
Thursday 29 November 2018

Oooh a Little Sneak Peek.....

Good Morning Ladies,

What'd with this flipping weather, I think one of the worst things is getting used to having to dry the washing indoors, I hate having wet washing hanging around. I have found a faster way of drying the washing, putting the airing horse in front of the Aga, it really does kick out a lot of heat and it also means that the dampness stays in the kitchen. I know you used to be able to get racks that hung from the ceiling above, the only thing with that is the cooking smells, I got Paul to move the Airer into the utility room while we cooked dinner. Nobody wants undies smelling of Onions and garlic.

Now onto today's card, it's a bit of a Sneak Peek of one of the Suite's coming up in the new Spring & Summer Catalogue. The Suite in called Needle Point Nook, it has a lovely stamp set that has some lovely floral images that are all like photographs of proper cross stitched flowers etc.

If you zoom in you can see the detail, you get a selection of stitch stamps too, there is also a set of dies that has dies to cut out the flowers and foliage, a lovely label die and a die that pierces a pretty stitched pattern into your paper.

I made a card base out of the lovely Berry Burst card, I then cut a mat of Granny Apple Green card and added a layer of DSP on to that, I repeated the layers and then used the stitched pattern die with a die cut oval of vellum and added that to the centre of my topper, I then stamped a selection of the stamps in Berry Burst, Flirty Flamingo and Granny Apple Green ink, I die cut them and arranged them on top of the piece of vellum.  I stamped one of the sentiments from the set and added that to the label die cut that comes in the set.  
To finish the card I added a few sparkles and a little wink of stella. 
I am going to do a little video introducing each of the sets, with a couple of samples of each one.

Sadly Sue wasn't up to coming over yesterday, I do hope you feel better today Sue, so I sat and sorted some of the new sets I had ordered, ready to make some samples for each set.

Pat, I hope that you get some answers today my lovely, I will message you later to catch up. xx

Lilian, I haven't seen you in in a couple of days, I do hope that you are ok, we miss you. xx

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and warm hugs to all,



  1. Morning ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, such lovely cheerful colours. The new stamps look great.

    Miserable day here -gale
    Force winds and rain!


    1. Snap... we have the same weather here Michele x

  2. Pretty card SANDRA
    I made two cc last night Nust need to photograph them
    At home today as I have a hospital appointment at the Eye clinic Feeling very anxious as this is the first time at an eye clinic I din’t Know what to expect
    Craft club later I’ll probably take crochet as it’s so easy to pack - I am a little bit addicted as it’s a fairly new skill to me Being able to access help via YouTube has helped immensely as ai could never understand crochet patterns
    It’s miserable here and quite windy
    Take care all Gentle hugs PAT xx

    1. Good luck at the eye clinic Karen and enjoy your craft club.x

    2. I will be holding your hand at your eye appointment. Chris has his diabetic one every year and it’s not much different to the usual checks you get at the opticians so nothing to worry about. Enjoy craft club. I had forgotten that you haven’t been crocheting for very long as you are so good at it. Please share your latest makes when you have finished them x

  3. Hello All, very wet and windy here.

    Sandra loved all the cards you have shown this week.

    Sorry not to have posted this week, not been up to doing much.

    Hugs to all, especially Pat and Pete. Lilian

    1. It’s good to see you in today Lilian. Sending you gentle hugs x

    2. Lilian good to see you comment today, you are missed, hugs on

  4. Hi everyone,
    Pretty card Sandra.
    PAT hope things get sorted today. Sending hugs.x

    Crib today instead of yesterday as a couple of us couldn't make it.
    I posted all of the remaining Christmas cards yesterday. I know its early but I still had tonstand for an hour in the Post Office to be served. It's only a small office and if you wait until December when most people send their Christmas
    cards you can queue up to two hours.

    I've actually made my cc. Really early this week. Must photograph it and send it off to Sandra.

    Hugs to all. Keep warm and safe.
    Love Valx

    1. Good on you getting the cards all done and posted. Goodness me you have long queues in your post office don’t you! We are lucky to still have a post office in the village, it does get extra busy over the next few week but still not too long a wait. Good luck with Crib today x

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A lovely cheerful card to brighten our day. This is such a pretty set and the papers are gorgeous too aren’t they.
    Lucky you having the aga to help dry the washing. I hate having it drying indoors too. All of our tops are put on hangers and hung from the banister up on the landing and trousers/ bottoms are hung on a bedroom door from an over door hook thing (sorry, don’t remember what it is actually called) that holds 10 hangers and everything else goes in the tumble dryer. I was very sad that I couldn’t see you yesterday, but I am feeling more human today thank goodness.
    Pat, I hope it goes ok today. Sending you hugs x
    Lilian, sorry you’ve not been so good. Hugs are on the way x
    I’m thinking if you all in this awful weather. Please take care when you go ou, the wind really is blowing a gale here at the moment.
    I must get on as I am now another day behind with my crafting! Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    Sending hugs

    1. Sue pleased to see you feeling better today, hope you manage some crafting, love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card and I look forward to seeing the videos.
    Today we had the occupational therapist, the district nurse ( a trainee was with her ) and Donna Pete’s Macmillan nurse. The occupational therapist had some great ideas to help Pete. So we’re having rails put up, a gadget to help Pete turn over in bed. Etc etc. She’ll ring in 2 weeks to see how we’re getting on. Also she’s looking into a pendant alarm for him. District nurse is ordering pads for him.
    Donna thinks Pete’s irrational behaviour is due to pressure on his brain. He didn’t remember doing anything of the sort. She’s also taking to the hospital to see if they think upping his steroids would help. She’s coming again in two weeks. Will be talking about things Pete might not want to hear. So she said she’ll talk to me and Pete can listen. When it gets to much for him he can say. Can you girls shut up and we’ll go in the other room. So we had a very productive day.
    Thanks for the hugs ladies and gentle hugs back.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I think I will be ordering this beautiful stamp, seeing it in a card has decided me, the card is
    I have been out most of today, luckily the wind & rain has stopped now, at least for a while.
    Pat hope you found your visitors today were helpful, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I haven’t been in for a few days, I have been looking in and have loved all of the posts. I tried to leave a long message yesterday, google wouldn’t publish and asked me to sign in, which I did, only for my message to disappear to who knows where!
    I just didn’t have the energy to staover again. Beautiful card today Sandra, I hope
    I will have the energy and time to get back into crafting soon .
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  9. Good evening Sandra & ladies
    Don't know what happened to my comment this morning but it's disappeared
    Haven't a clue where they go but it's so annoying.
    SANDRA such a beautiful card today it's a lovely stamp set.
    PAT pleased you have got some help for Pete hope it helps him. Sending Hug's xx
    I've been in craft room most of the day trying to finish Christmas cards still got more but must do Challenge card made & sent off to Sandra.
    Hug's for all Love Lynda xx
