
Sunday 17 February 2019

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying your weekend, this unseasonably warm weather seems to have taken the plants in the garden by surprise as we have Daffodils just about ready to burst out into the beautiful golden yellow glory, everything has changed so quickly, I fear that we will have a big frost or snow storm that will come and wipe them all out.  I'm pretty sure we had that last year, not too long after we moved in.  It was so lovely to be out and not be freezing cold though, it makes you want to be out pottering in the garden. It will hopefully do everyone the world of good getting out in the fresh air too, get those germs blown away.  I think that it makes you feel so much better just being out there listening to the birds, breathing in fresh, clean air, I am so excited for another Spring/Summer in the garden here. 

You have made some absolutely stunning cards this week my Lovelies, I am running out of words to describe them, I am so conscious of over using words such as 'stunning' & 'Beautiful' but until I find words that work as well I will continue to use them! 

Here we go with this weeks cards...….


Brenda has designed an awesome Spring card for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, I will add Brenda's description below:

 My categories are not in a row. I can actually pick four boxes from the Tick Tack Toe choices.
1, Yellow and Green
2, Ribbon
3, Flowers
4, Designer Paper.....The Green Gingham is - Joanna Sheens Paper Collections Vol 3
                                                                                (I’ve had this pad for a few years now)
                                     The Yellow spots is - StampinUp 2018-2020 In Colour collection.
Take your pick!!!

Thank you so much for such a beautiful card Brenda, I love, love, love this stamp from HoneyDoo.
It's so funny that you wrote about having the paper pad for a few years but not using it, as that is exactly the theme for the New Challenge!!
Thanks again Brenda.


Three incredible cards from Janet for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, 3 different occasions too, including a pesky 'man' card.  I will add Janet's details below:

Here are my offerings for this week.

For my First  card I used - Flowers/square card/designer paper.

For my second card I use - Green/Flowers/Dry Emboss
(I had made this card on the Friday as you released the Challenge for this week and couldn't believe that it fitted the brief)

For my Third card I used -Designer paper/square card/my choice
Looking forward to the next Challenge.

Your cards are all fantastic Janet, I particularly love the Vintage style card with the 'tea & scones'.
Thank you so very much my lovely.


Now I know that Val said that she just wasn't feeling up to sitting and making a card for our TicTacToe Challenge this week, which is perfectly understandable given the diagnosis and new medication, so I had a quick look through some of the cards that Val had made for previous challenges and came up with this super cute card.  I just felt sad for Val as she normally contributes to the challenge every week, it just doesn't seem right not having her name on the list.

So his card uses Categories:
Dry Emboss/Square Card/Decorative Paper

I hope that you are starting to feel better Val, I hope that you got my email too. Thank you for such a lovely card.



Maria also went for a gorgeous Spring card, which features an adorable little Lamb, surrounded by pretty Daffodils, you have Decoupaged your image beautifully Maria, it really brings the card to life.
Maria used Categories:

Spring/Green & Yellow/Flowers

Thank you so much Maria for managing to fit in a card before you set off on your weekend away, I hope that you had a lovely time, your card is perfect.


Karen has made a start on her Christmas cards with this weeks TicTacToe Challenge and made the one card we all hate having to make.. Sympathy card, I think that you have done a fantastic job Karen, they are best left as a simple design, it can be so hard getting the design right though.
Here is Karen's Description:

 I’ve just finished these two cards for the challenge
I had to do a Sympathy card  I chose flowers-yellow & green- square card
And a Christmas card
flowers-dry embossing-square card

Thank you Karen, you have also had a very trying week, I really do appreciate that you made the time to take part in the Challenge, although I find that crafting is a really great source of Therapy, I wonder if they can start supporting our 'Therapy' with vouchers?? Now there's a thought, don't you think?!.  


Two gorgeous cards from Our Lynda for this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, both feature flowers yet we have to very different looks, here is Lynda's Description:

First: Dry Embossing /flowers /square

Second green/yellow /dry Embossing/ square/ flowers

Lynda, thank you for two beautiful cards, my favourite is definitely the second card, (A) because its a lovely shade of green (B)because I love everything about it, the embossing folder you have used is gorgeous, your flower arrangements are sunning too.


OMG!!! Michele has gone for the Super Cute/Adorable overload for her TicTacToe challenge card this week, not one but 3 adorable images, here we go with Michele's description, although I think the categories for all 3 cards should be:


My challenge cards-
Hedgehog cards are Spring/Blue/Flowers. 
Kitten card is Spring/Yellow/Designer papers.

Thank you so much Michele for 3 adorable cards, I love all of them! 


Margaret has gone for a Spring themed card too, she has made her own design that features Daffodil stamps that Margaret has arranged around the card, to finish the card Margaret has matted the pretty daffodil topper onto Yellow card stock and the sentiment has been stamped onto the same card, then punched out with the 'Lovely Label' Punch (stampin Up).
Margaret's card uses catergories:

Yellow & Green/Flowers/Square Card

Thank you so much Margaret for taking part in this weeks Challenge and creating such a lovely Spring card.


Lilian is also a regular contributor to our Weekly Challenges and as with Val it just doesn't seem right to not have one of her incredible works of art featured on our display on a Sunday, so I went through some of the cards that Lilian has created for our challenges and this one jumped out at me.  I think that it fits the Challenge categories:

Blue/Square Card/ Embossing.

I love this card Lilian and it is SO worthy of a second viewing, I hope that you don't mind me filling in for you this week my lovely, thank you for being so consistently supportive.  

Well what can I say Ladies, that I haven't said a million times before, apart from THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!! 
You are all amazing and the very best friends that a girl could ask for!!

Sending loads and loads of love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    WOW what a bumper bundle of craftiness we have this week.
    So many beautiful cards and yes the extra board has had to come out of the cupboard

    I am having to make a dash to find a kettle this morning as ours has given up on us. I switched it on yesterday and the red light came on to say OK but nothing after that so a new kettle it is. Wish me luck.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours. The lunch menu is Roast Chicken so orders please.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Good luck with the kettle hunt Janet and please put me on the dinner list x

    2. I’d love some roast chicken please I really am not in the mood to cook these days
      Good luck with the kettle hunting I use a Braun One cup I love it No lifting of heavy kettles required

    3. How funny Janet, our kettle recently broke, so we had to replace it, then when we went to Pats, hers was playing up too, so she was looking at having to replace hers. if you think about it though its constantly in use, well it is on our house any way, more if Paul is home, as he does like a cuppa! There are so many to choose from though, we looked in Tesco as we had a voucher, you could spend anything from £10 to £90, who in their right mind would spend that much on a kettle. We went for a mid range, it was on offer for £18. Good luck choosing xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today-also different and all lovely.

    My Hedgehog cards are a new digital download fro Ella’s Design and the kitten card was made using papers from a Joanna Sheen boxed set. I’ve not really felt like creating cards from scratch so these have been extremely helpful.

    I printed out lots of digital images yesterday as I’m planning to make s gift bag full of cards to give to my friend as a birthday present (the friend I meet in Dobbies) but I ran out of one of the colours of ink. Quick trip to Tesco with hubby who thought it would be better ordering the individual colours so came home without the ink!! That’s his job for today.

    Housework then hopefully a walk to the beach today. Tomorrow I’ll be heading to the glass merchant as a pane of glass has got broken in my greenhouse. They open at 8am so I should be able to get the glass on my way to work.


    1. Oh you are so lucky living so close to the sea Michele. A walk on the beach on the nice firm sand on a winter day is one of my favourite times. I hope it leaves you feeling as refreshed and relaxed as it would me. I need a black cartridge for our printer and popped into Tesco on Friday after seeing Mum and Pop only to realise that I didn’t have the details in my purse for some reason and of course niiether me or Chris we could remember which was the right one so like you I come home empty handed. I have now put the details in my purse AND on my phone!!!! X

    2. I really must take a look at Ella’s Designs because you make some lovely cards with them

    3. Hi Michele
      Ito love the hedgehog design. I hopefully not downsizing to buy more though. Wish we had a shop that would take all outbreaks unwanted craft goodies.
      How lovely to be able to walk on the beach. Pete’s brother lives in Bournemouth and whenever we got invited down we always walked his dog near Hengisbury Head. Mind you we haven’t been asked down for nearly two years. Dave, Pete’s brother does FaceTime him, but it’s not quite the same.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    A beautiful sight greets us today with all of these lovely challenge cards. It is extra good seeing some gorgeous Spring images and colours, and looking at them in daylight so early in the morning too. I made three cards but none fitted the challenge so will keep them for another time x
    Sandra, we did have quite a lot of snow not long after you moved last year as I remember driving over to see you past high banks of snow on the sides of the roads for a couple of weeks. Hopefully we won’t get any more this year now the early flowers are starting to bloom! I hope you are having s good weekend my lovely xx
    Brenda, your card is simply beautiful, the rose stamp is gorgeous and beautifully coloured by you. I’m glad that Anne is now back at Loughborough. It must be comforting to know she is still under medical care there x
    Maria, your card is lovely, a gorgeous Spring scene. I hope you are having a good time away x
    Lilian, sorry your hands are really not good at the moment and roll on March when you get your knee brace x
    Karen, thinking of you x
    Val, it’s good to hear you managed to get out and enjoy the company of friends x
    Pat, I hope you and Pete are as well as can be expected x
    Yesterday slipped by unnoticed so today is craft time for me. I still haven’t decided which part of my unused stash to use for this weeks challenge yet but have a lot to choose from! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  4. All of the cards are glorious giving lots of inspiration For instance I would never have thought to put the gingham paper behind that rose but it works beautifully
    We’re off to daughter’s on a mo to finish designing the Order of Service- I’m sorry but the undertaker’s price was extortionate So she’ll get them printed at work or out source them which we’ll pay for
    I hope you feel better soon VAL and LYNDA you need to start nagging that RA nurse
    I’d better get cracking
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to get the order of service sorted, and yes the undertakers do charge an exorbitant fee. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    2. Karen hope you get the order of service sorted not the best of jobs but lot cheeper than the undertakers charge.sending Hug's xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a delight to see what everyone has created for this weeks challenge, ladies looking at your cards is so inspiring, they are all beautiful.xx
    We are off to Essex today, almost ready to leave, youngest grandson there turned 17 this week, where have those years gone. He has grown into a lovely young man, we are so proud of him.
    Better get a wiggle on, I will look in later.
    Have a good day, Hugs for all who need them. Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow what a stunning selection of cards today. Love them all but especially liked Michele’s hedgehogs ��. Great that you have them visiting as well. Hope you went out for a meal to celebrate your double good news.
    I was showing Sandra yesterday how google wasn’t letting me post anything. Then low and behold it let me last night.
    I see that Brenda is once again anonymous.

  7. Hello All, dull but dry.

    Lots of traffic about so am assuming it’s half term.

    Sorry not been in much, google has been playing silly Bs.

    Love all the cards today, sorry I tried making some cards but they all ended in the bin.
    AF has been playing up so not getting much sleep, feeling washed out. Hope the new GP has some answers.

    Hugs to all especially to those not feeling to great, Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for this super challenge I did enjoy it, I meant to do another card but have been busy. It is lovely to see all the flowers coming
    Well done ladies all the cards are lovely, I love them
    Lynda hope you manage to get hold of RA nurse, sounds so painful hugs on
    Val hope you are beginning to feel better, good to meet with friends, hugs on
    Lilian sorry to hear your hands are bad, my Dad had hot wax treatment on his hands way back in the early 70's & it really helped him, well worth a try, hugs on
    Karen thinking of you & family at this sad
    Maria enjoy the
    Brenda pleased to hear your sister is back home & being looked after, enjoy your family get together, hugs on
    Michele enjoy your walk, it is a long time since I have walked on a
    Pat lovely you saw Sandra
    Sue hope you have a good day crafting love
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies
    We have a lovely sunny day but it's still chilly but we will go for a walk well we drlve to the car park at Broadstairs then walk down to the beach. 8🐾Loveit on the beach. Will pop into the cafe on way back & give the baby card I made for the lady who runs it the cafe. It's dog friendly so often go in for a cupper.
    Then hopefully get into craft room when we get back.
    WOW a gorgeous array of beautiful cards today.all lovely.double WOW.
    Better get move on Hug's for everyone Love Lynda xx

  10. Good afternoon ladies,

    The sun is finally trying to break through the clouds and it is getting brighter.

    Many thanks for your condolences last week, I found it very hard to assimilate that my cousin has died younger than myself. It is not the natural order of things.
    Gentle hugs and healing prayers to all our poorly crafters, I do so hope today will be kinder to you.

    Lots and lots of gorgeous cards on display again this week. I start each week off intending to get a challenge done and then get caught up with all the family and friends birthdays just coming up. One a special 60th...then others (12) in-between ages male and female.
    I now have to clear my table off again (never ending task) ready for the next lot next month lol.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Hi everyone,
    Lots of lovely gorgeousness today. All beautiful. Thanks so much for showing an old one of mine Sandra. Just not been up to it this week.
    I'd like to say again ladies thank you all so much for your lovely birthday cards. I was pretty zonked out when I first opened them on Thursday but looked properly today and they're all beautiful. I think maybe the horrible effect of the pain killers is wearing off.

    I actually took Gracie for a short walk this morning. Still so painful but I did enjoy the fresh air and Gracie was very happy.

    Brenda so pleased your sister is home and on the mend.x

    Sending hugs to Pat, Pete and anyone else not feeling so good.
    Love Valx
