
Friday 30 November 2018

Something Festive for Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Another quick and simple Christmas card, made in Cherry Cobbler, Very Vanilla and Gold, using the Snowfall Thinlits dies.
I started by cutting my base card, which I simply do by cutting down the length of a piece of A4 card, (that way you get two out of an A4 sheet), I then cut at 11  1/2 and score at 5 3/4
Next I took a piece of Very Vanilla card and cut that at 4 inch X 5 3/4  I then placed the long Snowflake border from the set and die cut across my card at sort of half way diagonally.
I then die cut the same border in gold and paper pieced it in. I the die cut a large snowflake in gold and then cut another in cherry cobbler, I glued the gold snowflake down and paper pieced the Cherry cobber bits into the gold snowflake.
The sentiment is from the Merry Christmas to All stamp set, I simple stamped the 'Christmas' on the bottom of the card and then stamped the 'Merry' onto 'Very Vanilla' card and embossed with Gold Embossing Powder and die cut it with the matching label die.
I wanted a 'clean and simple' look so I haven't added any other embellishments, I don't think it needs anything else.
I think that you could batch make these quite easily too.  In fact to make it much quicker you could just die cut the large snowflake out of the top piece of Very Vanilla and place the Gold die cut snowflake over the top, you would see the Cherry Cobbler through the die cut then and wouldn't need to do the paper piecing.  (hindsight is a wonderful thing!)

We are hoping to get a good start on the Christmas Shopping this weekend so may pop into town to do some 'stocking filler' shopping, the girls always want underwear, p'j's and socks etc as well as smellies, candles, so we will see what bargains we can find on those.
Sophie has asked for an Overhead Projector for Christmas for her art work, it is something she will get a lot of use out of and will probably use for University too so we are trying to find a good quality one at a good price.  None of the others have really asked for anything much so far, which is always frustrating.
Paul's mum called last night to ask what they wanted and said should she just sent them some money, I really don't like doing that as it just doesn't seem the same but the girls are wanting driving lessons and Sophie is off to Florida on Boxing day with Lewis's family so wants money to spend and money for her Park tickets, I think she was a little shocked at how expensive they are, I think she said she needed £350 for just the park tickets alone.  I guess it's a once in a lifetime thing though so she should not worry about the money and enjoy the experience. Both her and Lucy have been very sensible with saving their wages so she can pay for it all herself, we will probably help her with some spending money though.

I hope that what ever you have planned you have a thoroughly enjoyable weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another lovely Christmas card, it’s gorgeous.
    I know what you mean about giving money as a “present “-it’s Phils Birthday today & there wasn’t anything he could think of hat he wanted so I’ve put money in an envelope! We’re off out for a meal tonight (I’m finishing work early = 4pm) as we’re meeting up with friends. Ae haven’t seen this couple for a few months as he’s quite poorly but luckily, he feels up to coming out for a meal.


    1. Happy birthday to Phil. Hope you all have a lovely evening.x

    2. Happy Birthday to Phil, have a lovely evening x

  2. Hi everyone
    Great card Sandra. Love the vibrant colour.
    I must admit I don't like giving money as presents but sometimes it's the best option.
    Craft Club today yeh. There wasn't one last week as the bar was closed for refurbishment, so looking forward to seeing all the ladies again. I've cut out 12 bottle waistcoats so I'm taking the today to put together. Another job to tick off my list.
    Our mornings are really cold here now and my winter coat is out. It's get so lovely and warm around 11ish though that we can't complain.

    Pat, glad you're getting lots of help for Pete. Sending you both special hugs.x

    Have a lovely Friday everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Have fun at craft club Val. Love to see your bottle waistcoats. Had a lovely sunny morning but now the rain hanging in the air.hugs x

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's still wet here but at the moment not raining YEHHHHHHH. It was extremely windy yesterday and that seems to have calmed down too.

    A lovely Christmas card SANDRA. Hope the envelope arrives safe and sound.

    I need to get my CC off this morning and then it's that dreaded 'swear' word day again. I really do not like housework these days.

    The CAFE is OPEN and waiting for you all to pop in when you can. HUGS are winging their way to you all with extras for Dear Friends who are not too good at the moment. xxxx

    1. Hope you had some fun too and not just exercised the duster and hover today. Happy crafting Janet.x

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a beautiful card, I love the elegant colour combination too. No doubt it was a “Doh” moment for you when you realised the quicker way, isn’t it always the way! Good luck with the Christmas shopping, we have got a few presents already and know roughly what else we need to get for others so quite organised for us �� xx
    Michele, wishing Phil a happy birthday and I hope you all have a lovely meal with your friends x
    Brenda, I hope you have a quieter weekend booked, you will be glad of the rest won’t you as you don’t seem to have stopped lately x
    I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine, so different to the wind and rain we had yesterday. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue , hope you feeling better then the other day.
      Some days can be really tough and the raw weather do not help. Take care x

  5. Gorgeous card Sandra, enjoy your shopping trip xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra another lovely card today. Hope you get your shopping started, I only give presents to little ones now give tokens to the
    Pat sounds as if it was a productive meeting yesterday. Hugs on
    Must get on & hope to finish some Christmas cards later, must count up & see how many more I need.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. I have rewritten my list for the cards to send today and sadly there are some people missing but still got plenty to do. Might have to be some bought ones for some as the stress takes on me Lol Hugs for you and Pop x

  7. Beautiful card SANDRA I have those “doh” moments all of the time
    Enjoy the shopping trip I agree about giving cash/vouchers but these days we have to count the pennies and can’t afford to say “so and so would like this” and buy on a whim
    I am so unprepared for Christmas I haven’t bought presents bar one and just know I need a load more cards which need making And food shopping - I haven’t even thought of that
    I need to make a birthday card later I feel so tired I’m going to have a snooze first
    Take care all xx

    1. Hope you feeling better after the snooze and managing to make the card. Food shopping for x-mas, no not yet. Hoping to get some from Ocado and Ikea but will wait a few more weeks so the dates are good. Don't do presents except for the younger ones and Molly just want Bath bombs. Silly prices on the big ones. Hope the eye app. went ok x

  8. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Just a quickly as off to Tesco I will pop in later
    Sandra another lovely card.
    Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra. Some lovely colour cards from SU, is this one new ?
    Hope your shopping trip is not too tiring and you find some.
    Library and Lidl this morning and then met up with my neighbour friend for coffee. Looked at my list for cards and still missing some and no cc done yet. Can someone stop the week to go so quickly , I need more time. Meatballs on order for dinner tonight so off I'm rolling. Extra daily hugs to all who need some.Have a good evening my friends. Love Maria xxx

  10. Hello again
    Shopping all put away I hate that job. Dinner in oven. So busy in Tesco with lots of people with two great big trolleys full to the brim. God knows how much they will cost got to be at least £200 - £300 We didn't seem to have much in our trolley but came to £70 so cheep week for us 😩. Posted some cards today as well they came to nearly £19.& still got about 18 more to make..
    Hug's & Love Lynda xx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a beautiful card Sandra, love the colours you have used. I might just steel your design because I haven’t even started my cards yet. So much time has been spent going to my sisters, a round trip of almost three hours. Today has been spent trying to organising my sisters ‘stuff ‘ so much was just put into bags, which we have stored here, taking up the sitting/dining room, I have been trying to reduce the bags, John went shopping yesterday and came back with lots of boxes which has really helped to restore some order, Good job we have a small table in the kitchen and don’t have to sit looking at it every evening. Hopefully once she is settled, we can get it up to her. John keeps saying if she had been organised it could have gone in the van when son-in-law hired. !!! She is like the ostrich- buries her head in the proverbial sand, hoping it will all go away. Anyway we now have some sort of order restored.
    PAT sending special hugs just for you. xx

    Love and Hugs to everyone Brenda xxx
