
Thursday 21 February 2019

Lynda's Baby Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's stunning card has been designed by our Lynda, she was asked to make a Baby Card by a friend.  I bet she absolutely loved what you have designed Lynda.

Lynda's card has a framed Acetate front that Lynda has arranged some beautiful die cut flowers around, the frame itself Lynda has coloured herself by blending shades of yellow, the flowers are a mixture of pretty baby pink and yellow, to finish the flowers Lynda added some coloured pearls to the centres.
Inside the card Lynda has covered the background with a decorative paper and then printed a lovely Personalised sentiment onto a beautiful decorative background paper.  Those flowers are a real surprise when you open the card as Lynda has covered them on the outside with her die cut flowers.

All in all a beautiful gift that any new parents would Treasure, thank you so much for allowing me to share your beautiful card Lynda xxx

Did any of you go and look at Moremags Sale, I ordered about 6 different ones on Monday and they arrived yesterday morning, it was a lovely parcel to open, so many dies and stamps and lots of inspiration too, the parcel was quite heavy and only cost £2.49, so that wasn't bad either, I think it was the same postage whether you had 1 magazine or several, so it makes sense to fill your trolley!! 

Sue came over yesterday and despite her reservations I made sure we played with Pixie Powders, we didn't make too much mess either to be honest, well apart from me spilling the bottle of glossy accents over my desk!! We tried a few experiments with different things, using a bit of kitchen roll instead of tissue paper for the caught in crystal technique, we also tried doing it with dries clear glue instead of glossy accents, me got mixed results but most things turned out great. Just got to decide what to turn all the bits into this space.

I hope that you all have a lovely day today, 

love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what an absolutely beautiful card, a real Keepsake.

    Sandra-sounds like you ordered some bargains. Which magazines did you decide on??

    I’m feeling very tired as I only got home at 11:30 last night. Met my friend for a meal as it’s her birthday today-she’s one of the “work group “ but she left our hospital for a promotion over 12 months ago so I meet up with her every couple of months so we usually have a lot to talk about!


    1. Thank you very much Michele for your kind comments on my card.
      Hope you get a early night thi evening. Take care.

  2. Morning Everyone
    LYNDA- what a beautiful card. I'm absolutely certain that the recipient was over the moon with it.

    I managed to get my CC finally finished by photographing yesterday so must get them sent off today.

    The CAFE is OPEN; warm and inviting so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. HUGS are on their way to you all. Have a good day whatever you all get up to. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet for liking my baby card.much appreciated xx

  3. Your card is an absolute stunner LYNDA A true true keepsake
    I love doing caught in crystal backgrounds I always use CE lacquer PP’s and tissue paper Which effect did you like the best or is that going to be a “reveal” on Saturday or Sunday? I will try kitchen roll later I have tried coloured tissue paper - that works ok-ish I’m tempted to buy some crystal tints just to do this effect
    Craft club tonight I will take crochet as it’s so easy to pack - one tool and one stitch o risk of losing loads of stitches transporting it One of these days I want to try patchwork and these ladies are brilliant at it
    I hope those of you are getting there My son’s mantra was “Hang in there” and that’s what I’ following at the moment
    Have a good day everyone Have you got your Farnborough shopping lists at the ready?
    Must take a look at the mags SANDRA
    I really enjoyed doing that master board last night SANDRA too xxx

    1. Thank you Karen for your kind comments on my card much appreciated .
      Enjoy craft club later. Xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    A wonderful card Lynda,a real keepsake.
    Was allowed to do a little shop from Ben so happy me looking forward to get something new to play with.
    Think the cc I made yesterday will be ok, post it to you later as today we have SIL over for the day.
    Have a good day as poss. and many hugs to you all xxx

    1. Thank you so much Maria for liking my card.
      Have a lovely day with SIL xx

  5. Hi everyone,

    Such a treasure of a card for your friend Lynda....I lurve it.

    I don't think the weather can make it's mind up today, first we has sun, then clouds and now patches of blue sky that makes it look like a quilt.

    I strained my groin a couple of days ago moving something either in my bedroom or craft room so apart from the pain, I am enjoying some enforced swearing in this house today. Yay! Jamie very kindly put the vacuum around for me today before he went off to work so Milly-May's boxes of shapes for the Playschool are filling up nicely as a result.

    Off now for a bite to eat for lunch, can't think what to have then thought of my childhood favourites.....strawberry jam sandwiches, yummy yummy.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl hope you feel better soon but at least you have an excuse to

    2. Hi Cheryl thank you so much for your lovely comment on my card.
      Ooooo strawberry jam sandwiches enjoy. Not good for my diabetes.
      Hope your not in too much pain take care Xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Lynda beautiful card, it will be
    Sandra I can just imagine you & Sue having messy fun yesterday, look forward to seeing
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret thank you very much for your lovely comment on my card much appreciated. Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely sunny day. Had a bad night last night woke up at 2.30am then couldn't get back to sleep so sorted my emails out. But still couldn't go to sleep.feeling rather tied now.
    SANDRA thank you for showing my baby card today. Hope to see your Pixie powder backgrounds & your cought in Crystal too.
    Might go in craft room for a bit then migh have a nap
    Hug's for everyone extra for Pat & Pete
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi ladies,

    Oh Lynda what a pretty card. It will take pride of place for whoever received it.xx

    Apart from Slimming Club this morning, had a quiet day. Just watching Les Miserables, the musical, certainly one of my favourite films.

    I love using pixie powders and haven't played with them for a while. Looking to see you end results Sandra.

    Hugs to Pat, Pete, Lynda, Cheryl and anyone else feeling under the weather.

    Love to all Valx

    1. Hi Val thank you very much for your comment on my card was pleased how it turned out hope slimming club was ok.
      Hope your in less pain now. Take care Hug's xx.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I’ve just lost a long post. Couldn’t get it to publish even though I was commenting as anonymous, I will have one more quick try.
    LYNDA your card is beautiful it will certainly be a keepsake. I really love it. xx
    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx
