
Monday 15 April 2019

Janet's Knit & Natter card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week, just a short one this week with it being Good Friday (YAY)!
Do you all have plans for the Easter Weekend??  We haven't as yet, I am pretty sure that the girls will be working as they get Double Time on Bank Holidays, we are also thinking about going over to visit my Mum and family for the day, other than that Paul wants to get some work done in the garden and on his allotment. 

Janet has kindly shared the card that she made for her Knit & Natter group, I believe that Janet die cuts all the parts needed and makes up packs for everyone so that they can replicate her stunning card.
I bet they saw your card and thought that they could never recreate it, it's just so beautiful and looks very complicated but as always with Tonic dies they do most of the work for you, die cutting all the necessary layers, obviously you need to have a good amount of creativity to be able to decide what papers to use and what to put with them, Janet takes all the hard work out of that for her ladies though, I know I would be very inspired having this card in front of me.
Janet used Crafters Companion 'Art Deco' paper pad, such beautiful Art Deco images and backgrounds and of course the Tonic die for the card shape and layers.
Thank you so much Janet for sharing your beautiful card with us.  I would love to see some of the other things that you get to make at Knit & Natter, does everyone bring a different craft? XXX

I am hoping to play with my Scan & Cut and new Foil Quill tool today, so wish me luck, I could really do with a crash course with Karen when it comes to the Scan & Cut!!

Have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and Hugs to all



  1. Morning Everyone
    Thank you VAL/SUE/SANDRA for the contents of the grid for this week's Challenge.I tried everything I knew but you came to my rescue. It's wonderful to have Friends who come when needed. Again Thank you.

    Thank you also for your comments on my 'Poppy' card yesterday. I now have a confession about this card. At K&N the one before last week the lady whose turn it was to provide the card also provides refreshments (tea and buns)also brought napkins. As soon as I saw them I fell in love and my friend Rita who sits at the side of me CHALLENGED MY TO MAKE A CARD USING THE NAPKIN. The result is my POPPY card. It has a different texture/colour/and beautiful Poppies finished off with that gorgeous sentiment. I don't think anyone would know how it started it's life.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and Jim has a hospital run and I hope to make a start on my CC.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in for a chat and a cuppa. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Just love your card Janet. So unusual. I bet your ladies were delighted with theirs.x

    2. Gorgeous card Janet xx

  2. I’ve gone anonymous again!
    Such a beautiful card JANET and what a novel idea to use a serviette on your poppy card I too, would love to see the other makes ladies take to K&an
    We’re away for Easter We’re going on a big Salsa Holiday to Majorca I am looking forward to it BUT it looks like the weather is going to be better here!

    1. It's forecast rain here for the weekend as well.
      Have a wonderful time. I'm sure you'll enjoy it whatever the weather.x

    2. Wished I was a little thing and could go in your pocket hihi have a fabulous time salsa dancing in Majorca x

  3. Margaret Palmer15 April 2019 at 11:11

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Janet your card is beautiful, I can imagine the remarks when you showed it to them, would love to see their
    Sandra enjoy your scan & cut and new foil quill tool today let us see the
    Gym this afternoon again, Mondays seem to come round very fast.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hope gym went ok and you get stronger for each day. My exercise today was weeding between the patio slabs, the fingers got rough when picking the weeds out, don't like wearing gloves and they usually to big in the fingers anyway as I got short stumpy fingers Lol Hugs for you and Pop x

  4. hello all, what weather we have had, gales blowing all my pots over in the garden, as soon as i pick them up down they go again.

    janet love your card love your card, looks very complicated, bet your ladies love them.

    all of the cards over the weekend were super, lovely bright colours.

    I have had to resort to my old lap top, because i tried every trick i new but could not leave comment, even tried anonymous but just vanished into space. hoping this works ok, such a pain.

    hope you all have a good day, hugs to all Lilian.

  5. sorry about all the mistakes, not used to this old keyboard.

    1. Very windy here too today but at least we had sun shining so a bit warmer. Hope your pots survives. hugs xx

  6. Hello Sandra & ladies
    JANET your card is stunning love it
    Phew just finished the ironing although I have to sit & iron it still wares me out. I had a busy day Saturday but a lovely one Darren Sam & Harry came down. Darren came in with Harry & said he wanted to stay with me while they went off to the shops
    He has not stay on his own before so Darren asked him if he was sure he wanted to stay he said yes because I love nannie so much. Well I filled up. He said it loads of times saying nannie I love you.
    We had lots of fun drawing & writing sentences as he calls it he said you do dad I will do mum & doing letter sounds. Then grandad had to make paper plane's. Then on Sunday we are going down to them for the day & Lisa & Joseph are going as well. Ian is working. So after spending almost all day yesterday up the hospital I'm worn out. Today. I really hate that I struggle to do things now.
    Hug's for everyone extra for all under the weather.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry to hear you had such an awful day yesterday at the hospital. He is such a sweetheart Harry. Of course he loves his Nannie and granddad, you are a wonderful couple and we all love you ,hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the card from our Janet, it looks interesting. Hope all the ladies liked making them up.
    Spent some hours in the garden and weeded in between the slabs on the patio, probably won't be able to move much tomorrow but just had to have it done as thinking of wash it down if weather is nice over the weekend. Love to do some visits to the garden centre too.
    Quick dinner tonight and then a sit down I think.
    Hugs to you all,xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I didn’t leave a message yesterday, well I tried but proving I’m not a robot took so long then my message disappeared into cyberspace. Yesterday’s CCs were all amazing, A whole gallery of inspiration.
    Janet your card today is beautiful, what a star you are preparing packs for your K & N group. xx
    Sandra hope you were successful sorting out your Scan and Cut foil quill tool.

    I’m going to see my sister tomorrow so it will be an early start. If I can get a signal I will look in to see what everyone is doing when I’m on the train. Have a good day everyone. xx
    Love Brenda xxx
