
Thursday 9 May 2019

Michele's Amazing Dog cards

Good Morning Ladies,
How can it be Thursday already?!  Not that I mind of course, that's the beauty of Bank Holiday weekends, makes the week go so much faster.
It was another wet and windy day yesterday, the sun did try and shine a few times, however there was always the blackest sky looming behind the sun.  Consequently the lambs were in and out all done, luckily they are sensible enough to come in when it started to rain. The littlest one is full of mischief at the moment and is walking around 'butting' anything and everything, he spent a good ten minutes head butting my laundry trolley this morning, frustratingly he has 'butted' their feeding bucked clean off its fixings and sent litres of milk all over the place, he did it on Tuesday morning and at midnight, making a huge mess, we cover the floor of their pen with Puppy Pads and the milk was absorbed into all of those, so you can just imagine the mess!  I think that her horns are starting to come through so maybe she's trying to get some relief, a bit like teething.

Michele had a bit of a 'Craftathon' on the weekend, she made all of these amazing and fun Dog themed cards, how cool are some of those Dogs, I am loving the cool sunglasses and the 'DJ Dog' at the top is perfect for teenagers as well as Dog Lovers.  The images that Michele has used are from the Making Cards Magazine, making the cards absolute bargains to make, perfect for your Sale Table Michele, you just have to add the cost of the cards bases and that lovely dotty background paper and sentiments.  With Dogs being so popular right now these cards will fly, it's  not often you come across a theme that suits Men, Teens and women alike.  Having said that the it's not often the Magazine freebies are so usable, Making cards magazine always did have incredible quality papers though, I wonder if they are as good in their new Magazine?!

Janet I received your email with your amazing cards and extra item for Saturday, So I guessing you managed to get through your list of bookings etc, I hope that the packing up goes well, I wish that you could stay for longer like you used to, as I think you just start getting properly settled in and its time to start packing everything away, it must take longer packing the house up to be left until your next visit. Hopefully the worst of the weather is over so no need to drain water etc.  Mind you it's helpful to have friends that you can trust to keep an eye on everything for you. I am sure packing for the journey home will be easier than on the way out. Take it easy my lovely xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely day, fingers crossed it will be a little warmer, it would be nice not to have the heating on again today.

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for sharing my cards. The papers are from the April 2018 issue-my new plan is to actually stay using some of my stash!!! The papers in this magazine are still excellent quality which come in a separate booklet to the magazine.

    We didn’t manage to go to the hospital last night-hubby messaged me at lunchtime to say he was going to be late finishing work. He left this morning at 6am and is expecting another long day. We’re both looking forward to a week off work next week!


    PS Sandra-your tales of the lambs are funny although I’m sure when you’re cleaning up, it doesn’t seem amusing.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Lovely fur boy cards Michele, love the glasses.

    Yesterday did not go as planned, I don't know why I bother with any planning, as the shower decided to play up and spout boiling hot water, plumber called, luckily he came just after lunch. By which time I was fed up trying to detangle myself from the hose on my steamer which kept kinking. It didn't do such a good job on the shower walls at all as the nozzle has a swivel which went in the opposite direction to where I wanted it to go. Think I'll just stick to Professor Amos' Shock it Clean for the cleaning in future.

    Lunch out today for old friend Peter's birthday, he is 79 and still working part time at Morrison's, formerly Safeway where we met in 1999. He has raised funds for The Children's Hospice South West since his 60th celebrations where instead of presents he asked for a donation which when added up gave him a very generous total of £1,000 Amazing!

    Very rainy again today so enjoy your day whatever it is you are doing.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Lovely cards MICHELE As SANDRA has already said they’re ideal for all soot occasions
    I love hearing about the lambs antics too Reminds me of the times Gary used to bring orphans home from the zoo - fond memories
    Glad you’re settled at the apartment SUE Shame to hear the weather isn’t so great but like you say you’re away
    Big hugs to everyone that needs one I hope the upped meds help LYNDA
    My mojo went for a ride last night - I finished a pearl wedding anniversary card and decided it didn’t fit this week’s challenge So decided to watch tele and caught up with the New Monty programmes instead
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning Everyonee
    from yet another very very wet and cold day here. We had so much rain yesterday that all six water barrels are over flowing. At least the garden is getting a good watering so the veggies will grow.

    Have a good day everyone. Take care and stay safe.
    HUGS a plenty for LILIAN today. I hope your fall hasn't hurt you too much. xxxx

    MICHELE- I love your 'Dog' cards and they really bring a smile to my face.

    Well yes all the bookings are sorted though it did take all morning to do them. I order my repeat prescriptions on line but for some reason or other I can only get onto the Surgery site but not any further so had to ring them but at least all done now.
    This afternoon I have to pack up my craft bag and make a list of craft goods to bring next time.
    As you say SANDRA- it really does only seem that we have just settled in these days and then we have to return but there are times when other things come first and we will be able to go back to our usual timetable.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra as others have said I love hearing your tales of the lambs, especially liked the one the other day when you said about them coming up to you when you were sitting in the garden. It must be so difficult for you not to get attached to these gorgeous little creatures, speaking of which, the new little one sounds a real pickle, I hope it doesn’t keep going on creating such a mess for everyone to clear up. XX

    MICHELE your dog cards are really cute and really would do to any gender or age - brilliant xx

    LYNDA, I hope you’re increased medication is helping, sending gentle hugs to both you and Terry. xx

    LILLIAN, I hope you’re okay after your fall, these falls really do shake you up and affect your whole system, please take care, special hugs on their way to you. xx

    SUE, Sorry the weather is not too good, make sure you rest and relax, that’s what holidays are all about. LOL xx

    For the moment the sun is shining so make it out into the garden in awhile, first I have some Scotch eggs to make for lunch, then I’d like to do some baking probably make a fruitcake.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda XXX

  6. Margaret Palmer9 May 2019 at 17:37

    Hi Sandra & all ladies,
    Sorry I am late today, laptop was playing up this morning then I have had embroidery this afternoon.
    Michele I love your dog cards, they certainly bring a smile to your
    Sandra really love to read about the lambs, you will really miss them & they will miss "Mummy".xxx
    Lilian soory to hear you had a fall, it really shakes your confidence as I know too well, hugs on
    Lynda hope the extra tablets help with the pain, hugs on
    Sue hope the weather picks up for you, love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love
