to the edge of the sentiment topper and placed it into the centre of the doily.
The card had so much going on that I didn't think it needed any more embellishing.

I am hoping to make some more backgrounds today, I didn't get as long in the craft room yesterday as Lucy asked me to go with her to get her hair coloured, Sophie came too and we all went out to lunch afterwards which was lovely, I really love spending quality times with them all. They have been working virtually full time for the past few weeks so I haven't seen so much of them, making today even more special.

I am sending love and hugs to all of our friends that are going through trying times at the moment, I genuinely care about you all xxxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Beautiful card Sandra. Such lovely colours and oh what patience you have.
    It's crib day today. I haven't been for a couple's of weeks but ring picked up later.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card. You must have so much patience to have cut out all those flowers and you want to do more...!!!
    Nice to hear you had an enjoyable day with the girls.


  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-what a gorgeous card. Those papers are so beautiful.

    K&N was good yesterday with lots of chat, laughter and of course crafting.

    The downside was that during the afternoon it started raining and it was really heavy 'stairrod' rain which carried on well until after tea. We were thoroughly wet through by the time we got into the house. Never mind the gardens really needed it.

    Quiet day for me today. Jim is on duty so fingers crossed I can play crafting.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all. Have a good day everyone whatever you're all up to.HUGS are on their way to you all xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Thank you ladies for all the support messages on Monday. It was very much appreciated.
    Lovely card today Sandra. I wouldn’t have had the patience to cut out all those flowers. I’d be using a die.
    I hope the howling stops soon Sandra. I’d be hanging garlic round Harley neck as well. I couldn’t put up with that all day I’m afraid. Mind you I’d have had him done so he wouldn’t be howling. But it takes all sorts I suppose.
    So sorry to hear your sad news Brenda.
    Such a shame those audits take so long Michele.
    I’m hoping this publishes today,

  5. This is beautiful SANDRA and what a lovely way to create a background I may try this idea out But like many of us I have so many ideas running around my head that never come to life For instance I have a few sewing projects I want to do and never seem to have the time
    I’m hoping my new edger dies arrive today as I am home alone tonight
    Are any of you watching 63 Up As I am a similar age I am/have been fascinated by the whole series
    Take care all
    Pain pain go away Come again another day (well it’s worth a shot!) xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Home alone for few hour's OH has gone gardening. So I'm going in craft room & get messy 😁. I did make a CC background yesterday quite pleased with it. Trying to get some more done today.
    Weather quite nice & Sun at the moment
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous I love it you have more patience than me.
    KAREN I agree with you about pain pain go away please.
    BRENDA sorry to hear your sad news
    PAT nice to see you in today hope your ok
    MICHELE hope your day is better for you today. X
    MARIA HOPE you had a good chat with your parents on face time. Yesterday.
    VAL enjoy crib today hope you're in less pain in your hands
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Hello All, very chilly here today, but drier than yesterday. Lots of rain yesterday good for the garden.

    Lovely card Sandra, l love fussy cutting, no so good at it now.
    I agree with the sentiment, about pain, I know it’s old fashioned but I do think the change in the weather makes it worse.

    Been trying to make c card, more in the bin , so I’ll try again later, hugs Lilian

  8. Margaret Palmer5 June 2019 at 16:17

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card yesterday & today. Sorry Harley is still feeling frustrated!!xx
    I was taken out today, Chris borrowed a motorised chair & took me & little Chris to Lydiard Park where we had a snack lunch & then watched little Chris on adventure playground, it was lovely. Mark our son is arriving tonight for a couple of days will be nice to see him.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

  9. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. Sorry to hear Harley still longing Lol Glad you had a nice time together with the girls.
    Hope you all had a better day and pain kept to minimum.
    Had planned to make something today, card making wise but after the night I had and morning I felt poop so nothing got done.
    Tomorrow we are back to Peterboroug and Stamford , another long day so any crafting will be on Friday now after being to hospital and been put through "the clamper" LOl
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xx
