
Thursday 1 November 2018

Frosted Floral Card #GDP162

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you all believe it's the 1st of November, I swear this year has just flown by, it hardly seems a minute since I was welcoming in October!  I guess the countdown to the Festive season really begins now, especially if the rest of the year whizzes by, Christmas will be on the doorstep before we know it.

Today's card is this Global Design Project #162 card, it was a late night make, because I spent the afternoon making another card for Ben at In2Craft, he sent me a die and I make a card for him to share, well the first one wasn't to my liking, I found the die quite tricky, the flowers on it didn't cut out so had to be fussy cut, anyway I shared it with Ben and he was happy with it but I wasn't, so yesterday I made another using the die and Sue's Christmas Rose dies from last year, I was much happier with the result anyway.  You will get to see both cards on tomorrows blog.

Back to todays card, I thought that with all this talk of Frost lately it would be a good time to crack out this lovely 'Frosted Florals' Designer Series Paper, the papers are all printed on Shimmery paper.
I used Tranquil Tide card for the base card, I then added a piece of the Frosted Floral paper that I edged with a little Tranquil Tide ink. I then cut another piece of Tranquil Tide and layered it with a different piece of this paper pack, I then took one of the sentiments from the First Frost Stamp set and stamped it with Grey Granite ink, I cut it out with a label die from the matching dies and then cut a thin border from the Tranquil Tide card and added it to the label.  I die cut some of the foliage pieces and then fussy cut some of the flowers and edged them with their matching ink. I arranged them around the label.
I added a piece of Tranquil Tide ribbon and finished the knot with one of the metal flower embellishments from the 'Share What You Love' Embellishment box.
I quite like the different colours in these papers.

Sue and I had a lovely time yesterday, we were both deciding which direction to go with our ATC's and Sue got down to experimenting with hers while I made the card I had in mind for Ben, so we both had a very productive afternoon, fuelled by delicious cream cakes that Sue bought.  I think I was still on a sugar high at bed time! We were both so engrossed in our work that we barely noticed it get dark and that Paul was home!  Thanks for coming Sue, I really do appreciate it.

Well we had our tub of sweets ready just in case we had any Trick or Treaters, but I think that young children are a rare sight in our village, it was very quiet, never mind, there were plenty of willing volunteers to eat them in the house!

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all, especially Pat & pete and anyone else that's feeling unwell.



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely Christmas card, I really like the colours you have used.

    Yesterday was horrendous at work-so busy & numerous problems do I was very glad to get away albeit late! Didn’t feel up to Crafting so I sat & read. I have a Management day today so fingers crossed it will be a better day.


  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely design SANDRA but I can't make my mind up about the paper. I do love the colour though.

    I had a busy day yesterday. I managed to get my ATCs done and finished off the inside of a birthday card which has to go into the post today.

    Today will be spent taking pictures of my cards and hopefully my Memory Book I managed to make whilst at Marigny. I then want to get them sent off to Sandra.

    The CAFE is OPEN and don't forget that Winter Breakfast Menu is up and running so help yourselves. HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are not too good at the moment.xxxx

  3. Although I went out last night I was expecting “callers” in the early part of the evening and like you SANDRA didn’t receive any According to my daughter it was because I wasn’t displaying anything remotely Halloween which showed that I didn’t mind children trick or treating
    Great card SANDRA
    I hope to make my cc this afternoon Yesterday’s version was an argument with sticky sheets and gilding flakes I think it’ be going in the bin
    Craft club tonight Hopefully I wil finish sewing on the button bands on OH’s cardi!
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning.
    Nice card Sandra, like the colours.
    Kept all the lights off so no trick or treaters at our door. Not really any little kids on our street any more.
    Dentist this morning, just for a check up but you never know. Hope to make cc later this afternoon, head spinning with ideas but then stuck Lol
    Sending warm hugs to you all, love Maria xx

  5. Hi All , sunshine again today, although rain later.

    Sandra love your card, I do love pattered papers, I know they are not as popular now.

    Have a good day, hugs Lilian

  6. SANDRA- I've just sent pictures of my CCs etc for this week. Can you please let me know if I've got your new EMAIL address. Thank you xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Gorgeous card Sandra love the colour's very pretty.
    Sent my CC in & picture of ATC's JANET I have posters the ATC's for you this afternoon I just hope they survive the post & havent fallen apart I did wrap it well so fingers crossed. So looking forward to receiving yours.
    Not sure where the day went this morning just vanished went to Tesco at 2oclock
    Got homeat 4 o'clock put shopping away had a cupper & here I am. CU is asleep
    I keep nodding myself. I have to have a early night as Margaret is picking me up at 6am tomorrow for NEC as it takes us about 3-4hours to get there from here. Looking forward to going but not with much funds. But will be a good day out.
    Hug's for all extra ones for Pat Pete Maria & Lilian.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry Should be posted of not posters don't know where that came from

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    A lovely card, aren't the papers beautiful, and made when you were tired. If only I could make something remotely as beautiful when I am fully awake!
    Lynda,vI hope you and Margaret had a great time at the NEC, did you manage to find any bargains? You might not be home yet but hope both journeys were/are trouble free for you x
    Sorry but my mind has gone even blanker than usual so can't remember who is doing what? X
    Technology and me are even less friends than usual. I have spent most of the day battling with the laptop, my mobile phone and the printer. Finally after saying some words that I wouldn't be able to say in front of the grands 😙 dear hubby stepped in and managed to sort out the problem. I would really miss my mobile phone if I didn't have it but at the moment while it is not working properly I would love to simply throw it out of the window! Daughter Gem has found a suitable replacement for her technology challenged old Mum bless her just need to give it the fat fingers test then will order it. Because of the problems I didn't get to craft as I had planned sadly 😖
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Lynda,vsorry just remembered you aren't go to the NEC until tomorrow. Have a great time and good luck finding some bargains. I got a great buy just before we left last year. On a stand which was near to the entrance were piles of A5ish sized plain cardboard boxes. They had a set of small dies, card bases, envelopes, sheets of card and also some packing material, all for £1. I bought two boxes with different dies in each one. Had I realised just what a bargain they were I would have got one of each different die sets, I think the girl said there were 8 different sets. The stall didn't have a name and I forgot to find it on the floor plan but if you see a stall that looks likely it may be worth you having a look. That is the only stall that isn't at either Ally Pally or Farnborough. Typical!
      Talking of Farnborough I got a flyer through the post yesterday from the Make it craft show. It is on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd February so get that date in your diaries ladies that live close enough xx
