
Monday 6 May 2019

Flip Flop Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well it's the last day of the lovely long weekend, we arrived home yesterday afternoon to the most enthusiastic welcoming party ever, four very bouncy lambs and a very excited dog and two cats, all trying to get first fuss!  We fed the lambs to calm them down but they are now feeding from a special bucket and we are trying to wean them onto more grass so feeding time wasn't as frantic as it usually is, they had been shut in all day though as everyone was out at work etc, so they were excited to be free.

We had a lovely weekend away, Danielle made us feel very much at home, we were both just looking forward to crafting together which we did until almost 11.45pm on Friday night and 7.30p, on Saturday, we also got a bit of craft shopping time in too. 
Danielle's girls are just so well behaved, they are all off doing their own thing, Layla has taken a real shine to Paul and loved having his attention most of time, apart from that Paul and Simon were watching football and chatting.  Paul also took us Craft shopping on the Saturday, dropping us off at a retail park next to Meadowhall that had a Hobbycraft and Range, so we were good for a few hours, Paul went looking for a new Laptop for himself. There was a lovely Big Ikea there and I really wanted to go in there too but that would have meant no crafting time so we didn't.
If any of you are interested in one of those Raskog style Ikea trolleys, Hobbycraft have them at £25 at the moment and they are great quality,

Today's card is one that Danielle and I made on Saturday afternoon using a Tonic 'Flip-Flop' die, for this particular card you:
 cut your card to 21cm X 21cm 
Make a Pencil mark at 10cm in from the left hand side
Lay your die (cutting side down ) onto the card and place the edge at the 10cm line,
Tape in place and then die cut,
You can then add as many decorative layers as you like over the heart, I used the decorative inserts that came with the die set.
I used a SU Lace Edger die and some Petal Pink card to add some detail to the top and bottom of my card. 
I had two bare sides then and was insure that to use to fill the space, so I rummaged through my stamps and found the Honey Doo 'Budding Flourishes' stamp that I bought at Ally Pally and stamped it in Tattered Rose Distress Oxide ink, which happened to match perfectly to the Petal Pink card that I had taken to Danielle's.  I think it added the perfect finishing touch to the card.
I finished the card by adding some pearls to the lace edge pieces and a few pearl hearts in the heart.
I hope you like my card.

Lynda thank you so much, you sent me this die quite a while ago and this is the first time that I have used it. XXX

Brenda I do hope that John is feeling better today, I have suffered with s similar problem over the years and there is nothing more miserable, you feel like the whole world is spinning and there is nothing you can do, it makes you feel sick and unable to move, give john a huge but gentle hug Brenda,  by the way no thanks necessary, I absolutely love my blog and will be forever grateful for the wonderful extended family it has given me, I feel that I am blessed with a whole group of Mum's that I can turn to, you are all very dear friends and I love seeing and sharing what you all make. XXX

Margaret thanks for running the café while we were away, I am so grateful my lovely, it smelt so welcoming yesterday with the smell of Roast dinner and cake baking wafting around, it made a welcome change to the smell of those lambs after they had been shut in all day!!  XXX

Enjoy your day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Moroning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card and an interesting fold. I love the card you used.

    Now you know you were shopping in my shopping area don't you. That is the Range I use when I need to shop buy and then it's into Hobby Craft if I have to.
    We haven't been in that IKEA either and it's now been open for well over a year. It's one shop that when you are in you just cannot find your way out - well we can't and so frustration sets in and high blood pressure too.

    So pleased you had a good week-end in Yorkshire and I hope the weather wasn't too bad for you.

    Well we're into our last week here so it's going to be busy busy busy. We don't seem to have been here two minutes.

    The CCs were wonderful yesterday and so inspiring too. I loved all of them. I'm hoping I can take part this week.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you all have planned.
    HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx Oh breakfast has just arrived I have heard the car doors. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card & an interesting fold. Glad you had fun over the weekend.

    We have woken up to rain which is not what the forecast says, Shame as we were hoping to walk to the beach. Hopefully it will brighten up later & we can go out.


  3. Morning ladies.
    Very pretty card Sandra and I guess it is a special die as you haven't cut the heart all the way through.
    Glad you had a nice weekend with Danielle.
    Fabulous cards yesterday and so many different folds, well done everyone.
    Brenda, I hope John is feeling better today. hugs for you both. Pat- my daily hugs for you as well are on their way.
    Lynda- hope you have a better day and your legs are not too painful. take care all and have a nice bankholiday.
    Weather not too good so going this morning to Ikea for breakfast and a look around. Janet -you just have to come down here and we have a Ikea get together and I can show you
    how to walk it Lol Hugs to all, Maria xxx

  4. Margaret Palmer6 May 2019 at 11:28

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Just lost a long comment!!!
    Café open with vases of lily of the valley on each table & lemon drizzle cake in cabinet.
    Sandra sounds as if you had a lovely crafty weekend with Danni, your card today is
    Maria enjoy your time with new
    Brenda hope John is feeling better today, gentle hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  5. Pretty card SANDRA Such a clever concept
    I bet the time with DANIELLE went super fast So pleased you had fun AND a bit of craft shopping- perfect
    Oscar has just gone home We’ve had a fantastic time He is so easy to look after - tiring but easy
    I hope JOHN is feeling better and hugs to you both
    Hugs for PAT and PETE
    I hope you’re feeling better MARIA LYNDA and LILIAN
    Enjoy your last week away JANET That has gone quickly
    I’m going to have a bit of a snooze now as I’ve been awake since 5.30 although we didn’t get up until about 7 am

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you ladies for all your good wishes for John, you wouldn’t believe 24 hours ago he was laying down in able to move and being very very sick. This morning he was up with the lark, He has swept the front of the house (it’s all paved for parking) it gets very messy as we are close to the main road and Tesco’s On the corner, he then went to Lidl and now he’s in the back garden beavering away. He bounces back every time, It’s always the same.

    Sandra love the card you made with Danni, the colour is beautiful. I didn’t get the Budding Flourishes stamp at Ally Pally - guess what I’ve started a new wish list! xx

    Karen I bet your head is bussing thinking about the lovely time you have had with Oscar. I’m sure he enjoyed his sleepover and looking forward to the next time xx

    Lynda Hope your legs and feet are feeling a little more comfortable and you are able to enjoy the bank holiday. Take care. xx

    Margaret the cafe looks lovely with your Lily of the Valley arrangements on the tables, I have to say the cake is delicious 🤤 xx

    Hope everyone is enjoying the extended weekend.
    Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  7. Sandra I love your card and really enjoyed the fact we got make one together. Thank you and Paul for coming this week end always lovely to see you and even better we get to craft. Xx
