
Tuesday 6 November 2018

More Animal Challenge cards



Good Morning Ladies,

I missed two cards off of the Animal Challenge cards post on Sunday, I always promise that if you go to the trouble of making a card I will always share it on the blog, even if it arrives late.  I think that is in only fair that if you make the time to support these challenges each week that I make sure that everyone gets to see your cards.  Not only that you can guarantee that your card will inspire someone to have a go at a style or technique that you have used on your card.

The first card today is Lorraine's Animal Challenge card, Lorraine has used some lovely Blue patterned paper that has pretty yellow stars all over, such a bright and cheerful colour combination, I like that it's not 'traditional' Christmas colours, I can see those super cute Reindeers making someone smile too, Lorraine has done a 'Double Z Fold' card, which works perfectly with that design, it has given me an idea for a card too, so watch this space!!
Thank you so much Lorraine for making time to take part in the Challenge and for your inspiration.
I know that you had a very tough week last week, so it really touched my heart that you took part, sending you huge squishy hugs. xxxx

The 'Tigger' themed Animal Challenge card was made by Karen's friend Kat, Kat has used a lovely background paper and has Tigger Bouncing, Bouncing, Bouncing along on his tail, such a fun card, Kat chose Tigger as the theme for Karen's Birthday card as she knows that Karen is a huge Tigger fan.  I love how Kat has personalised your card for you too Karen, I bet this card bought a huge smile to your face when you opened it. 
Thank you so much Kat for allowing Karen to share your card with us, we would love to see more of your cards too, so please feel free to take part any time you like. xxxx

Busy few days for me as I had 50 swaps to make for our Onstage event this coming Saturday, I am also making my first ever Pocket Letter for a swap with Danielle, that's on top of all the blog cards etc so I am virtually living in my craft room at the moment, well it seems like that anyway.  
Sue is coming over tomorrow so atleast I know I have an extra pair of hands to help assemble my swaps, I have die cut most of them, I stuck a load of them together with Red Line tape because it is easier to use as they have a particular fold, Red line tape usually has an instant and long lasting hold, oh no, I think 18 out of the 20 I had stuck had come undone, so I had to re-stick them all.
Well I guess life would be boring if it was straightforward!!

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two really lovely cards today.

    Sandra-sounds like you’re going to be very busy, good job Sue is coming over today. I think you’v been very unlucky with the Red line tape as I’ve never known it to come “undone “ and believe me, there’s been times when I wish it had done.


  2. Morning Everyone
    Two very cute CCs which brought a smile to my face when I opened up this morning.

    SANDRA- I hope your girls will keep you supplied with drinks etc while you're fastened in your craft room lol. I know you'll get everything done in time.

    It's K&N this afternoon and Jim is on duty so another hectic day for us. It will be lovely to catch up and see everyone. It seems ages since I saw them.

    The CAFE is OPEN - usual hours - so pop in whenever you all can. The heating is on so it's nice and warm.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care everyone xxxx

  3. Thanks for sharing Kat’s card She knows I love TIGGER and that it was personalised too makes it special It was signed by everyone in the “team” So it was lovely to see what is usually my job -making the card and get people to sign it etc being done by someone else
    I love the cute reindeer on your card LORRAINE and that z fold card I must play and try that out

    Out dancing tonight but hope to do a cc and must start on my ATC’s to SANDRA
    Take care all xxx

  4. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    LORRAINE & KAT both your challenge cards are lovely.
    SANDRA I hope your getting your 50 craft makes done with SUE's help. Do you make them all the same ? I would love to see them please xx
    Ive just finished tidying up put another wash in machine but can't hang it out as it's raining heavy ☔️so it's already looking like a Chinese laundry upstairs in spare bedroom.🙄.
    I've got to finish my Challenge card in a moment just watching John Lockwood doing the foam flowers. I bought the foam at going to try making some poinsettias . It's my Step granddaughters 18th birthday today I did send a picture of the card I made her to Sandra so she might share it.
    Going to make a builders tea now & a sandwich oh maybe NOT we haven't got any bread 😤
    SENDING HUG'S to everyone extra for Maria Pat Pete & Lilianxx
    Love Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I don't envy you having to make 50 swaps, hope Sue helps. Thank you for showing us 2 more lovely animal cards, worth showing on their
    Lorraine what a beautiful card, very unusual, hope this week is better for
    Kat I can tell how much Karen loved her card, so personal for
    Lynda hope you found something for lunch so you do not starve. I hate to say but sun is shining here,
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    How lovely that these two gorgeous cards and special day on your blog, they are both gorgeous.
    LORRAINE love your Christmas card, The Z-fold really adds a touch of class and makes your card look very special.
    KAT what a lovely birthday card you make for Karen, I’m sure Tigger bought a big smile to her face., He is such an adorable character.

    Wow Sandra what a mammoth task you have, Great that Sue is able to lend a hand. I have never had any problems with red line tape, in fact it sometimes sticks down before I have got my card lined up, recently I have reverted to using glue(Cosmic Shimmer) as it gives me time to straighten items up, also I know it will stick given time.
    I’ve gone back to being anonymous again, don’t know what Google is up to, strangely it only happens on Sandra’s blog. Any suggestions ladies?

    Have a lovely evening, love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda ( aka anonymous). I to have the same problem and mine always take forever to publish. Plus I sometimes have to log in as blogger won’t let me publish. This only happens on Sandra’s blog as well. Odd isn’t it.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two wonderful cards today from Lorraine and Kat. Thanks for sharing your lovely cards with us ladies. We’ve had all our back garden as far as the shed levelled off ready for some shingle to be put down. Pat the gardener/ handyman dug up Pete’s parsnips for me, and the rest of the carrots and a cabbage. Such a shame that his purple sprouting had to go out with the rubbish. Pete wasn’t well enough to go out and look at what he’d done. Such a shame as I was going to pop over to Sandra’s today for a cup of coffee, as I haven’t seen her since before she went on holiday in August. Grrrr this won’t publish again. I’ll just have to keep pressing publish until it does.

    1. Pat I often have problems trying to get my post to publish. I find if I move the cursor away from the end of my message, ie a few lines up, then press publish - it publishes..... Hope that makes sense xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Lorraine your Christmas card is gorgeous, I love the double z fold, it is a style I must try, maybe with snowmen? Thank you for sharing x
    Kat, who doesn't love Tigger? I can just see Karen's face when she opened this lovely card x
    Sandra, I will be over tomorrow with my trusty pokey tool ready to stick the tape, can't wait to see what you have made as your SU and Danni's swaps xx
    I hope you all have a good night's sleep. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi all
    Two great cc cards from our Lorraine and Kat. Fun that more ladies are joining in. Love seeing your cards.
    Sending love and warm hugs to you all with extras for anyone who need some. Have a good night xx
