
Friday 22 March 2019

Your Challenge Theme for Next week Commencing Monday 25th march

Good Morning Ladies,

Thank goodness it's Friday, I hope that you are all ready for the weekend!

Cheryl's Child Card Challenge

Our lovely Cheryl came up with the theme or this weeks challenge while she was sat catching up with her card making for friends and family.

The theme that Cheryl has picked is, I believe something Brand New for us to try, which is very exciting, so here we go...….

Your theme for next weeks Challenge is …..Make a Card for a Child

You can choose any style, size and colour for your card, you can use whatever you materials you like, there are no restrictions at all.

I can't wait to see all of your designs, I hope you enjoy the challenge as the most important rule is that you have fun making your cards.

Thank you so much Cheryl for choosing a fantastic theme for our challenge xxx

Well Ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a lovely card & a great challenge for us this week.

    Just had to stop eating my breakfast & watch the squirrel 🐿 eating the peanuts-we’re so lucky to get Red squirrels visiting us.


  2. Morning ladies,

    Ooh what a lovely surprize to see my teddy card.
    Maria had put a plastic wallet full of these delightful teddies with their backing papers on the 'swap' table at our Retreat in Birmingham 2015. I had picked them up as they are so gorgeous, brought them home, assembled the decoupage elements and stored them in my plastic basket with larger dies to finish at a later date and there they stayed until I chanced upon them again by luck as I was storing another large die. I have had fun the last few days making sure that I finish the cards completely except for the inserts. I have 3 in mind for very young nephew and nieces and the others will be in a basket on sale for my next Fete.

    My lunch club is today at 12 noon, afterwards I will be enjoying the delightful company of Milly-May who is having a sleep over. Yay! with Jamie not home until Sunday I can spend some precious time off with her to play, shop, craft and go to the park.
    That is my weekend sorted, I hope your swill be as pleasurable as mine.

    Gentle hugs and healing prayers to all in need of them. They come with no strings attached.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful card CHERYL. Thank you for this week's Challenge. I shall have to see what I can find in my boxes.

    My MOT seemed to go well yesterday so just waiting for blood etc results now.

    I cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word day again. I'm sure we have more than one in a weeklol.
    Well I'd better get a wriggle on and get things sorted.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in when you can. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  4. A great idea for a challenge Thank you CHERYL and such a pretty card to start us off with too
    So pleased to hear people’s MOT’s went OK and fingers crossed your latest results will be fine too SANDRA
    We’re out dancing tonight and Sunday I’m doing a guided walk through a part of London with a couple of friends
    Take care all x

  5. Margaret Palmer22 March 2019 at 12:22

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you feel better with Paul home for the weekend, sending special hugs to
    Cheryl thank you for suggesting the challenge this week, suits me fine as I have to make cards for 2 great granddaughters for April, I love your card. Enjoy your weekend with
    Karen hope you enjoy your guided walk in
    Sue has a migraine so hugs to you, love
    Sending hugs to all who are suffering love

  6. Hi ladies.
    I'm glad Cheryl that the Teddies came in use and you have made some lovely cards with them all. Have a great time with Milly-May staying over.
    Karen- have fun on the walk. Is it a Ghost one or a specific place of London ?
    Sue- so sorry to hear you got a migraine once again. Just take care and healing hugs coming your way.
    Margaret- thanks for setting me right. I was confused, easily done hihi
    Sandra- have a good weekend and RELAX, the same goes to all of you !
    Got to start the dinner here so I wish you all a good evening, many hugs xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Cheryl what a delightful card, how lovely to have the back and the front of Teddy, brilliant idea, makes him seem real. I don’t need to say have a lovely weekend - I know having Milly-May for a sleepover you girls will have a great weekend. xx

    Sue, hope you are feeling better After yet another migraine attack, you really have my sympathy they can make you feel poorly for days. xx

    Sandra try to relax and enjoy Paul’s company over the weekend. xx

    Time to check the dinner, have a good weekend everyone, love Brenda xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Cheryl love your card it's gorgeous
    Love your challenge for this week thank you.
    PAT your card yesterday was Stunning your the parchment queen you have a real flair for it.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday I had my RA appointment yesterday & waited over half n hour after my appointment time. I ACTUALLY saw the Dr its normally the head nurse
    Any way she examined me & said you seem to have a lot of pain. I said the pain is getting worse especially in my neck & feet /legs I showed her the tablet's my doctor gave me to take after weening off the pregabalin. She said I think you should take two tablets day as she was sure I had Fibromyalgia all over chronic pain.
    She asked why I was given them so I said for diabetic neuropathy she said they are also for Fibromyalgia
    Said to ring my doctor & ask her to up tablets. So rang yesterday still waiting for the Dr to ring back.
    We got home about 6ish as had to go shopping. I was shattered the pain in my neck feet legs was the worst they have ever been not sure if it was all her pushing & pocking me. I also had blood test & exrays,.
    Still aching today & been round Margaret's. Better get some dinner on. Hug's for all & poorly friends
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      as you know I was told at age 18 that I have Fibromyalgia so I do feel for you if that's you have too. How come the doc taking you off the Pregabelin ? I got them but only take one in the morning and one at night. Big gentle hug being sent for you. Try to have a good night xx
