
Monday 5 November 2018

Monday Challenge - TicTacToe Time!!

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and have all had a lovely relaxed weekend.  We had quite a relaxed Saturday but Sunday I wanted to get the 'cupboard under the stairs' pulled out and reorganised, some of the stuff went up the loft as it was things that I am unlikely to use anytime soon but I don't want to get rid of, I then sorted the other boxes into Jewellery making things, my ribbons took up a huge box and there were a few others that had 'Things to Alter' like MDF shapes, boxes some Blank Canvases and Shadowbox frames, another had lots of different inks and paints, pastes etc. I was just getting frustrating at not being able to find the things I needed, I still haven't come across my Paper Cutter yet.  I am guessing thats in the garage in a box. 

I have chosen a TicTacToe for this weeks challenge as it's been a couple of weeks since we have done one, this one seemed to have a good mix of options, great for both Christmas and everyday cards, because I am guessing that some of you are like me and haven't finished making your Christmas cards yet, we are getting very close now, most people start to send them in about 3 weeks from now so, time to get busy making them I think.  I feel like I have been making them for ages though, but when I last counted I only had about 12 made, I thought it was going to be double that. 
The Box that says 'Designer Paper' means ANY decorative paper that you want to use.

I have shared a couple of Christmas cards that work perfectly for this particular challenge, the first card using categories:

Designer Series Paper (DSP)/Red&Green/Ribbon

For this card I used the 'Under The Miseltoe' Designer Series paper, mixed with Old Olive and Real Red card, Real Red Ribbon and the Everyday Label Punch.

My second card uses categories:


I used the exact same paper and card as above but this time I embellished my card with flowers made with the 'Four Petal Punch' and its matching stamp set 'Pop of Petals' I finished each flower with a faceted gem coloured with my Real Red Stampin Blend pens.

I hope that you all have fun with this challenge, Karen was absolutely blown away by the amazing response to her 'Animal' themed challenge last week, so thank you so much to everyone that took part.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge this week Sandra & 2 lovely cards. I really need to get s wriggle on with my Christmas cards as I’ve booked a table at a Car Boot Sale on the 27th then I have a table at the church Christmas tree festival on the 8th December!


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your going to be busy making cards over the next few weeks, ready for your stalls.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very typical November morning, It's foggy/very damp and quite chilly.

    I don't know about you but our week-end was completely spoilt by 'fireworks' (that's in quotes because it was more like a war zone than the traditional fireworks I remember). On Saturday evening it started just after tea and was still going full pelt when we went to bed. It really was like being at war. The bangs shook the house and at times we could feel the vibrations. Whatever happened to the traditional bonfire night!
    Sorry rant over and stool back in it's place.

    SANDRA- a beautiful pair of cards and a good Challenge for this week. I too really have to get a move on with my cards.

    The CAFE is OPEN and is warm and snug just waiting for visitors. Porridge is ready with hot drinks throughout the day.

    HUGS are fighting their way through the fog to you all. Take care. xxxx

  3. Lovely cards SANDRA I already have an idea in my head which I was hoping to complete last week but ran out of time
    SANDRA is right I was blown away at the lovely cards you all made last week I can’t thank you enough
    I hope this publishes because yesterday afternoon Blogger played up!
    As Oscar visited yesterday we didn’t go shopping as planned but OH did go to Aldi to buy an advent calendar for Oscar He bought the truck which I will fill with little goodies I had finished a dog BUT forgot to photograph before daughter took it for her friend Hopefully she’ll remember to
    After the ironing I’ve started on a giraffe for Oscar
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra good challenge this week, although I haven't been able to do a lot this last few months I do not have any where enough cards made, I find that I still get tired & I cannot seem to craft sitting down. Thank goodness for weekly
    Lynda hope you feel better today, shame about your toes, I hope he apologised, hugs on
    Pat hope your Dr or hospital visits go well this
    Lilian hope your legs are feeling
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret.
      Hope your feeling tired improves each week. It’s awful to feel under par all the time doesn’t it.
      Pete has Drs this week, plus hopefully a visit from a Macmillan nurse from Sobell House. Take care.

  5. Hello All, rather a dull day here, but better than the torrential rain we had over the weekend, at least there wasn’t as many fiworks.

    Sorry didn’t get my comment to publish over the weekend, loved all of Saturday things, also yesterday’s cards, hopefully it will work to day.

    Great challenge Sandra, also two lovely cards today, will try and get one done a bit earlier this week! Yes I know I say that every week.

    Hope you all have a good day, hugs Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA two lovely cards from you today both gorgeous love the papers.
    Great Tic Tac toe for us this week too.
    Terry's out today so hopefully get in craft room. I have mislaid my plastic shim for the Gemini I spent all day yesterday looking for it but has disappeared it has to be somewhere in there. I don't know why my things keep disappearing I will he having
    another look I know I used it a couple of weeks ago😡.
    I've twisted my back somehow yesterday & it's giving me gip today. Those last injections I had have also worn off doctor did say they weren't permanent pain free for 6weeks only.
    I don't think I will be doing very much in craft room. I still have those black thread like floaters in my left eye & feel very tired today. Sorry for the moaning.
    Hug's all round extra for whoever needs them
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Afternoon everyone.
    OH wow what many lovely things, their is cards,a book, ACT's and bags. I must have a look at it all again in a minute. All the cards are fab and it was fun to have a theme. Thank you Karen for coming up with that.
    Two lovely cards again today and like Michele my intentions for finish my x-mas cards early have not worked out so it will be a kick start tomorrow and this tic tac toe will help me hopefully so thank you Sandra for this weeks CC.
    Margaret, thanks for the e-mail. Good luck hihi
    Lynda- what shall we do with you, oh your poor toes. Wishing you better. Glad you had otherwise a nice time at NEC. Had liked to gone but OH had booked for us going to Colchester so maybe next time. Did you manage to see the huge cakes ?
    Hope you out of the cupboard Sandra and had a good weekend.
    We had some mega fireworks as well Janet over the weekend, we missing the one they doing tonight in Colchester Castle park. It's meant to be huge. Have you ever been Sandra ?
    Have a good evening everyone. Love and warm hugs , Maria Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely Christmas cards today Sandra. This looks like you’ve at least made a start on yours.
    I think everyone likes the tic tac toe challenge.
    Must have a look through my Christmas stuff in the next couple of days.
    Pete had a couple of friends visit today. His friend Pat always comes in on a Monday. Just as he was leaving his friend John turned up. Reminiscing about old times, it was nice to see Pete at least try to laugh. At least he didn’t go to sleep while they were here.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Two lovely cards to wet our appetite for this weeks challenge Sandra and lots of lovely choices on this Tic, Tac, Toe. I even have an idea which three I may go for.

    I also need to get a wiggle on with my Christmas cards, I haven’t given them a lot of thought, but then I do have quite a few distractions in my life at the moment. I just don’t seem to have enough hours in my day to complete all the things I want to do - or am I just slowing down?
    LYNDA Sorry to read your back is playing up again, I hope you managed to have a rest today and those pesky floaters have not been troublesome. xx
    MARGARET Listen to you body, it has had a lot of trauma this year, just take life one day at a time.

    I hope everyone has had a good day.
    Catch up with you all tomorrow. Love Brenda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    A quick hi and goodnight at the same time 😊
    I love both of your cards. And its always enjoyable to see different cards made using the same pretty papers.
    I must get my Christmas cards on the go as I only have a handful made so far! I'm off to bed now so goodnight and sleep tight. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx
