
Wednesday 20 February 2019

Michele's Twist and Pop Card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, he we are at the middle of another week, it's so lovely that the nights are slowly getting lighter, It was still light when Paul came home which was really nice. Looking forward to being able to sit outside in the evenings.

Today's card is one of Michele's amazing designs, Michele made this one for a Colleague using a Download.  I love the design you have used Michele and the fact that the back of the card is equally as beautiful as the front.  Did the download give you all the information and measurements to create the 'Twist & Pop' Mechanism too?   As that would make it perfect for Beginners, it is a fairly straight forward card to make once you understand the workings.  There are a couple of different methods too, I do have a YouTube Tutorial if any of you want a refresher. 
Thank you so much Michele for sharing your amazing card with us xxx

I want to let you all know about a Sale thats going on at ' 
Some of you may have already been and had a look, I went over there as I wanted to take advantage of the 3 for £12 offer on Creative Stamping Magazine (that is normally £7.99) per issue.
While I was there I had a look in their Sale section, they have some great magazines on sale with Dies and stamp sets on them, worth a good bit too.  Some mags are £2.99 , £3.99 with freebies still attached, so it's well worth you all popping over and having a look.
Let me know what you think and if you ordered anything xx

I was so pleased to see that the two cards that I have made for Ben @ In2craft have gone down really well, our blog views more than double on the first card and I am hoping for similar results this time.
It makes crafting so much more enjoyable knowing that you are inspiring people.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thank you for showing my card. You get the base card & the inner mechanism plus all of the coloured panels in the download. Of course, you could just use the card blank with your own patterned papers etc.

    Dentist appointment was fine-just a check up & no treatment needed plus she was actually on time which was a miracle. I made it to the Post Office before the closed then straight home to fit the gluon the greenhouse.

    I’m off to work via the Post Office parcel collection depot as there’s something waiting for me. Not sure what it is as I’ve placed a couple of orders!


  2. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- a lovely card and something a little bit different.

    It was one of those 'bits'days here yesterday. I'd just get settled down to doing things and then interruptions. Never mind hoping to get my CC finished and ready for sending off today. Well that's the

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all.HUGS are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good or just in need. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A beautiful card MICHELE I love the soft colours too
    Caterer booked - tick
    Flowers ordered - tick
    Order of Service just about ready to go to printers To save daughter more hassle we’re using an outside printer costing less than half price for more copies I’m no skin flint but I hate not having choices For instance it’s cost us an extra £70 for MIL to be dressed in her own clothes Anyway we’e getting there
    I’m so glad the evenings are getting lighter too It means I can makes cards for longer
    I hope they sort your water out soon LYNDA
    Did I read right? Crafters Companion are leaving Hochanda? I’m not sorry in a way They seemed to monopolise the channel and the Sheena debacle The soft focus links used to drive me nuts!
    Sorry to see you won’t beat Stamperama MARIA We must do a meet-up in Watford soon
    I hope to make some cards this afternoon I have several requests I must do
    Take care all xxx

    1. Funeral costs are extortionate and annoyingly there's nothing to compare them with.
      Glad everything is getting organised. It's a horrible job.

  4. Hi Karen, Crafter’s Companion ,Tonic and the company Dawn Bobby uses, but can’t remember the name at the moment. Which is why I had trouble getting my refund, still I kept emailing and got full refund in the end.

  5. Hi All, looks like it’s going to be a nice day, although rain later.

    Michele great card, love the twist and turn , not tried that.

    Going to try and get my c card done today, have to dig out some old stamps, I have plenty.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. So pleased you finally got a refund Lilian. Just shows that persistence works. Xxx

    2. Great you got the refund in the end but what a hassle.
      Hope your day is good ,hugs xx

    3. Wow That’s quite a few companies!
      I’m glad you got the refund

  6. Hi everyone,
    Love your card Michele. So different. Can I ask where you got the download from.

    Playing crib today. Haven't been for a couple of weeks so must make the effort.

    The weather is really getting warmer here during the day although it's cold at night.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Valx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Another sunny day. The boiler man has just turned up so hopefully we will have hot water by the time he's finished. We had to keep running up stairs to get hot water from the shower for washing up. I have a pile of ironing to do but my lower back is so painful today so might do it tomorrow as there isn't anything needed for today.i have just rubbed my Fenbid gel ( ibuprofen ) in so hopeful that will help.
    I had to get another heat pad yesterday so think I will rest in my chair with heat pad on back. My other one started burning luckily I smelt it burning otherwise it could have been nasty.
    MICHELE your card is butiful love the designe. I have tried to do one without any success.
    Terry has a hospital appointment this afternoon for cardiology just a check up.
    Hug's all round extra for Pat & Pete
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Ladies

    All my digital downloads are from Ella’s Design on her Etsy Shop-be prepared to be very tempted!


  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Fab card Michele and also thanks for telling us where you got it from. Can see us all being busy printing Lol
    Karen- yes it is but we must make a Watford soon or is anyone going to the NEC ?
    Lynda- do take care ! I still feel mine at times and it does cripple you if not careful. Wish CU good luck.
    Val- have fun playing Crib and seeing your friends. Hope you feeling better ? hugs
    Must get up and see what I can do for cc this week and then work on OH to see if I can get my order sent to Ben hihihi
    I'm sometimes getting my mags from Moremags and they are great as you still getting the die/stamp or EF on offer. I have a wishlist for a few already.
    Sending warm hugs to all and some extra for you who are not feeling too bright. Love Maria xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies
    Michelle I love your card, I have never tried making a twist and pop card, must take a look at that website. Earlier I was looking at In2Crafts web site at those papers you used yesterday Sandra, my fingers were itching to press order. I restrained myself, saving my pennies for Farnborough. But the temptation looking at those beautiful designs was really tough.
    Just going out for a short walk to the post box. I will stop by again later.
    Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Michele love twist & pop card, never tried one of
    Sandra pleased you found your ribbon, looking forward to seeing you on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaretxxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Michele, Your twist and pop card is great and I love the way that all sides of the card are decorated. Hope you got the greenhouse glass in ok x
    Sandra, it was great fun playing this afternoon. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. I’m really looking forward to seeing a card or two using the end products, please. Where did that piece of acetate go???? 🤔
    I will certainly be having a look on more mags site as you have got some great mags with lots of wonderful freebie stamps etc. at bargain prices xx
    Karen, it’s good to hear you are getting every thing sorted for MIL funeral but the prices charged can be outrageous! How can they warrant £70 for using your MIL own clothes? I’m sure there are lots of costs involved but still.....! I’m sorry we won’t be see each other this weekend. Maybe we will make the show in August? I will have to look at the dates. Sending you very gentle hugs dear friend xx
    Lynda, I hope you have hot water again by now. Sending hugs to you and CU xx
    Sorry my mind has gone blank..... again !!!! The advantage of having such a bad memory is that I get to enjoy your gorgeous cards all over again as if for the first time as I have absolutely no recollection of seeing them before!!! I may not remember what else you all have been doing but hope everyone is ok. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
