
Sunday 2 December 2018

Your 3 of a Kind Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Welcome to our Sunday Gallery of Cards, the first one in December! Can any of you actually believe that we are in December, this year has absolutely flown by.  To think that this time last year we were a week away from going to court to be evicted from our home, not quite a month after Paul completed 33 years Service, it stay makes him angry to this very day, he says that that last month took the shine off of his whole career. We have come out the other side ok though, we love our home right now too, which slightly takes the sting away.
Anyway enough doom and gloom lets get on with the show...…..


Cheryl made a super cute Christmas card, featuring 3 cute festive images, that background is so lovely Cheryl, I love the gold foiled foliage.
Thank you so much for taking part. xxx


Two fabulous festive cards from Janet this week, the first features 3 foiled buttons and flowers, the colours your card a lovely and fresh Janet, its so nice to see different colour schemes on Christmas cards,
Janet's second card features 3 adorable snowmen, how fabulous are there wiggly carrot noses! Janet said that the image was purchased from 'Crafts U Print' years ago, I remember them at craft shows but haven't seen them recently, I wonder if they are still going??.
Thank you Janet for two lovely cards xxx 


Karen has had a very productive week in the craft room, four fabulous cards, three Christmas, 1 birthday. Now, Karen's first and fourth cards were both made by 'recycling' old Christmas cards, what an amazing idea, especially as you just have to pop them on an embossed background and add a sentiment, perfect for batch card making!
Karen's second card was made by die cutting those lovely butterflies our of Valspar Paint samples, the perfect way to get a spot on 'Ombre' effect.  I love your crafty frugalness this week Karen, my experience of trying to 'collect' a few paint sample charts was a little frustrating as a keen salesman insisted on telling me the whole history of Valspar paint and the fact that it was used on bridges and buses! 
Now on to Karen's 'quirkiest' Christmas was a request from a lady whose relative lived in the United States and was a Marmite addict.  To most of us this would have been a nightmare, but not our Karen, she designs an amazing 'Marmite Bauble' card, with an even greater Sentiment !!!
Karen you are a bloomin genius!!! 
Thank you for your inspiration my lovely xxx 


Lynda has also been busy, she shared a photo of her craft room with me and it looked like a tornado had just passed through, thats when you know you have had a great crafting session, let me tell you my craft room looks like that most days.  I end up crafting on top of a little mountain of stamp cases and inks, maybe a trimmer and a stamp tool too! 
Lynda's cards all feature her amazing backgrounds, the first card has been stamped using a retired stamp set called 'Evergreen', Lynda has used this to stamp a trio or trees and a sentiment of course.
The second card features one of last years Christmas stamps called 'Merry Patterns', I would like to see the person that puts Christmas sweaters on to stags!  I do love this stamp set though.
Lynda's final card features the current 'Star of Light' stamp set, this set is one of my favourites because I love the 'Star of Wonder' Christmas carol.
Thank you so much for making 3 'Christmas cards featuring 3 of a kind Lynda! xxx


Margaret has made a lovely Christmas card featuring 3 Bells, that have been beautifully stamped and adorned with a lovely gold bow.
Thank you so much Margaret I know you have had a busy few days my lovely xxx


Michele's Festive 3 of a Kind Challenge card features 3 strips of patterned paper with little rows of 3 gems in each corner. I really like the font of your sentiment too Michele.
Thank you so much for taking part.  I do hope Phil has had a lovely birthday weekend!! xxx


Val's 3 0f a Kind challenge card was made for a friend at Crib Club, it features 3 playing cards, what a fabulous idea, love that sentiment too!  You and Karen are just amazing at coming up with fresh ideas. 
Thank you so much for taking part Val. xxx

So there you go, another fabulous Gallery of inspiration for you all to enjoy, you are all amazing at coming up with different cards each week, for which I am so very grateful.

Who's up for doing it all again next year????

I hope that you all have a lovely relaxed Sunday, hands up who has their decorations up already?!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    I do love Sunday mornings and all the wonderful CCs start my day with a smile. The CAFE looks lovely with all the craftiness around.

    Once again not one card resembling another and inspiration for all.

    I'm had a productive morning shopping yesterday and I now have to make a start on writing cards and wrapping!!!!

    I'm hoping for a very quiet day here as nothing is planned. We'll see how long that lasts.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and as it's now December mince pies are on the counter so help yourselves. HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  2. Morning ladies,

    Another glorious WOW! WOW! WOW! morning. Sundays challenge cards never cease to amaze me with tall the different styles and 'takes' on the set challenge. I would love to receive every card on show, we are an amazing bunch of crafty friends aren't we?

    Now the report on my last Cannington Christmas. This year I decided to do a Secret Santa Tombola. Jamie got out all my craft item storage boxes from the loft and the shed and numerous prizes that had been donated, my neighbour Joan come and helped me to count and pack all the gifts up into Christmas gift bags that had previously been allotted a ticket number. As I wanted to have free boxes for next years big fetes I decided to price of £2.50 per ticket (my normal price for Lucky Dip stalls). My sister Beverly had crocheted some cute little Robins and Snowmen from an Amigurumi pattern book I had sent her earlier which she priced herself at £1 each. The only things we came with were 8 Snowmen!
    It was fantastic a complete sell out....yay!
    Total raised £180.50...…..what away to go out.

    Sales started very slowly until we had the countdown for the lights switch on and then it was mayhem (Jaqui and Rob had turned up early so were amazing in their help), and it didn't even take an hour before sell out. At one stage people were 3/4 deep trying to buy a ticket so the very sensible Jaqui said 'you take the money, I'll give them the ticket box, Rob can hunt for the bags'.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Well done Cheryl. That's an amazing amount.x

    2. Brilliant Cheryl, well done xx

    3. Well done Cheryl. That’s an amazing amount for your charity,

    4. Wow well done Cheryl on a amazing amount you raised for your charity.

    5. Well done Cheryl, well worth all your hard

    6. Well done CHERYL An amazing result

  3. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of challenge cards today-all different but all lovely.

    Cheryl-fantastic news. Well done on such a great sale.

    Had fun yesterday at the Christmas Fair at my Father in Laws Nursing Home. We won a few items on the Tombola & we won a large basket of plants in an Auction-Phil was determined to win so kept pushing the bids up which everyone seemed to enjoy. My fayin Law isn’t too well unfortunately-still Nil by Mouth for another 2 weeks then the SALT team are back to review his Healy/swallow function.


    1. Me again-we don’t think about Christmas decorations until after Phils Birthday. We’ll probably get the boxes out of the loft next weekend & put them up on Sunday, personally I’d prefer to wait another week.


  4. Morning all.
    Sunday already, well I don't mind when you opening up to see so many wonderful cards.
    Do not like Marmite but the card Karen made is good fun and Val's too. It make me happy to see all the cards this morning.Love them all.
    Sorry I didn't send mine, forgot after a few bad days and the week was gone.
    Had a message from BOB'crafts U print'I won some money but didn't claim it in the allocated 5 minutes so yes they still exsist. Typical me to lose out on something.
    Have a nice relaxing Sunday everyone, hugs xxx

    1. Me too I always seem to miss out on spot prizes like that

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    What a fabulous display of cards on show. As Cheryl said what a fabulous group of crafters you are.
    Lynda, your backgrounds are as good as the ones on the Clarity pads. I didn’t want to buy a big pad so I’ve started to make my own. Using the distress inks blend better than just the distress inks. But as I have both and don’t want to waste them I’m mixing and matching. Sandra made me a couple of envelopes for the ones I’d made over in Abingdon.

    1. Hi Pat thank you. i do like the distress oxide better but also have the older ones which I tend not to use much.
      Big 🤗 My friend xx

  6. Hi everyone,
    Great cards again his week ladies. As Cheryl said every card is amazing. Particularly love your Marmite theme card Karen.

    Had some sad news yesterday that a friend of ours, Tony, died on Thursday. Very suddenly, died in his sleep. He was only 52. His wife is devastated as you can imagine. So sad.

    Just off to the shopping centre. I have two Christmas presents still to get but no idea just what. It could be a long day.

    We have Barrie coming to stay on Saturday for a few days. Helen's niece is stayingin their house to look after her. It's a nice break for him so we'll spoil him whilst he's here.
    We hope to put up the decorations before he comes so it's nice and Christmassy yeh.
    Maria asked the other day if many Spanish buy my cards. The short answer is no. They don't send cards, have a decorated tree in their house or exchange gifts. They have a big family gathering and lovely meal on Christmas Eve but Christmas Day means going to church for most and a quietish day. Boxing Day people go back to work. However 6th January is a big celebration. The Three Kings parade through the streets and it's them that bring each child a present, not Father Christmas. All very different to the UK.
    I hope you all have a lovely Sunday whatever you're up to.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Valso sorry to here your friend has passed away & i can't imagine how his wife is feeling always seems worse at this time of year.
      Have a good shopping trip hope you get your last present's.
      Enjoy having Barrie staying for a few days. How's Helen.

    2. How sad Sorry to hear about your friend
      Thank you for like the marmite card It was extremely hard to try and think of something Christmassy with marmite So Pleased to have the challenge as a starting point
      I love your card That sentiment is perfect too

    3. Sorry to hear about your friend, so sad. Take care xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    As always a amazing line up of Challenge cards all gorgeous.
    Well think I'm loosing the plot I really thought it was Sunday yesterday & cooked a roast beef dinner & apple strudel for a sweet. It was only when Sandra said when I spoke to her on messenger & she said get you having a roast dinner on a Saturday 🤓 🤣🤣. So for dinner it will be a spaghetti bolognese today.
    SANDRA Terry put decorations up in doors last weekend. Not many just a small tree & flashing star 🌟up in the window with some strip lights as well. Not like we used to have when the children were small. Had all the paper chains on the ceiling. Do you remember the strips of coloured paper that you joined together in rings Lisa & Darren used to love making them.
    Well I'm back in craft room a bit later to finish cards I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.😬
    Hug's for everyone Have a lovely day.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Lovely cards Lynda. I love that snowflake die. I used Sandra’s last year, as she kindly lent it to me. Get you having some decorations up already. I expect Craig ( Pete’s son ) has his up already as well.
      As I said previously Lynda your backgrounds are as good as the Clarity pads.

  8. Hi Lynda.
    Love your cards especially the star one. Sandra kindly lent me the Die last year. I said previously that your backgrounds are as good as the Clarity pads.

  9. Wow, I don’t know what happened as I’d thought I’d lost the first comment. Blogger sure is mucking me about just lately.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for our challenge this week, it certainly produced a variety of cards. Enjoy your
    Karen thank you for giving me an idea, great way to use old cards. Your marmite card is brilliant. xxx
    All the cards are lovely today such good ideas, well done.
    Pat have you had your op on your hand, if so hope it is not too
    Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Lilian & it sounds as if you could do with some Brenda, I bet you are so thankful that your sister is now in her new home, hope you get some time to your selves now. xxx

  11. Another amazing display and quite a few have tickled my fancy
    If it wasn’t for this challenge I would have struggled to do a Christmas card incorporating Marmite I was very pleased with the result I costed them with glossy accents and do look like glass jars!
    The recycled cards are from 2 years ago As I didn’t use them last year I threw last year’s ones away - silly me!
    I made about 10 Christmas cards yesterday and still need to do more I think SERIF will be helping me again for making the neighbours cards
    Still no real shopping done I really need to get my act into gear
    Take care all xxx
