
Thursday 24 January 2019

Back to the 'old style' cards.....

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, I was really concerned about you all yesterday as there were so few comments, I do hope that you aren't all under the weather, if you are I wish you a speedy recovery.  The weather doesn't help it stayed fully frozen over in the back garden until way past lunch time, the car sat on the drive was still as iced up at 3pm as it was when Paul left at 6.40am yesterday morning, then the temperature starting dropping again. A lot of the roads around here are so minor they don't get gritted, so driving can be treacherous, even if you drive according to the conditions it doesn't mean that everyone else does.  Go careful out there today my lovelies. xxx

Now onto todays card, I am going to be totally honest with you and say that I thoroughly enjoyed making this card, I made a huge mess as I went along, trying different colours of card, flowers etc but I was really enjoying it.
The whole card was inspired by the stunning paper, which is Crafters Companion Pinks & Peaches A3 card, which Danielle bought me as part of our 'Swap' in November last year, I have been 'stroking it' since then but decided that it needed to be used and shared, sadly I couldn't find it online yesterday so they may have discontinued it which is such a shame as it is stunning.

It took me a while to decide which piece to use, I then die cut a section with one of the dies from Sue Wilsons 'Lavish Accented Hexagon' collection, I then cut the base and first layer of the frame with the same dies out of Kraft Card, that Danielle had also bought to go with the decorative paper.
I used the three outer dies to cut that ornate frame, I cut it out of SU Petal Pink card, then took the brightness down a little with some Tea Dye Distress Ink, I layered these all together and was excited to get on with the decoration of the card.  I pulled out all of the Peaches and Pinks flowers that I had bought from Wild Orchid Crafts back in November and arranged a spray of them around the bottom corner of the card, I tried to used colours that complimented the paper, adding in little pops of pink and gold to add interest.
I then decided to add some flat back pearl string around the card to give the frame some interest and draw your eye in.
The sentiment is SU 'Well Said' dies cut and layered up, I cut them out of the SU Petal Pink as well and again added Tea Dye Distress ink to tone down the colour.
I did end up deciding to cut a slightly larger card base to show off the 'Kraft' Card a little more and it made the card look a little more 'balanced.
I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed making it. xxx

Brenda, I hope your trip wasn't too exhausting, was thinking about you all day my lovely xxx

Pat, sending you love and hugs xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what an absolutely gorgeous card, it’s stunning. I think your Mojo is back!

    Yesterday was a frustrating day at work-journey into work was horrendous. The Air handling unit that powers everything had almost frozen do we called an engineer but it was 10am before it was fixed. Running behind schedule all day then st 4pm we went for a tea break & I was informed that another engineer was here to “fix” a faulty fridge! I left him working on it and he was still there when I left at 5pm!
    Today I have a meeting from 13:00-16:30 so that should be fun(?) but at least it means I’m closer to finishing for 3 whole days .


  2. Morning Everyone
    OHHH SANDRA a beautiful card from you today. I love love that shape and the card you have used is just gorgeous. I too have that card and one or two of CCs A3 blocks which I cannot resist buying when they release them. My last purchase was the 'Roaring 20s' A3 card which is still sealed.

    It's lovely to see you creating again with dies.

    Hoping for a not too busy day today but we'll see if that happens.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in whenever you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe if going out today xxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    A quick visit this morning as we are off to the hairdressers and will not be back home till mid afternoon.
    What a beautiful card Sandra, I am sure you felt really satisfied when you had completed it. Your Mojo has definitely returned.
    Sorry have to dash will pop in later, have a good day everyone love Brenda XXX

  4. Very pretty card Sandra. Just love the shape and the pretty papers.x

    Lynn and Paul are due home this evening. It seems a lot longer than two weeks since they went away. I will be glad to have them back and hear all about Poland.

    I'm taking my time cleaning all the house today and it will take me all day as well ha ha. Gone are the days when I could whiz through it all in a morning.

    It's gone really cold over here with a bitter wind. No sun either today which always makes it feel colder.

    Take care over there in the snowy/icy conditions.

    Hugs to all with special ones for Pat Pete Sue and anyone not feeling so good today.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra that is a lovely card, the paper is gorgeous, well done. It is raining here so must be warmer, it certainly was cold
    I started to do CC yesterday then had a phone call to tell me a friend from petanque & local drama group had died suddenly, so I finished up making 2 condolence cards, hope to have a go today.
    Brenda pleased you were able to see your sister yesterday, hope you don't feel too tired
    Sue hope you are feeling better today, love
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete & to all who need them love

    1. So sorry to hear your sad news Margaret.
      Thoughts are with you.x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Fingers crosssed I can get my comment to publish today after trying several times last night!
    Sandra this is one of your WOW cards. I see Michele said the same as me about your mojo being back. It’s so good to hear that you throughly enjoyed making it my lovely. I’m sorry I don’t get to see you yesterday. Stomach hugs and migraines stopped play sadly xx
    Mum, sorry to hear you need to make another Condolence card. Love you xx
    Brenda, I hope your sister is ok after her extraction. At least you all know what operation she needs now x
    I hope you are all snug indoors. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello, horrible misty wet here today, but warmer.

    Sandra a really WOW card today, love the colours and the flowers, I miss using flowers on cards, but they cost such a lot to post, so keep them flat enough to pass through my post ruler.

    Am trying to finish my very difficult jigsaw, been doing it on and off for three weeks, it’s on my board which is on my craft table.

    Having a fight with Hochanda, over a spoilt order. They are very belligerent to say the least, still I’m not letting it rest. Always something these days you have to have a fight about these days. Sorry needed to let off steam.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs to all. Lilian

  8. A really beautiful card SANDRA It’s good to see you “playing” with other crafty stuff It really makes you feel good when you enjoy creating something doesn’t it
    It is soooo cold here but at least the snow has gone I’ve been out dancing three nights this week and craft club tonight I’m going to take some crochet with me - so easy to transport MIL might come too We’re out dancing tomorrow night too
    I hope all goes well with your sister BRENDA
    I was sorry to read about your friend MARGARET
    Big hugs everyone and take care xxxx

  9. Hello again everyone,
    Back home and had our dinner, this morning we went to our friends and both have had our haircut, then we went shopping. It has been so cold out today, I was glad to get home and in the warm again.
    Rang my sister late afternoon, she has had the tooth removed, so now as long as there are no problems, the doctors can plan her heart surgery, she has to stay in hospital until after the operation. So hopefully it will be sooner rather than later.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Sleep 💤 well, Love Brenda xxx
