
Monday 18 February 2019

Cheryl's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all feeling relaxed after the weekend, the weather was lovely here, Paul and I managed an hour or two in the garden yesterday, tidying up flower beds and got rid of the last of the Golden Rod dead stems, they really grew high, I was surprised, we managed to get the back and one of front borders done.  I need to do some research into pruning roses before we do the rest of the borders, as they are mostly standard rose bushes, all beautiful with old fashioned  rose scent, i think that they have been here for many years so i don't want to kill them off.

Today's card is Cheryl's Challenge card for last and this week,  (by coincidence), Cheryl sent it to me mid-morning yesterday, so I looked at it and thought it was for the TicTacToe challenge, using Categories: Flowers/Square Card/Decorative Paper.
In actual fact it was Cheryl being super organised for this weeks challenge, as she was digging into her Lace hoard for the first time in months!!
What were the chances of that happrning!!

Cheryl has used Sue Wilson Hexagon dies to create that pretty frame in the centre of her card, Cheryl has used the frame as the base for her stunning floral arrangement, I love the way you have finished the opposite ends of the arrangement with a 'Cheery Lynne ' flourish die cut a a pearl spray, using both together give a real 'professional' finish to your spray.
Chery has used a beautifully detailed background paper, it has a real 'mixed Media' look to it, which is perfect as a card base layer, as it means you don't have to spend time finding perfect coloured card to mat and layer with, Cheryl said that she had used some of her 'hoarded' lace and an Angel as the finishing touches for this lovely card that is a 60th Birthday  card for a friend.
Thank you so much Cheryl for sharing your beautiful card with us. XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-what a beautiful card, I’m sure your friend will treasure it.

    Had a very productive day yesterday-housework, sorted out car insurance & tax. Realised I need to book MOT & mentioned it to hubby on our walk to the beach which was when we both realised I’ve booked a different week off work to him!! I’m going in early to check the holiday diary but I’m not hopeful that I’ll be able to swap weeks.


  2. Morning Everyone
    OHHHHHHHHH CHERYL - what a gorgeous card and just up my street. I'm sure it will be chertished.

    Good luck with the Holiday swap MICHELE. Hoping it can be changed for you.

    Well I managed to get a kettle so the kitchen is running on full speed once again. Oh how a simple thing like a kettle is missed.

    Well it's the start of another week and so it's Mr Tesco this morning and I've a load of washing churning so fingers crossed it stays fine. Jim's on duty today so after putting the shopping away perhaps I can have a craft playtime.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you to pop in. I've put daffys on the tables this morning just to brighten the place up.
    HUGS are winging their way to you and I'm now going to have a cuppa.
    Take care and stay safexxxx

  3. Such a pretty card CHERYL
    I hope you can get your holiday swapped MICHELE Thank goodness I’m not the only one that’s done that! Makes me feel a bit more normal- whatever that is

    I’ve not looked but just in case - have you seen my email SANDRA?

    Is anyone going to STAMPERAMA on Sunday? I am with a couple of friends I like this show as it’s smaller than AP but with Hochanda having an actual stand I am wondering what it’s going to be like

    Glad you got kettle sorted JANET

    PAT I owe you an email but somehow had managed to switch on Popup blocker Big hugs to the pair of you

    I hope everyone is on the mend Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      Hadn’t realised you hadn’t emailed back. Not to sure I’d know how to switch on popup blocker. I usually do things without knowing on my iPad. Hoping to go out with friends for lunch today as Pete’s actually wide awake now. This is for our friends birthday in Nov and mine in Jan. Pete wasn’t well enough for us to go out for either. Mind you he should be awake as he slept most of the weekend.

    2. I’m like you Things happen on my laptop that I know nothing about Hopefully daughter sorted it yesterday
      Enjoy your lunch

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    How lovely you and Paul managed a few hours in the garden yesterday Sandra, it is great to be able to get out in the fresh air. xx
    What a pretty card you have made for your friends 60th birthday Cheryl, I’m sure it will be displayed where can be seen by everyone and will certainly be a beautiful keepsake.
    We had a lovely day yesterday with our daughters, SILs and five of the grandchildren. (6th is away at uni)
    LYNDA Hope you managed to get in touch with your RA nurse. xx
    MARIA Hope you had a lovely weekend away. xx
    LILLIAN I hope your new GP can prescribe suitable medication for you AF. xx
    VAL pleased to read you managed a short walk with Gracie yesterday, don’t go pushing yourself to hard. xx
    MARGARET Hope you are well and able to go to Farnborough at the weekend. xx
    SUE ............. ditto xx Looking forward to seeing you both xx
    KAREN Thinking of you and your family, gentle hugs on there way. xx
    PAT Enjoy your belated birthday lunch xx
    JANET the daffys look beautiful on the tables, Just like a breath of sunshine xx
    MICHELE Hope your week goes well xx
    Hope I haven’t missed anyone out. If I have I’m really sorry. ��
    Have a great day everyone, love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone,
    Pretty card Cheryl.

    Michele, hope you managed to switch your holiday.

    Sandra I know I owe you an email. Will reply later when I send this week's cc.x

    Make Mother's Day cards today. Really not in the mood for it but I have to get them done before I go away next month.

    Just had lunch so back to my craft room.

    Have a good day everyone

    Hugs to all feeling down or not feeling well.

    Love Valx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Cheryl, what a lovely card. So much to look at. Your friend will treasure it x
    Sandra, it's good to hear that you and Paul were able to enjoy your garden over the weekend. Your rose bushes are so beautiful with the most gorgeous scent which is sadly missing from the shop bought roses we have now x
    I didn't get much crafting done in the end yesterday. I played with a few ideas but nothing seemed to work but having had a look at Pinterest this morning I think I have a better idea of what I will do on a card that will be needed soon.
    Val, I hope you continue to feel less befuddled and in less pain now you have been on the new meds for a few days x
    Karen, sorry but we won't be going to Stamparama on Sunday. Is it just a once a year show? Have a great time and I hope you get some bargains. I agree with you about the disgusting prices some funeral homes charge for Order of service etc. Chris designed and then printed his Mums on our cheap printer and they were no different to the 'official' ones x
    Brenda I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday with your grandson x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. It’s on again in August
      I’d sort of guessed that you wouldn’t be able to make it as it clashes with Farnborough
      Enjoy- it’s just too far for me and other friends aren’t interested They went to Sandown recently too

  7. Hello everyone.
    How nice it was to come back home and looking into the cafe' and see all the fabulous cards from yesterday and then get to see our Cheryl's today which is a stunning card.
    Sorry to hear some of you really suffering with pain etc but hopefully the doctors and pain meds can help some. It's no fun to feel grey and achy but hope when the sun comes out more we will soon feel much better.
    We had a lovely weekend and met up with some new family members and it was a lot of laughter, fun and good food. Not one baby involved Sandra Lol Thanks for your e-mail.
    Sounded nice you managed to get out in the garden and fingers crossed we not getting any more snow but who knows. I remember snow in May !
    Soup ready and later feet up for some tv watching unless I falling asleep before Lol
    Have a nice evening ladies. hugs to all, Maria xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Cheryl beautiful card for your friend, she will love
    Sandra sounds as if you enjoyed your time in garden yesterday, I bet your garden is looking
    Michele hope you managed to sort your
    Brenda hope to see you on Sat. I am looking forward to it & seeing you, seems ages since I have seen
    Val, Lynda, Lilian & Pat & Pete sending hugs & too any body else who needs them love

  9. Hello Everyone, dry very cold, we haven’t had the lovely sunny days that some are having. Disappointing for all the half termers.

    Cheryl very lovely Victorian card, I’m sure it will be treasured.

    Sandra how great that you managed to get some time in the garden, my late friend from Oxford always told me to prune my roses in the shape of a tea cup, plus take out any dead wood.

    Good news, I have had a full refund from Hochanda today, after several more emails from me, guess they are a bit nervous with the big companies leaving, just goes to show never give up.

    Well I’m off to bed, not that I get much sleep, as reading Captain Corellies Mandolins, a book I always meant to read but never got around to it, so that keeps me going through the night. See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian.
