
Friday 25 January 2019

A matching Gift Bag

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Thank goodness its Friday, its been a long week this week, not sure why, it has just seemed to drag.
Hopefully yours hasn't been like that, have you managed to get any crafting done? I know a few of you have as I have received your Challenge cards already.

No card today as I decided to make a matching Gift Bag for the card I made yesterday, using the same Peaches & Pinks paper (well card really) on a Kraft card Bag, that I made with a new die that I bought from Craft Stash, Its a bag die that makes an album as well as just a bag, the designer is Helen Griffin.  I didn't see any bag samples made with the die but lots of Albums.

I started by cutting my bag out of Kraft card, I then cut a hexagon out of the same card to make a flap for my bag (to tie in with the shape of the card).  I added a mat of the Peaches and Pink paper to both the bag front and the Hexagon flap.  I decided to edge the bag flap with some delicate crocheted lace and layered another floral lace trim over the top, I chose this particular one as it matched some of the pinks in the paper. I finished the flap off with some matching colour pearls.

I die cut some Petal Pink card with one of the SU Lace Edger dies and brushed some Tea Dye Distress Ink over it, I then added the same lace and trims as I did on the flap and finished with some pearls. 
I gathered together some of the same flowers that I used on the card, and arranged them over a Cherry Lynn Flourish die cut, I added some little pearl stamens to add some little bursts of colour.

I stamped a sentiment and die cut it with the central dies from Sue's Lavish Accented Hexagons and then added a few more flowers to balance the look.

I know they are quite 'busy' but I quite like how they look together!! I hope you do too. xxx

Guess what???  Paul had to go up the loft to look for our old Printer and as he turned to come back down the steps he looked up and there was my Cutterpillar Pro, just sat in its box, bold as brass, how he could have missed it is beyond me!   I am so happy to have it back though!! 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, we have a Michele Magazine Review to look forward to tomorrow, so be sure to look in for that.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your gift bag is beautiful, the two together look fantastic.
    Good new that Paul found your Cutterpiller-will you be having a play this weekend??

    I’m off to meet a friend for coffee this morning at the Chocolate shop-they make handmade bespoke chocolates & serve tea/coffee so it’s a lovely place to go then I’m off to the hairdressers this afternoon.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - what a beautiful gift box/bag to go with your gorgeous card from yesterday. They really do fit together so well.

    Well it's that day again where I get to 'swear'lol so I must get a wriggle on as I need to photograph my CC and then get it off. I really don't know where yesterday went. I didn't get anything I'd planned done and before I knew where I was it was teatime.

    The CAFE is OPEN warm and inviting you all to pop in anytime you want.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. A gorgeous gift Noah/box Together with the card makes a beautiful gift do someone very special
    Off to work soon Out dancing tonight (4th time this week!) I would like to try another cc but that’ll probably be tomorrow now
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Where did “Noah” come from It was supposed to read “bag”!

  4. Hi everyone,
    Oh Sandra what a pretty wrapping for you card. Beautifully decorated.

    Lynn and Paul arrived safely home last night and we sat up until 2ish talking about what sounds like a wonderful experience in Poland.

    Off to craft group shortly. Looking forward to seeing the ladies. We always have fun as there's so much to talk about. I have to nip over the road to the vets to make an appointment for Harvey. The tumour he had removed from his leg a couple of
    f months ago has sadly grown again. Don't know what happens now.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Gorgeous gift bag Sandra I love the papers you have used looks so expensive.
    Just waiting for my hairdresser as she didn't come yesterday I rang her & was a bit of confusion as I cancelled For Tuesday & re booked for yesterday well after she didn't turn up I rang her again she said I cancelled it lol so made it for today.
    So must finish off housework & finish Challenge card.
    VAL hope Harvey gets on ok at vets. Sending big Hug's.
    Hug's for all & extra for Pat & Pete.
    Love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful bag you have made to go with your card from yesterday. I agree it hasn't been a good week one or another. I did manage a cc yesterday eventually, will send it
    Sue has another migraine so hasn't come down today, sending hugs & love to
    Sending hugs to Pat & Pete, & Val hope Harvey is ok love

  7. Hello All, dry day today, dried two loads of washing, how mundane my life is when drying two lots of washing outside pleases me!

    Sandra love your gift bag, very Victorian feel.

    Not feeling up to much today, finished jigsaw, so no excuse not to craft.
    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian, I’m with you on drying the washing outside, it feels and smells so much nicer. Hope you are feeling better. xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely bag you have made for yesterday’s card, together they will be a beautiful gift.
    Not been up to much today, well in achieving anything that is. My sister rang late morning to say a doctor had been to see her and told her the operation will be next Thursday, she will remain in hospital until after the opp. She asked could I let all of the family know plus a few friends, it took me until about 4.30 I then sat down with a cup of tea an had a little snooze. Fortunately this morning I had made a Lasagna for our dinner otherwise I would be running around now trying to organise our evening meal.
    Than goodness Paul looked around when he was coming out of the loft. A last you and your Cutterpiller Pro are reunited. I imagine you are one very happy bunny. xx
    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx
