
Thursday 23 May 2019

Another Challenge card......

Good Morning Ladies,

We were blessed with another glorious day weather wise yesterday, I do love the days that you can have all of the windows open,  so that there is a lovely breeze flowing through the house and you can hear the birds singing in every room.

Today's card was inspired by this week's TicTacToe categories, I have been wanting to make a card with  wood effect paper for some time, I have virtually a whole pack of 6 x 6 from a year or so back, it's  a Stampin Up set.
I ran the piece of woodgrain paper through the Gemini with a Wood Effect Embossing folder and then brushed lightly over with a little ink. I attached it to a white card base that was 1/4 inch bigger on both sides. I then sat trying to decide what to embellish it with, (this has been my problem of late, I just can't summon any inspiration).
I had a piece of something called 'Clip Art' its fancy design pieces made out of compressed paper, this particular one was rows of little hearts.  I clipped a piece off to put in opposite corners, I decided that this would be the base for some flowers, so I trawled through my flower boxes a picked out a selection and had a go at arranging them, I tied a couple of bows with jute twine to add in too, I laid out the flowers and plugged in my new Glue gun, I have wanted one with a fine point for a while, as it will be easier when working with flowers, it worked perfectly, not anywhere near as much glue pumping out unnecessarily!
I glued everything into place, then tried to decide on the sentiment (as by this point I had the recipient in mind)😜
I decided on one of Sue Wilson's sentiments, I particularly like the font on this one and it's larger than normal so fills the space well.
I had a couple of bare areas that I thought needed something, so I found so die cut butterflies and added those.
The final touches were simply a 'Swish' of Wink of Stella over butterflies and sentiment!
I hope you like my card ladies, I went for Categories : Wood/Die Cuts /Feminine

I had an unexpected surprise yesterday, Pat came to visit, it was lovely to see her again after what seems like many months.  She bought some lovely cakes and we spent the afternoon in the craft room, Pat was doing her 'Groovi' thing and I have to say it has left me really wanting to have a go, I just love the beautiful results, such delicate patterns, I am so tempted right now, the other thing I like is that it's a craft that you can take into the lounge and do while you are watching TV, where all my other stuff is to messy or you would need to take so much stuff with you. Hhhhmmmm can I resist??!

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies, 

love and hugs to all,



  1. Lol,Lol oopsie,daisy xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely beautiful card-it’s gorgeous. Your mojo has definitely come back! What a lovely surprise to find Pat outside your front door especially if she had cakes in her hand! I think you’ll end up trying Groovi and loving it.

    I just look at the Tic Tac Toe for this weeks challenge & start thinking about making a card for it.


  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-Oh what a beautiful card. So calming and very much on trend this week with RHS Chelsea.

    We didn't have such a sunny day here yesterday but I have hopes for today.
    My tasks for today is to get my CC sent off; do my Tesco order for delivery tomorrow (I have had to change my delivery day as they have stopped delivery on certain 'counter' goods. You can now only have counter cooked meat delivered after 12.00noon from Wednesday-Saturday. I have a feeling that other 'counter' goods will follow soon.I really don't know what is happening these days. What I do know is that I just might be looking at other supermarkets.

    Sorry rant over - box back in the corner.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all. Have a good day everyone. HUGS are on their way to you all.xxxx

  4. Very very pretty Interesting to read how much easier it seems to use a hot glue gun with a fine nozzle
    How lovely to have a surprise visitor I know if I tried Groovi I’d be hooked and really can’t justify the cost I’ve even picked up the starter pack at shows and then decided “no”
    I “played” yesterday and didn’t achieve much I have done one cc and really want to try doing a Christmas one
    Craft club tonight and I will probably take crochet as it’s easy to transport (so is Groovi!)
    Take care all xxx

  5. Morning all.
    A gorgeous card Sandra with it's lovely wood grain background and so many pretty flowers, love it.
    How nice to see Pat again. I can see you taking up Groovi soon if she show you what to do :>)
    For some funny reason I stumbled on to today's post last night, never happened before and I don't normally get the e-mail until 5pm so I got your link open. Now we back on the right day. Sunny with cold wind, hope to have a walk if only OH could get up.
    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs xxx

  6. Margaret Palmer23 May 2019 at 12:15

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a beautiful card I love it. I not sure I will get a cc this week, inspiration has vanished.xx
    Nice sunny out today will sit outside for a while.
    Sending hugs to all who need them live Margaret. Xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Today’s card is really beautiful Sandra. As Janet said so on trend as it’s Chelsea this week. What a lovely surprise you had yesterday with Pat stopping by and bringing cakes Yum, I’m sure she was glad of a break from everything that’s going on in her life at the moment. Pat if you look in I’m sending you gentle hugs XX
    Yesterday was a day spent on tender hooks, I had a phone call around about 10 am to say my sister had had a funny turn ( apparently she couldn’t talk and was very hot and clammy) she went by ambulance to hospital, fortunately the same hospital she had her surgery a few months ago. Within three hours she was put on a ward, (fantastic results and it’s NHS) they have done various test and waiting for the results. It maybe just a hiccup. I hope so, as she was doing so well. In fact she was due to come and stay with us today and would have been here for Ciara's confirmation on Sunday. All I can say is she’s in the best place and hope and pray that all will be well.
    Sending hugs to everyone, take care Brenda XXX

    1. Hope your sister will get better soon, sending healing hugs to you all. xx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have had a lovely day with the weather sunny all day.
    Terry took 8 🐾out for a walk this afternoon I didn't go feeling very tired today so I've had a PJDay.
    SANDRA your card is stunning just love it.
    BRENDA sorry to hear your sister has been taken to hospital hope she will be better soon sending you both some Hug's.
    SANDRA surprise surprise with Pat popping round hope she was OK.
    I had results for my scan on my hands & feet showing up
    ostio arthritis + fibromyalgia. So I'm really falling apart.😢X
    Still haven't done my Cc yet 🤔
    I'm looking after Harry tomorrow while Darren & Sam go for last minute holiday shopping as they go Saturday. So might get Harry to make my Challenge card 🤣🤣
    Sending Hug's to everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I really feel for you Lynda, these things are no good, sending you gentle hugs my friend. What a brill idea to let Harry help you make a cc. Love to see it on Sunday ( well it will be Monday for me as we going to Colchester for the weekend) Take care xx
