
Tuesday 16 April 2019

Danielle's First attempt at the Shaving Foam Technique

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly today I want to say how sorry I am that you are all having so much trouble logging in to leave a comment, I wish there was something I could do to help, I have researched it and there seems to be nothing I can do,  I will look into it again though as your comments are very important to me and each other.

Danielle had her first play with the 'Shaving Foam Technique' on Sunday and just look at the amazing results she achieved.  She used some water based inks (Black & Blackberry Bliss) to drip the colour into the foam and the results are stunning, the effect looks almost like billowing smoke or oil on water, I think it's the combination of colours that Danielle has used that makes these cards look so amazing.
One little finishing touch that Danielle did was to go over the whole piece with a Versamark (clear ink) and add clear embossing powder to give a lovely shine to the piece, it really intensifies the colour too.  
To finish the card Danielle cut several layers of each of those lovely sentiments in gold foil card and stack them for dimension, which works perfectly, I think that the sentiment would have got lost otherwise.
Thank you so much Danielle for allowing me to share your first attempt at this technique with out friends, I know they will love your cards as much as I do. XXX

Well ladies I got as far as clearing a space for my scan and cut and tidying away some of my other bits and pieces to get rid of some of the chaos that surrounds me as I find it so hard to be creative when I have no space around me and stuff piled everywhere, the only trouble is.. if I put things away I forget I have got them and don't use them, so for now my solution it to store things in boxes where I can see them.  Do you have the same problems??
Karen even sent me a message encouraging me, which was so helpful, I have it all prepared now so fingers crossed today will be the day!!

Janet, I would never have believed that that image was a Napkin, what a genius idea, I have some really pretty napkins that I have used to decorate mdf but never thought of putting them on card, thank you so much for letting us all in on your little secret XXX

Karen, I hope that you and Alan have an amazing time in Majorca, you both deserve a break as its been quite a year so far!  Relax and enjoy every moment. XXX

Lynda, I am so sorry to hear that you are still struggling my lovely, maybe you could ask to go back on the pregabalin as its been since you cut that out that you have been worse.  Make sure you tell them how you are feeling. XXX

Lilian, I hope that the gusty winds calm down for you my lovely, there is nothing more frustrating than having your pots and planters destroyed by the wind.  Are you expecting the glorious weather at the later part of the week like we are here?  I do hope so XXX

Pat, sending hugs your way my lovely, I hope that all is as well as can be expected XXX

Sending huge hugs to all of you, 

lots of love too,



  1. Good Morning Everyone,
    Sandra can’t believe it I’m ME again, Yippee
    A quick peek in before I dash off to get my train to Loughborough.
    WOW Danielle your cards are gorgeous, love the colours, I haven’t usued shaving foam for such a long time, you have inspired me to have another go, THANK YOU xx
    I tried using clear embossing powder on a number I was adding to my splash card that was on the blog at the weekend - it really lifts any sentiment.
    Time to get a wiggle on, have a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Me too! I’m not anonymous today
      Enjoy your visit to see your sister Will you be crafting

  2. Morning Everyone
    DANIELLE- beautiful cards. This is one technique I have never tried. I have to admit that I really don't like getting messy but I love looking at the different effects.

    We are stunned this morning looking at the pictures of Notre Dame in Paris. Such a magnificent building. They say it is now under control but not yet out. Hoping that the fire doesn't start somewhere else inside.

    The CAFE is open ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for PAT and PETE this morning.
    Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. I haven’t done shaving foam technique in yonks Thanks for the nudge It was a technique I was going to show Kat and Marie But we never got around to it The results you got DANIELLE are beautiful
    LYNDA I hope you get some relief soon What a farce your hospital visit turned into but not funny
    I hope you’re not in too much pain MARIA
    It’s lovely to see you commenting LILIAN
    Having nails done this afternoon and then pack for the holiday I will try and pop in - Internet and signal permitting
    Good luck with the ScanNCut SANDRA I look forward to seeing your results It’s a shame I don’t drive or I’d be there like a shot We need a Watford meet up!
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning all.
    Danielle ,you have made a wonderful first for this technique. It must be the colours together which make it look so stunning. Well done.
    Brenda- have a nice time with your sister. Say Hi from us :)
    Lynda- hope you have a better day. Take care.
    Lilian- hope the wind have died down so your plants wont get any more beating. Take care.
    Sue- hope you doing all right ? Will you have the little ones over for Easter ? Hope mamma is not too sore after her gym session ,give each other a hug from me.
    Karen- I can hardly move hihihi must get going tho for weigh in later, not looking forward to it because we had quite a lot over the weekend oops.
    Sending many hugs to you all and wish you have a nice day.
    Love Maria xxx

  5. Hi ladies
    Danni. Just love your cards. The colours are so effective. I love this technique and thank you for reminding me to get the shaving foam out again.x

    I've been cleaning downstairs today and feel shattered, how is it that a couple of years ago I used to clean the whole house in one go and now I have to do it in stages with lots of sitdowns in between?

    Such a shame about Notre Dame. Such a beautiful old building. I hope it's possible to return it to its former glory.

    Brenda enjoy your day with your sister.x
    Lynda sorry yesterday was such a bad day. Hope today is better for you.x
    Maria sorry you're in pain after your gardening yesterday. Pain really drags you down doesn't it? Good luck at weigh in.x

    Hugs to all especially if you're not feeling good today.
    Love Valx

  6. Hello All, at last the wind has dropped and we have some sun, towels on the line, pots all put back, I do a lot of pots because I can’t bend down.

    Denni loved your cards, would love to know which inks you used as your colours are beautifully bright.

    R up at 4am this morning to catch the early train to London, so not doing much at the moment, might have a look at this weeks challenge, if I can find some energy.

    Very sad about the fire at Norte Dame, went there many years ago with my sister, even if they rebuild I doubt it will still have that archaic feeling.

    Sandra waiting to see how you get on with your foiling quill, have one think I will use with my cricket, haven’t used that or my scan and cut for months , which is such a waste.

    Hope those in pain and not feeling too good are a bit better today, hugs to all. Lilian

    1. Hiya thanks for your lovely comment I used stampin up BlackBerry Bliss and memento black for the colours x

  7. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Bit dull & chilly today Terry's cutting the grass out the back. First cut this year as been too wet.
    DANNII love your shaving foam cards the colours are gorgeous so rich just lovely idea putting clear Embossing Power on top.
    SANDRA hope your enjoying using your scan & cut with foil stick.
    I'm off to craft room now & try Challenge card & note book cover challenge for Riley and Rose.
    Such a shame about the Notre Dame
    Hope it can be restored.
    Hug's all round extra if needed.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Margaret Palmer16 April 2019 at 16:08

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Danni your cards are lovely, love the colours, & you say you are not a cardmaker, I don't believe
    Sandra hope you manage the scan & cut
    Lynda hope you are easier today, you certainly are going through it at the moment, sending you both
    Maria hope you feel better soon, we do go mad don't we, gym was not too bad yesterday, hugs on
    Brenda hope you have a lovely day with your sister & she likes your choice of
    Karen enjoy your trip, hope you get some
    Val I know what you mean, it is so annoying, hugs on
    Lilian good to see you again hugs to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. I’m trying again to publish something on the blog

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I keep forgetting to comment, sorry ladies.
    I’m just off to bed and realised I still hadn’t finished my comment so quick hello and a big WoW to DANNI. You are a born crafterad even your first attempts are always fabulous. The colours you gave used and the glossy finish are gorgeous. I hope you like them too x
    SANDRA, I hope you gave got on ok with the S and C. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow my lovely. Xx
    I’m sorry to see a lot of you are suffering more than usual. I’m thinking of you all.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
