
Tuesday 7 May 2019

Another Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

How did you all enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend?  It went really fast but I'm guessing that's because we went away and spent all day yesterday catching up!
It was really cold here yesterday, I was cold all day, in fact I took a hot water bottle to bed on Sunday night, we had the heating on all night last night too.

Now on to today's card, I will say that the camera and my craft light have made the card look a lot brighter yellow than it actually is.
I used a 6 x 6 inch card base, I cut a piece of Whisper White card slightly smaller than the card base and covered it with Squeezed Lemonade Distress Oxide, I then spritzed it with water and then dabbed off the excess and dried the piece with my heat gun.
I put the card into my stamp tool and randomly stamped the flowers all over the it using Memento Rose Bud ink, which is a lovely bright pink and works well with the yellow background, I stamped some more flowers onto a seperate piece of card and fussy cut them and layered them over some of the stamped ones, saving some for decorating the frame.
The frame is from Hobbycraft, its one of their own 'Intricutz' brand dies called 'Hello', it comes as a set of two dies, one being the frame and the other the word 'Hello'
Intricutz Die

I die cut the frame out of matching pink card and stamped the sentiment in Memento Rose Bud ink, I raised the frame up with foam pads.
I decorated the frame with another one of the stamped and fussy cut flowers and some die cut foliage.
Adding another, smaller flower under the sentiment.
To finish the card and give it some 'Sparkle' I added some Wink of Stella to all of the fussy cut flowers and popped some bright pink gem stones onto them too.
A bright and cheerful card I think, it will brighten up any day too.

Everyone in our house is back at work today so it will be a quiet one for me, I have plenty to do in the craft room though.

Have an amazing holiday Sue, enjoy every moment and take lots of photos xxx

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a really lovely card, that Die looks great. I’m tempted to go to Hobbycraft next week as I’m off work although if I do, I know I’ll end up buying too much!

    Yesterday we had torrential rain all morning then it cleared up. I spent the morning in my craft room then we walked down to the beach after lunch-it’s was a nice walk but very cold once we got on the beach so we didn’t stay too long.


  2. A very pretty card SANDRA
    I didn’t do a lot after Oscar went home He is so much fun to have around though We got the Play Doh out and we made music with saucepans and wooden spoons It was great
    Whilst OH watched the football I did go into my craft room and made a cc It was inspired by a card I’d seen on Hochanda (Paula on Craftworks) So I will send that on to you SANDRA
    Out dancing tonight
    First week of the month and so it will be busy at work and we’re a day short too
    Enjoy your hols SUE Safe journey JANET
    Big hugs to all xx

  3. Morning ladies,

    Another week passed and good intentions of getting my challenge card done flew out the window. I have finished my exercise course and received my leaving certificate. I have improved mobility in my arthritic right hip and leg so will certainly keep up with the exercise routine, having already bought some weights and exercise pedals. Then my sister and BIL arrived for the weekend on their way to a short sojourn in Cornwall.

    The news of Prince Harry's first born was read in this morning's opening up of my computer. So pleased for him, at least now I won't see endless pictures of the consummate actress clutching her bump with the smirk that screamed 'look at me, I'm pregnant'

    I hope you all had a lovely May weekend, we were bathed in sunshine til yesterday when it did indeed turn colder, so much so that like you Sandra, I had to have added heating at night, my electric blanket warmed my joints...pure heaven.

    The old adage'Ne'er cast a clout til May is out' certainly still applies even with this so called climate change theory.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Wonderful card Sandra, happy colours together.
    Off in to town for today. We went to Asda after Ikea yesterday and I never seen anyone pulling clothes off the rack and putting them in the trolley so quickly as my sister hihi then we went over to the changing rooms so she could try it all on and she ended up with three things in the end. My good we had fun her coming out for about an hour cat walking for me Lol so today I can see be a loooong day.
    I wish you all a good day whatever you are up to, take care. Sunny hugs to everyone Maria xx

  5. Margaret Palmer7 May 2019 at 10:27

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Cafe is open date & walnut cake in cabinet, so come & join us☺
    Sandra lovely card very pretty, hope you have a good day in craft
    Sue hope you have a lovely holiday love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sunny today so probably take the doggies out for a walk. Tickles goes home to her mums coming at 6 o'clock as I have a doctors appointment at four o'clock & don't know how long I will be as very rarely go in on time. Hopefully get my medication sorted out. & Hopefully help with my pain. It really bad in the mornings
    I must try & get some housework done today especially upstairs I did manage to clean the bathroom earlier so taking a rest while doing this post. Oh has just made me a cuppa then get back to cleaning with his help.
    Very pretty. The colours are beautiful. I love that die.
    Sue have a great holiday enjoy every minute of it.

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely bright and sunny card that you are showing us today on your blog. I hope you are a little warmer today, I spent most of yesterday afternoon in the garden although I did have a fleece on, i’m just organising some lunch now and will be out again in the garden, this time of year there are so many jobs to be done and you can be working wait for hours on end and hardly see the difference .

    SUE Enjoy your holiday I’m hoping you’re going somewhere where it’s nice and warm and you can relax and recharge your batteries. XX

    PAT Sending you a big hug, hope you’re looking after yourself. XX

    Better get a wiggle on and organise lunch, then hopefully I’ll get out into the garden, the sun is shining and I have three loads of washing gentle blowing on the line.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, love Brenda XXX
