
Saturday 23 March 2019

Mixed Up Saturday/Michele Mag Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying your weekend.

Our first craft Project this week is the amazing Mixed Media Panel above that has been beautifully made by our Janet, I love that Stencil you have used Janet, which is a Clarity Stencil designed by Leonie Pujil, its such a beautiful image, I love how you have used different mediums to add depth and texture to your panel Janet, the flowers, butterfly and pearl embellishments really add a touch of luxury and bring the piece to life.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us all my lovely. xxx

Danielle was sent a Table Place card die to make so samples with last weekend and this fantastic gift bag is just one of the projects that she came up with, she never ceases to amaze me, I would have never thought of that in a million years.  I think that the colour and luxury card that you have used make it look proper classy Danielle, thank you for allowing me to share it today. xxx

Next up we have Michele's fantastic magazine review...…..

Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Papercrafter magazine has a cute set of Dies this month-you might recognise the foliage Dies as I used them on last weeks challenge card!

Just look at the different cards you can make using the free gift.

Diecutting Essentials has a great free gift this month-Paris in the springtime.

The first feature using the free gift show is quite a variety of cards.

The second feature shows us how to use this free gift on paper craft projects other than cards. Perfect for weddings.

There’s a great feature on Partial Diecutting which is explained very well.  Also there’s a brilliant feature on Easter cards-making the most of your stash to create some lovely cards. 

That’s all until next week. 
Happy Crafting

Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic review, I do love those Paris dies, I am very tempted!! xxx

Well ladies I am hopefully now on the road to recovery, my Liver readings are on their way back down to normal and my body is starting to fight back and recover, I think that the evidence points to the Bisoprolol as the reason for the bad reaction, although they did say that it was not a 'normal' common side effect, we have to decide now whether to try it again with bloods either side or just try something different, I think I will opt for the latter as I don't ever remember feeling that unwell, so not willing to chance it returning.  

I have had to make a speedy recovery as we have three orphaned lambs warming by the aga, having feeds every two hours, which by the time you have worked your way around all three and washed bottles doesn't leave you a lot of time.  They were super poorly to start with so fingers crossed they will start to gain strength.  It has reminded me of when Sophie and Lucy were babies, non stop feeds and nappy changes!

You can guess what my weekend will involve, I hope you have a good one.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful project, I love the flowers.

    Danielle-your gift bag is stunning.

    I was in such a panic yesterday after seeing the next challenge announcement that I sent a message to Sandra with some pictures of previously made cards-I thought it was for this weekend! I’m so glad it’s the weekend-hairdresser this morning thenoff yo the bank in the hopes they’ll sort out the payment problem. We’re off out for a meal this evening with a golf pal of hubby’s-he’s got prostate cancer (incurable). His wife is great fun & he’s got a wicked sense of humour so it should be a great evening. We’ll go to visit my Father in Law tomorrow afternoon.


    1. Thank you again for a great mag review Enjoy your meal later x

    2. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your meal out with friends this evening. Pete’s was incurable so fingers crossed he stays well.

    3. Hi Michele. Thank you for the mag reviews. I find it helpful in deciding whether to buy any or not. Enjoy the weekend x

  2. Morning Everyone
    Danielle -what a beautiful gift bag.

    Well as it's Saturday it's our normal shopping day and then hoping for a lazy afternoon for both of us.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in whenever you can. Cream Teas are on offer this afternoon so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

    1. Your mixed media panel is lovely JANET Something else I would like to try

    2. Your mixed media panel is lovely Janet. Mine would only look a mess. Enjoy your restful afternoon.

    3. Hi Janet. What a great mixed media piece of art. I love the colour you have used, it is gorgeous. I’m glad your MOT went well x

  3. Hi everyone,

    Beautiful project Janet. I love the stencil youve used and the embellishments are all beautiful.x

    Danni your gift bag is beautiful,x

    Michele thank you for the mag review. Especially like the Eiffel Tower gift. Enjoy your meal and hope you find FIL comfy tomorrow.x

    Bedroom cleaning this morning then a bit of a rest this afternoon as I'm going out to a Country and Western evening tonight. I'm not really so keen going out in the evening but it's a Charity event so I feel I should make an effort.

    Sandra, so cute to read about the lambs by the Aga. It's a lot of work but lovely I bet. So pleased your liver readings are positive and heading in the right direction, I dont think I'd be trying those tablets again either.x

    Hugs to all.
    Special ones to friends not so well especially Lynda Lilian and Sue .
    Pat, you and Pete are always in my thoughts.Hugs to you both.x
    Love Valx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Val. Enjoy your Country and Western evening later on. Pete wasn’t so good yesterday and spent all day in bed.

    2. Hi Val. Thank you for my hugs. I’m a lot better today. I hope you have a nice tome this evening x

    3. Have some real good fun this evening. I love Country and Western music, wish I was there x

  4. i love the mixed media panel JANET I watch the likes of Leonie and wish I could achieve similar arty stuff.
    Lovely gift bag DANIELLE As SANDRA mentioned they’d be perfect for weddings
    I was so so pleased to see that your liver readings are going down Such a huge relief for you
    Oh LYNDA I hope you get some relief from the pain soon It is so draining isn’t it
    I hope you’re feeling better SUE MARIA LILIAN
    I am so tired today but must crack on I have a couple of cards to make for work and might try and finish another cc for tomorrow and start on next week’s challenge It’s Oscar’s Birthday next month So hopefully I will use this for inspiration
    Take care all x

    1. Hi Karen. Thank you for your kind words. I’m much better today. I’ve got two granddaughters cards to do for April so I hope to get at least one of them done for this weeks challenge. I hope you get some ideas for Oscars third birthday card x

    2. Hi Karen. Some better thanks, one day a time.
      Hope to make Molly's card this week so perfect challenge from Cheryl. Can't believe Oscar is going to be 3 already :>) take care x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely mixed media stencil work from Janet, and a bag from Danielle today.
    Thanks for the magazine reviews. Always good to see what’s on them.
    Good to hear your liver readings are going down Sandra. Pete has taken that medicine for years and has had no problems with it. Good idea to perhaps try another one. Lots of them on the market on prescription.
    Good luck with feeding the lambs. Let’s hope Matt does the night shift if your having to do it through the day. I wonder what would happen to them if he wasn’t living at home for you to take up the slack.
    Crikey, I’m back as me, so not having to prove I’m not a robot.

  6. Hello All, another damp day.

    Janet love your art work, always wanted to have a try at mixed media.
    Danielle loved your little bag.

    Great reviews Michele so helpful.

    Pat sorry to hear Pete not so good, thinking of you both.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. I hope your weather improves. It is quite bright here. I have heard a few lawn mowers going so will have to get Chris to do our little patch tomorrow, if it is still dry. I hope you are improving a little each day x


  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I do hope you are feeling better each day now my lovely. Using the Aga to keep orphaned lambs warm is the traditional way isn’t it, along with the regular feed. I’m not surprised you are reminded of the twins births. I will be more than happy to take my turn with a bottle when I come over next 😄Try and have a good weekend even if you and Pail are on nursery duty my lovely xx
    Cheryl, I loved your challenge card inspiration, so sweet. It’s a good challenge for lots of us. I hope you are both having a lovely crafty time together x
    Danielle, you’re once again proving that you are our bag queen. You have the best ideas for all things 3D x
    Mum, sorry I didn’t get to se you and zip yesterday. Love to you both xxxx
    Brenda and Maria. Thank you for your kind words yesterday. I’m feeling better today. I hope you both have a good day whatever you are up to xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Lovely mixed media Janet, like the items you have used.
    I've got a plain writing book, maybe I will have a go but know I won't make anything like yours or Lynda's when she makes hers.
    Danielle, Beautiful gift bag.
    Michele, I like the Die cut mag. will have a look at that one. Thanks for doing the reviews.Enjoy this evening. Hope FIL is getting better.
    Sandra, good to hear your readings are better. Take care and I was just going to say have a relaxing weekend but I guess with so many extra to feed you will be pretty busy. Please take a photo, love to see the little ones.
    Lilian, hope you ok and the weather down South is getting nicer for each day. Take care.
    Pat, my daily hugs for you and Pete. Hope to see you soon.
    Lynda, did you see my comment yesterday ? I wish you pain away. Try to keep your mind occupied on other things. Crafting, reading and tv watching helping me a bit, hope it can for you too.
    Cheryl, how's it going with having Milly-May for a sleepover ? Have fun !
    Had a nice walk to Dobbies and back this morning, not a quick one ,just one foot in front the other. Think I only got 4 hours sleep in the end, better then nothing but can see me having a nap soon :>)
    Have a nice day all and hugs being sent to anyone who need some. Love Maria xx

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    JANET your card is lovely. I'm loving Leonie's stencils. She is a inspiration.
    Michele thank you for another good Magazine review.
    DANNII I love your little bag it's gorgeous Queen P B. ( paper bag designer)
    Still in a lot.of pain also Doctor didn't ring me yesterday about doubleling up the new tablets so have to wait till Monday now.
    Just waiting for Darren Sam & Harry too turn up. So just having a rest haha.
    SANDRA pleased your feeling better don't blame you for not wanting to go back on those tablets again.
    Enjoy feeding the baby lamb's but don't over do it.
    HUG'S for everyone extra for those poorly friends
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Margaret Palmer23 March 2019 at 16:08

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra very pleased to hear your readings are down, that must be a great relief, I don't think I would like to try the tablets again, I am sure there is one to suit you. How lovely to have lambs in the aga, at least you have that to keep them warm, good luck with the feeds. Take care hugs on
    Janet your mixed media is lovely, well
    Danni your bag is stunning, well
    Michele thank you once again for excellent review, enjoy your meal tonight, hope FIL is
    Lynda sorry you are in so much pain, I am sure seeing Harry will make you feel better, hugs on
    Maria I am sure it did you good to have a walk, I have just been for one, only a short one mind, take care hugs on
    Sue pleased you are feeling better, Doreen just messaged me she is at Malvern Craft Show & has just bought a Gemini at a good price, she was looking at mine when she was here, she will love it. Love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just lost my comment trying to prove I’m not a robot!! Will try and remember what I said.

    SANDRA I was so pleased to see your liver readings are down, we will soon have you back to normal - I hope ��xx. I can visualise the lambs cuddling up in front of the Arga. They are certainly getting the best chance possible xxx

    JANET what a lovely mixed media panel, what a clever lady you are.xx

    DANIELLE your bag is beautiful, love the swan handle. xx

    MICHELLE Another great magazine review, thank you. xx

    Wishing everyone a good weekend, love Brenda xxx
