
Friday 24 May 2019

A little bit of Vintage and Next Weeks Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Yay Yay, it's Friday !!!! and we have a long weekend!!! Woohoo!!  (can you tell that I'm excited)!!

It's extra nice as we have no plans, no travelling, no jobs that are urgent, nobody visiting, just time for relaxing and I am going to insist that Paul does exactly that!
Do you all have plans?  There are a few things going on locally, a big music Festival in a nearby village called Lechlade, a couple of Fete's etc, although I think the weather isn't going to be amazing so maybe we should just stay home, I won't say no to a visit to the craft room, I don't usually get much of an opportunity on the weekend.

After much deliberation I finally decided on a Sketch for next weeks challenge, We haven't done one for such a long time, it's funny have times have changed as that's all we used to do every week.
I thought that this particular sketch would lend itself to many different card styles.
If you would like some inspiration you can go to the blog thats under the actual sketch and type in Sketch 480, scroll down the page and you will see lots of cards made for this sketch.

**Remember it doesn't need to be exact, as long as the main elements are there**

I based my Vintage style card on the Sketch for this weeks challenge, I have a book that I bought in The Works that has different images and embellishments as well as the main decorative back panel,
I added some Rich Razzleberry card for the base and matching Velvet ribbon (as the colour matched perfectly to the colours in the background).
I placed a doily to bring in the circle element of the Sketch, then that main image as the Rectangle Box and the little sentiment ticket for that banner.  I also added some pearl swirls and a butterfly to finish the look.
I hope you like the card and it gives you a little inspiration.

We had one of 'those' days yesterday, I went down the garden in the morning to check the washing that Paul had put out at 6am, only to find a big old Bird poo on a Bed sheet!!  I then thought that I would look at the strawberry plant as there were a few that were almost ripe last weekend, when I go there they had all gone, just the stalks left, I'm not sure if it was the squirrels or mice or what really!
Sophie and I decided to sort out the two freezers so that we could put all the smoothie ingredients in one draw in the kitchen freezer, so we started sorting through, binning things that were maybe a little bit too old, we made great progress, so I decided to sort through the rest of the drawers in the kitchen freezer, as I got nearer the bottom drawer an awful smell starting filtering through the air, I opened the bottom draw and all seemed ok, I started taking things out and sorting them into categories, I then put my hand in a little deeper and the smell was like nothing I had ever smelt before, for some reason the packs of meat (mostly steak and beef annoyingly) were not frozen at all, they weren't even particularly cold, the meat had decomposed to mush, so lord only knows how long it's been like it, I was worried that some things may have defrosted and then re frozen so I didn't take a risk and binned the entire drawer full of food and the drawer above, thankfully the top half was frozen solid, fingers crossed it's not on its way 'out' !!
Quite a frustrating day, but never mind, today is a new day,

I hope that you have a lovely day and weekend,

Love and hugs to all,


I based my card on the l


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card and a challenging sketch for us this week. I’ll definitely be looking at the cards made on mojo Monday blog as I seem to have lost my Mojo!!

    I had an interesting evening (but like your day) after an extremely busy day. One of our Hedgehogs has been appearing during the day. Yesterday he decided to sunbathe on the lawn (after having a very long drink). Hubby is messaging me about this as he was working from home. I’m trying to phone one of the two local animal rescue centres who eventually suggested a local Vets as they treat Wildlife st no charge. Hubby caught the hedgehog in a box (having punched air hold in it) and waited for me to finish work. Considering the Hedgehog was lethargic when he was outside-the movement & noise from that box was unbelievable! He’s st the vets now and fingers crossed he survives, I can collect him and release him back in our garden!

    I’m very glad it’s a long weekend too!!


  2. Morning Everyone
    We had a lovely day yesterday and I managed to get a line of washing dried and aired.

    SANDRA-a beautiful card this morning and vintage is just up my street.

    The Challenge looks good so I'll have to get my little grey cell

    Well it may be the start to a bank holiday week-end but as it's That 'swear' word day I'd better get a wriggle on and get something done.

    The Cafe is OPEN as usual so pop in whenever you can.
    Cold drinks are in the fridge - freshly squeezed juice (non of that awful concentrated stuff)and Ice Cream in the freezer.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Have a good day and stay safe xxxx

  3. What a frustrating day you had SANDRA But as my mum would say”worse things happen at sea”
    I love the look of this challenge I think it’s great to have a sketch to follow and it will fit lots of occasions
    I am looking forward to the long weekend but OH’s day off is today and then he’ll be working tomorrow and Monday Hey Ho!
    We are out Sunday afternoon Daughter is teaching rueda at a picnic event The lesson will be inside but if the weather is good it’ll be nice to spread out
    I need to make a couple of leaving cards for colleagues and a birthday card I might be able to work the challenge into one of them
    Take care all I will pop back later too x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. It’s so good to be back and seeing what you have been up to. I have only gone back to Saturday so far but love all of the beautiful cards. This weeks sketch looks good and I love your card, a beautiful image and the delicate colours. I’m looking forward seeing Mum and Pop today and can’t wait to see you next week my lovely. Have a relaxing time with Paul over the weekend xx
    I will be back to finish catching up with you all but have to get some more washing done and on the line before going to Mum and Pops. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Hi ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra, like your vintage style. The sketch look fun so hope to play along.
    Nasty to find the food damaged but you did right in throwing it away. I got some hot dogs out yesterday and they had gone off in January Lol We have 3 small freezer so it sometimes need a proper clear out and think it be a job for next week.
    Had the dreaded dentist this morning, was really shaking get into the chair. Luckily it was all good so here to the next six months yay.
    Lovely to see you back Sue, I have missed you. Hope you had a fab time and managed to recharge the batteries. Love to hear what you did and where did you go ?
    Going to Colchester over the weekend, back Monday afternoon sometime so I will be out for 2 days and won't be able to comment so I wish you everyone a good weekend and hope on some nice weather.
    Take care and big hugs to everyone, Maria xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Well I did comment this morning but it disappeared before I pushed publish haven't got a clue what happened.
    We have Harry tomorrow now as Darren has dentist and doctors this afternoon.
    SANDRA your card is lovely so different to your normal style. The sketch is a good one for this week.
    SUE glad your home safe and sound & you enjoyed your holiday.
    BRENDA hope your sister is feeling better & be home soon from hospital. Send Hug's.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Margaret Palmer24 May 2019 at 21:13

    Hi Sandra & all ladies,
    Sandra lovely card today & good çhallenge next week. Sorry no cç for this week I have not got the energy. Enjoy your
    Now I have seen Sue, I can tell you all I have had a couple of falls, the last one had to call ambulance beçause I çouldn't get up. I was taken in checked out, my bp was skyhigh & I had uti & temp. I had to be admitted & spent 72 hrs in there. I am waiting to see a meurolgist to see why I keep falling, I am beimg watched like a hawk by Pop, he will not let me do anything! Sue said she is frightened to go away anymore last year I broke my hip the day after she got home!!!
    Brenda sorry your sister has been taken to hospital, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx
