
Friday 10 May 2019

Your Next Challenge....

Good Morning Ladies,

I am keeping everything crossed for a warmer and brighter day today, I spent the day absolutely freezing yesterday, all day! It rained all day which also made it damp, not great for those aching joints!
I couldn't even put the heating on, the Gas man came at 8am YES I did say 8am, so you can imagine what time we were up clearing out the lamb pen! 
Anyway I asked the engineer about the problem we are having with our Hot water, at the moment we have the Hot Water set to twice a day (like most people) but if one of the girls has a shower there isn't enough water to wash up! Plus with the heating off the radiators are all blazing hot!  Anyway the man went up to the Airing cupboard and looked at a Valve and apparently ours is stuck on heating so he was surprised that we have any hot water. He has now set the Valve to hot water only, so we can't have the heating on at all, until they come and fix the valve, which is apparently a very lengthy and expensive job as they have to drain the heating system. (there's always something isn't there?)
I popped the Aga on so that there was a bit of warmth in the house.

Todays card was made using a Free Magazine Kit, can you believe that, I was determined to use the kit that came in this months Card Making and Papercraft Magazine, I usually just put them to one side and forget about them, which is a waste.  I was inspired by Michele's amazing dog cards.
It's surprising what a difference adding a few flowers makes.
It is simple matting and layering, I used the Blush card in the Paperbox Sample box I was sent, the card and paper is all excellent quality.
Now this sets the theme for next weeks challenge....

Next Week's Challenge

I would like you all to make cards using ANYTHING that you have had FREE, so it could be...

A Prize
A Gift
A magazine Freebie
Stampin Up free stamp sets
Or a REAL Bargain.

I thought that if any of you were like me and had loads of magazine freebies, whether it's stamps or dies or papers, it would be good to use them rather than have them sat in a corner or cupboard.
So come on, show me your free stuff!!

Lilian please take it easy after your fall, you will probably be sore for a few days, it affects you mentally too, sending gentle hugs xxx

I hope you enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing your cards.

Have a lovely weekend my lovely friends,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Everyone
    At last it's stopped raining and we have a little sunshine to start the day.

    It's going to be a super busy one too as we want to go to Corbigny market this morning for out last cup of coffee and of course our visit to the cake Then this afternoon it will be Jim packing the car while I'm trying to tidy the house, clean the front glass of the log burner (one of the jobs I hate( and clean the bathroom.

    We leave Marigny tomorrow morning 09.00 our time for Calais; stay overnight and sail Sunday mirning so fingers crossed traffic won't be too bad round the M25/M11/A1.

    Have a good week-end Dear Friends and I'll see you all Monday morning. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card. I dismissed that free gift as something I wouldn’t use but now I’m tempted to open it!
    Brilliant challenge-I could do with this challenge every few weeks!!!!

    I’m hoping today isn’t too busy as I really need to do quite a lot of paperwork plus leave the staff covering next week a list of duties. I’m looking forward to 5pm today. My crazy friend is popping round to drop something off-I have warned her that I might not be very communicative by 7pm.


  3. Beautiful card SANDRA and a great idea for a challenge I have a few magazine freebies I’ll have a sift through and see what inspires me
    After work today we are getting our hair done I would love to change my style but I’m not confident enough to a) ask and b) decide what I’d like So like always it’all be “short and choppy please”
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Lovely card and a good challenge to set us for the coming week.
    Loved the cards from our Michele. I hope the day goes quickly and you soon have some time for yourself.
    Janet- have a safe journey back home, enjoy today and the yummy cakes :)
    Sandra- hope the valve get fixed and you soon got your heating back on track for it is still pretty cold and raw. We spent yesterday in Camden Market which was great but the rain was coming on and off all day so felt so cold at times.
    Lilian- I hope you ok after the fall. Do take care , hope R is home so he can give you a hand. gentle hugs
    Lynda- how are your legs ? Try to keep them up as much as possible and a bit of massage might help a bit. You take care.
    Karen- what about some different colour ? pink, green,blue and copper seem to be in fashion :) you suit in your short hair, I like it.
    The week nearly gone, it been wonderful to get to know my new sister and we have had so much catching up to do and finding out things about each other. The best bit is that we getting along so well and pretty sure we try to get together soon again and hopefully also with our brother.
    It was beautiful sunshine earlier but now it gone grey so can see it be another wet day. Shops awaiting so must get a wiggle on even if a slow one for didn't get to bed before 3am.
    I wish you all a nice day , have fun crafting when you can and take care, love Maria xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Well I hope I have a better day with comment today as yesterday's comments just wouldn't behave.
    I tried five times it was a pain
    It just. Wouldn't sendx
    So I hopefully it's plays nice.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous and I love this week's challenge. I must finish this week's CC today I started one yesterday but not shaw about it I will finish then decide.
    My mojo has gone AWOL I just haven't got any enagy at the moment.
    I have so many jobs to do indoors but no insentative to do anything.
    Just feel tired all the time.
    JANET have a safe journey home?
    Well better see if this will publish
    Hug's & love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, don’t go fretting about the jobs that need doing in the house, your health and well-being are more important, they’ll still be there when you get your energy back, please - just listen to your body.
      I had the same problem yesterday, my comment just wouldn’t publish after numerous attempts AND not losing my comment. I realised the Internet connection has gone down, eventually I moved into another room and all was fine. Take care xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love your Free Magazine Kit card it’s so lovely. I think we all have some of these kits in our stash. I have been passing mine on to my sister, she has used quite a few of them and loves having the magazines for inspiration. I’ve got several more ready to pass on to her, I will look at them again and see if I’m inspired for next weeks challenge.

    It was funny when I was leaving the comment above for Lynda (I was being lazy and dictating) the phone rang, it was my sister, I put the iPad down and we were chatting away - When I realised it was recording our conversation fortunately we hadn’t been chatting that long. But it did take a while to delete it. Ha, Ha

    LILLIAN hope you are feeling better today after your fall. xx

    JANET Enjoy your pastry 🥮 🍰 and try to have a relaxing evening ready for your marathon weekend, the weather is supposed to be getting warmer next week, fingers crossed the forecast is right and we can welcome you back with some sunshine. xx

    Take care everyone, Love Brenda XXX
