
Monday 3 December 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the start of another week, as usual the weekend flew by in a flash, we didn't achieve much in the way of Christmas shopping apart from a few baubles for the tree!  I think that the majority of the family Christmas shopping will be done on line, it's so much easier and you can have a cup of tea while you shop!

Now onto this weeks challenge, I though long and hard about the challenge this week, apart from Val and maybe one or two others a lot of you will be busy finishing your Christmas cards, I have to make inserts and envelopes for some that aren't standard size and write them and thats me about done for those. I do however have a HUGE pile of 'PHD's' , with that in mind, I kind of thought that you may have a pile similar to mine so this weeks challenge is to finish At Least one of the project in your 'Project half done' pile, it doesn't have to be a card, it can be absolutely anything that you have in your 'to do' pile.  I have everything from  ATC's, boxes, cards even a journal that I started and haven't finished, so I will have plenty to keep be going.  If you don't have anything half made, maybe you have a topper that you made and haven't used or even use something in your Bit Box and turn that it to some flowers for example. Let's use up our 'bits and bobs' that we have laying around so that we are all clear and ready for the new crafting year.

Today's card has been partly sitting in my 'project half done' box in so far as I had die cut the 'Sue Wilson Poinsettia Edger' into that gold glitter card, loved it and put it down but never finished it, so that was the first thing that I grabbed this weekend, I had a piece of the Pink Frog crafts Red Velvet card left over so I married the two together, the camera has made the gold look more yellow than it actually is, the two go together really nicely in natural light.  I die cut a Sue Wilson Poinsettia in the same colours to embellish the top section and used a flourish die to accent the Poinsettia.
The sentiment is one of Sue Wilson's too. I am quite pleased with it, particularly as it was destined for the recycle pile.

I hope that you have fun with the challenge this week and I can't wait to see what variety of projects we get to share next week.

Lilian we have really missed you this week, I hope that you are ok, sending huge hugs my lovely xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful Card today &- great challenge. I think my PHD will be my Christmas cards...!!! I got quite a few made yesterday for my Sale Table but what I really need to make are the cards I need to post. Good job I’ve got Friday off work!


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Have just looked at all of the wonderful challenge cards from yesterday and it still amazes me at the talent you all have.
    Sandra, what a gorgeous card. The edger die is so pretty isn’t it, I love how you have used it. And what a great challenge for this week. I have lots of Phd’s so will have lots to choose from 😊
    Karen. We have a close friend who loves Marmite so if it’s ok please can I use your fantastic idea for her card as she would love it?
    Val. I love the card and the clever sentiment AND that background is amazing. Sorry to hear of your friend. Such a shock and as Lynda said it always seems worse at this time of year. I’m sorry that you have had sad news about the tumour on ? (Sorry his name has deserted me) and I can imagine the fun and games trying to get eye drops into a dog twice a day 😀
    Cheryl, congratulations on the fabulous amount you raised on Saturday, and to sell out so quickly. What a way to go out 😊
    Lilian, sending gentle hugs. I am thinking of you x
    Brenda, I do hope you are going to get some rest now that your sister is finally settled. Housework etc. can wait until you have recharged your batteries properly please dear friend x
    Pat, I hope your hand isn’t too painful now x
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday, I completely missed the weekend as I ended up having migraines on both both days so no crafting at all leaving me even more behind now!!!!
    Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. OOO ouch, migraines can be horrible little blighters Sue and I have complete empathy with you. All through puberty I had the most humdingers of them usually around that time of the month. Pete paid for me to have a SPA day for my 50th birthday and I opted for a Reflexology treatment. The lady told me to rub squeeze hard then massage my big toes to help with the pain of any sort of head pain. Sounded weird but I did try it and it does work. Gentle hugs xxx

    2. Of course you can SUE I’d be honoured
      Sorry to hear about the migraines Like CHERYL I suffered with them in my late teens/twenties Take care xx

    3. Oh Sue sorry your plans didn't work out. Hope you manage some today, love

  3. Morning ladies,

    Absolutely fabulous card darling, so opulent in the rich colours you have chosen Sandra.

    A lovely relaxing PJ day yesterday after Saturday's stress of numbering and filling the tombola bags and arranging them on the stall. It was so strange to get up and not have to sort out and rearrange the craft boxes...they were all empty, first time ever. Rob and Jaqui were also late risers and after cups of tea and coffee, they left midmorning to visit Robin, Tiegan and Tanya before driving to Bristol to have lunch with Nan and Granddad Bristol (my parents).

    Rain has set in again today and weather reports is it is going to be rather wet all day, so today's walk is cancelled as I do not want to get a chill before my heart clinic appt. tomorrow.

    So with one tidy house I can craft to my heart's content today. Today's challenge is brilliant, I have loads of PHF's started then changed my mind on using the topper if it hadn't worked out how I meant it to be.

    Condolences on the loss of your friend Val.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    What a brilliant challenge SANDRA for this week.

    CHERYL- Congratulations on your successful Fete and selling out so quickly. You really do deserve some quiet time now.

    VAL- so sorry to hear your sad news. It's never a good thing but at this time of year it's always a deeper sadness.

    Well I sat all day yesterday and wrote my Christmas cards (all 25 of them to be posted and 8 Family). I wrote my others (CAFE and K&N ones the other day) so I'm well pleased at the moment. I'm now at the stage of thinking 'have I missed anyone?' even though I have a book/list lol.

    It's Mr Tesco this morning and I have my fingers crossed he will be early as I need to get some Christmas crackers finished off.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for mince pies and stollen.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    A gorgeous sunny day here in Broadstairs. So we will take 8🐾Out we did get them out quickly yesterday as rain stopped around lunch time & wasn't too cold.
    SANDRA what a stunning card from you today. A good challenge for this week Sandra I have that Die & I have two of them cut out so if it's ok can I use them for my Challenge card I don't want you to think I'm just copying your card but it will be a different design. On our way out soon have to post the rest of my cards. & put a prescription into the doctors. Just have a bit of tidying up to Finnish.
    So I will send you all very good wishes & Hugs love Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra beautiful card, love the colours. Challenge looks good this week, have a birthday card & get well card to make so will use
    Val sorry to hear your news about your friend. Enjoy your time with Barrie, good to spoil him, he has been through the mill this year as well as Helen. xxx
    Lilian hope you are alright sending
    Pat hope your hand is
    Brenda hope you get to relax more this
    I spent yesterday sorting out Christmas cards, done more than I thought, but could do with more.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. I hope you see my reply SUE under your comment
    I’m a bit like MICHELE in that my PHD’s will probably be Christmas cards I have printed/made some backgrounds So halfway there
    A huge thank you to VAL and LYNDA for your beautiful cards
    Sorry ladies but I hope you don’t mind but I won’t be sending cards to you I am running out of time to complete the ones I need for family
    The cost of posting them to you will be donated to Gary’s Gift of Hope page on the British Heart Foundation website and I will also be donating to Isabel Hospice
    VAL I was sorry to hear about your friend
    Beautiful card SANDRA I too have that die LIKE LYNDA I will try and avoid using it this week
    Take care all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What an absolutely stunning card you have made for this weeks challenge.
    It is very interesting challenge, you know we’ve all got PhD’s so it’s just a case of going through them and looking for inspiration. I really hope I can rise to this challenge, I may even have after time after the busy few weeks we have had.!!!

    PAT hope your hand is not too painful and responding to treatment after. XX

    VAL and LYNDA thank you for your beautiful Christmas cards.

    I’m hoping you all have a lovely evening, sending gentle hugs for those who need them.

    Oh drat I have gone back to being anonymous. Ha ha ha.

    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  9. It’s still a bit sore Brenda. A bit difficult bandaging it up with one hand though.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Perfect challenge for this week, might be able to emty some little boxes with bits and bobs that been left from last year or was it even the year before,very likely Lol
    Your card is lovely.
    Cheryl- will hope everything goes well tomorrow, be thinking of you.
    Sue- poor you, not nice with migraine. Take care over the next few days.
    Lynda- youre first past the post Lol Thank you so much !
    Had to go out this morning but after we were back I spent the afternoon card making. It sound many hours but only 2 cards made before time for dinner and some tv.
    Many hugs to you all and have a good night xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in all the Cafe today. I hope everything is alright my lovely and it is just cyber gremlins stopping us from seeing today’s (Tuesday) card. Will come back in later x
